Schedule of Classes << LL.M. Exec Track 2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025 LL.M. Exec Track 2025 >> NOTE: Course offerings change. Classes offered this semester may not be offered in future semesters. By Category: 1L Required Courses Experiential Education: -- Clinics -- Practicums -- Field Placements -- Simulation Courses Business Law Consumer Law & Economic Justice Criminal Law Environmental and Energy Law Family Law Intellectual Property and Technology Law International and Comparative Law J.S.D.-Required Classes Jurisprudence and Social Policy (JSP) LL.M.-Only Classes Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Legal Theory Litigation and Procedure Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Private Law and Theory Public Law and Policy Race and Law Social Justice and Public Interest Tax Law and Policy Work LawShow All Classes Two Year Curriculum Plan Instructor: Abrams, Kathryn Acuna, Adelina Adams, Brenda Ahmad, Azizah Alejo, Rudolph Ali, Shahira Allan, Robin Allison, James Almeling, David Alper, Ty Altholz, Roxanna Argueta Funes, Jose Atkinson, Abbye Auerbach, Alan Baker, Andrew Baldwin, Brady Barstow, David Bay, Rosa Bedsworth, Louise Berg, Cheryl Bernstein, Erin Berry, Emily Biber, Eric Biolo, Justin Bixby, Laura Boudin, Chesa Brach, Darshan Bradt, Andrew Brand, Richard Bridges, Khiara Cabraser, Elizabeth Call, Gregory Castleman, Steve Chachko, Elena Chapman, Colin Chemerinsky, Erwin Chien, Colleen Chizen, Steven Choi, Mario Clark, Cameron Clark, Paul Cohen, Joshua Cole, Adam Cole, Michelle Cotter, Nicholas Cox, Genevieve Craig, Amy Crider, Andrea Crook, Jamie Crump, Catherine Cruz, Karla Dagan, Hanoch Davis, Ryan Davis, Seth Denniston, Monica Denton, Charles Determann, Lothar Dharmapala, Dhammika DiGennaro, Diana Dibadj, Reza Djemal, Sharon Doremus, Holly Edlin, Aaron Eldar, Ofer Fakhoury, Hanni Farber, Daniel Farhang, Sean Fernholz, William Finkelstein, Jay Firstenberg, Noga Fisk, Catherine Flanery, Hannah Fletcher, Laurel Fletcher, William Fog, Paula Fong, Keith Forster, Jenna Fox, Benjamin Garcia, Norma Gardner, Cliff Gelbach, Jonah Genske, Gregory Gergen, Mark Ghafar, Michelle Glater, Jonathan Goldberg, Rose Carmen Goldstein, Rebecca Gomez, Rafael Gonzales, Stefanie Gordon, Meghan Grayson, TJ Green, Delaney Grewal, David Grinold, Kathleen Guerra, Maria Guo, Larry Haar, Rohini Habig, Jill Halloum, Joseph Khaled Haney Lopez, Ian Heiden, Bowman Hicks, Scotia Hockett, Christopher Holmquist, Kristen Hoofnagle, Chris Ibrahim, Maha Infelise, Robert Ivanhoe, Hana Ivens-Duran, Ellen Jacobs, Samantha Jacobs, Sharon Jacobs, Tilman Jaffe, Seth Jargiello, David Joslin, Courtney Kapoor, Radhika Kaur, Mallika Kelly, Alexis P. Kerr, Orin Kerwin, Helen Koenig, Alexa Kumabe, Kerry Laba, Jonathan Lakin, Judah Landrum, Sabyl Laubach, Sarah Lee, Jonathan Lehtman, Nicole Levin, Sharon Lichter, Linda Lipin, Steven Loarie, Gregory Mac Cormac Taylor, Susan Manopoulos Beitman, Milo Marek, Gina Mark, Jessica Marks, Allan McCausland, Courtney McClung, Barbara McRuer, Kaya Mendoza, Ethan Merges, Robert Minguet, Pol Mitrovich, Alec Mohamed, Saira Morales, Mallory Munoz-Darde, Veronique Nguyen Orth, Desiree Nicoletti, Brigitte