244.61 sec. 001 - Multidistrict Litigation: The New Reality of Class Actions and Mass Torts (Fall 2024)
Instructor: Andrew David Bradt (view instructor's teaching evaluations - degree students only | profile)
Instructor: Elizabeth J Cabraser (view instructor's teaching evaluations - degree students only)
View all teaching evaluations for this course - degree students only
Units: 1
Grading Designation: Credit Only
Mode of Instruction: In-Person
Th 3:35 PM - 5:25 PM
Location: Law 170
On 2024-08-22
Th 3:35 PM - 5:25 PM
Location: Law 170
On 2024-09-05
Th 3:35 PM - 5:25 PM
Location: Law 170
On 2024-11-14
Th 3:35 PM - 5:25 PM
Location: Law 170
On 2024-10-31
Th 3:35 PM - 5:25 PM
Location: Law 170
On 2024-10-17
Th 3:35 PM - 5:25 PM
Location: Law 170
On 2024-10-03
Th 3:35 PM - 5:25 PM
Location: Law 170
On 2024-09-19
Course End: November 14, 2024
Class Number: 32551
Enrollment info:
Enrolled: 42
Waitlisted: 0
Enroll Limit: 49
As of: 01/10 02:03 PM
![Enrollment Graph (opens in a new window)](images/graph_icon.gif)
This one-unit elective will focus on one of the most important developments in modern civil practice: the emergence of Multidistrict Litigation, or MDL, as the primary mechanism for mass-tort and class-action litigation in the United States. The MDL statute, passed in 1968, provides for consolidation of cases sharing a common question of fact before a single federal district judge for pretrial proceedings, such as motion practice, discovery, class certification, settlement negotiations, and often bellwether trials, if there is jurisdiction. Currently, the biggest and most important cases in the country are consolidated into MDLs, including the litigations involving the opioid crisis, concussions in the National Football League, not to mention enormous cases involving defective products and drugs, antitrust violations, securities fraud, and consumer data breaches. All told, MDL now comprises over two-thirds of the federal civil docket: over 450,000 pending cases are currently part of an MDL. In this class, we will examine how MDL was created, how it became so prominent, and how it works in the real world. For students interested in becoming litigators in a national practice, this course will be an in-depth introduction to the world of complex litigation, as it is practiced at the highest levels.
This is an advanced course in US Civil Procedure intended for students who have already completed the basic first-year JD course in procedure. Due to the nature of the course, classes will not be recorded except as required to accommodate students with disabilities.
View teaching evaluations for this class - degree students only
Exam Notes: (P) Final paper
(Subject to change by faculty member only through the first two weeks of instruction)
Course Category: Litigation and Procedure
This course is listed in the following sub-categories:
Consumer Law & Economic Justice
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