Obasogie, Osagie Oetgen, Stephen Oppenheimer, David Ostrow, Jeffrey Oyama, Rebecca Pahlke, Spencer Park, Eugene Partnoy, Frank Peck, Ian Pelletier, Ted Penningroth, Dylan Phatharanavik, Melissa Plunkett Hurley, Patricia Polk, Zoe Popovic, Neil Powell, John Rahmanian, Romy Rakowski, Eric Raman, Mridula Rappaport, Matthew Rechtschaffen, Clifford Reddy, Diana Reding, Ann Reichmann, Charles Reinstra, Susan Rice, Charles Rich, Abigail Richardson, Eric Ridolfi, Laura Robert-Gordon, Alexandra Robinson, Russell Roche, Dena Roth, Andrea Saffouri, Lindsay Sandoval, Angelo Santamaria, Marc Schacht, Daniel Schallop, Michael Schechter, Sue Schmitt, Allison Schwartz, Paul Seem, Alan Sekhon, Vijay Selbin, Jeffrey Semel, Elisabeth Shea, Devan Sherwood, Jessie Shishido, Zenichi Show, Matthew Simon, Jonathan Singerman, Eric Smith-Williams, Jade Solomon, Steven Solway, Asa Soneji, Sabita Soto, Miguel Spencer, Mai Stacy, Wayne Stallman, Erik Steele, John Sterling, Adam Stover, Eric Syed, Talha Tam, Linda Taylor, Urmila Tipton, Whitney Tomlins, Christopher Trachok, Richard Trujillo, Michael Tu, Chelsea Urban, Jennifer Veit, Jeremy Waasted, Clinton Waite-Jones, Asher Wall, Daniel Wang, Sophia Washington, Gregory Weisselberg, Charles Welsh, Zachary Wertlieb, Neil Wilkinson, Sean Will, Lori Wille, Amalia Williams, Basil Wu, Margaret Wu, Michael Yi, Gloria Yoo, John Zamost, Aaron Zemelman, Mark Zwerling, Maiya Category: 1L Required Courses Business Law Clinics Consumer Law & Economic Justice Criminal Law Environmental and Energy Law Family Law Field Placements Intellectual Property and Technology Law International and Comparative Law J.S.D.-Required Classes Jurisprudence and Social Policy (JSP) LL.M.-Only Classes Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Legal Theory Litigation and Procedure Private Law and Theory Public Law and Policy Simulation Courses Social Justice and Public Interest Tax Law and Policy Work Law Course Title: Course Number: Description Keyword: Units: e.g. 3 Days of the Week ▶ Days of the Week ▼ Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Note: If you choose more than one day, all days must match. Time ▶ Time ▼ (enter times as HR:MI, eg 09:00) With starting time between: AM PM - AM PM End times between: AM PM - AM PM Mode of Instruction ▶ Mode of Instruction ▼ In-Person Remote Instruction Hybrid Exam Notes ▶ Exam Notes ▼ [?] F In-class final Exam F/P In-class final Exam or Paper: students option P Final paper T Final practice trial, arguments or other presentation (e.g. powerpoint) TH Take-home examination TH/P TH or P: students option None Class requires a series of papers, assignments, or presentations throughout the semester Requirements and Special Notes ▶ Requirements and Special Notes▼ A (Application required) C (Part-semester course) CL (Satisfies Con Law Requirement) CR (Grading is Credit/Not Pass) LE (Limited enrollment) LRLW (Satisfies Race and Law Graduation Requirement) PR (Professional Responsibility) Q (pre- or co- requisite(s)) EX (Satisfies the Experiential Requirement) W1 (Writing Requirement Option 1 course) W2 (Writing Requirement Option 2 course) W2-A (Writing Requirement Option 2 course with instructor approval)