Dear Berkeley Law Students,
This week we a feature a panel of accomplished Latino lawyers discussing their experiences working in the Bay Area tech industry, and our line-up of speakers will cover topics including cyber security, a case study in IP litigation, and technology transactions practice.
In case you missed e-News last week... BCLT is creating a resume book for BCLT sponsor law firms, and applications are now being accepted for the Law & Technology Certificate; it's easy to apply and most students qualify. See below for more information on these and more.
Finally, a reminder that the BCLT/BTLJ Law and Tech Speaker Series presentation by WhatsApp originally scheduled for January 14, has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 31.
If you have any questions about this week's content or items for inclusion in future newsletters, please email bclt@law.berkeley.edu
BCLBE Cybersecurity Speaker Series: Farella Braun + Martel
"What Do You Know About Cybersecurity?"
Monday, January 25, 2016
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
Boalt Hall, Room 132
Learn more about cyber-attacks and the liability surrounding cyber-attacks - a critical topic that young corporate attorneys will almost certainly face in their careers!
Tyler Gerking, '02, is a partner at Farella Braun + Martel LLP and has a leading practice advising clients on cyber-liability and data security. He also has a substantial commercial litigation practice focused on recovering money for individual and corporate policyholders under all types of insurance policies. Tyler's clients have included Seagate Technology, McAfee, Electronic Arts, McKesson, and Novartis. He joins us to discuss how cybersecurity plays a role in the legal practice and to reflect on his career as a successful business and technology attorney.
For more information go here>>
Co-sponsored by the Berkeley Business Law Journal and the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology. Lunch provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
BCLT/BTLJ Law & Tech Speaker Series: Cooley LLP
“Panning for Gold (or Robbing the Stagecoach):
A Case Study on the Lawyer’s Role in IP Litigation”
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
Boalt Hall, Room 105
Partner Tim Teter, from Cooley LLP, will cover the intimate details of one of his actual patent cases.
Lunch is served for students staying through the entire presentation.
Co-sponsored by the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology and the Berkeley Technology Law Journal
Latino Lawyers in Tech: Challenges and Opportunities in the Bay Area and Beyond
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Registration: 4:30 - 5:00 PM
Program and Q&A: 5:00 - 6:15 PM
Networking Reception: 6:15 - 7:15 PM
650 California St.
20th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94108
Join us for a panel discussion featuring accomplished Latino attorneys who work with, or in, the Bay Area tech industry. Panelists will discuss the challenges they have faced following law school, as well as their experiences entering and succeeding at some of the country’s most innovative technology companies. While the panel will focus on assisting law students, this event is open to any individual who is interested in supporting the diversity of the Bay Area technology bar.
Please RSVP before January 22, 2016.
This event is complimentary and intended for individuals who are members of either the SFLRLA, the HNBA, the HNBA YLD, or anyone interested in supporting diversity in the Bay Area Technology bar.
BCLT/BTLJ Law & Tech Speaker Series: Gunderson Dettmer Stough Villeneuve Franklin & Hachigian, LLP
“Representing Startups in the Technology Transaction Practice”
Thursday, January 28, 2016
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
Boalt Hall, Room 105
The technology transactions practice can be broad and varied, but many of the key issues facing start-ups today arise in the early stages of formation and initial financing. Associate Gina M. Marek, from Gunderson Dettmer Stough Villeneuve Franklin & Hachigian, LLP, will discuss common problems her clients encounter in their early days, and how to fix those problems before they derail a potential financing or acquisition.
Lunch is served for students staying through the entire presentation.
Co-sponsored by the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology and the Berkeley Technology Law Journal.
Boalt Healthcare & Biotech Law Society (BHBLS): General Meeting
Monday, February 1, 2016
12:50-1:50 PM
Boalt Hall, Room 12
BHBLS will be having our first general meeting on Monday, Febuary 1. We'll discuss plans for this semester and--to put on your radars 1Ls--leadership for next year.
Lunch, of course, will be served.
This event is co-sponsored by the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology.
BERC@Boalt Presents: A Fireside Chat with Commissioners of the California Public Utilities Commission
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Boalt Hall, Warren Room (2nd Floor)
Join BERC@Boalt in welcoming the California Public Utilities Commissioners Peterman and Randolph to a "fireside chat" at the law school! This event will give students a unique opportunity to chat informally with appointed officials in a conversation moderated by Professor Steven Weissman of the Goldman School of Public Policy. Come hear from these two incredible women and learn about their work regulating electric, gas, water, telecommunication and transportation utilities in the State of California.
Reception starts at 6:30 PM, program at 7:00 PM. Arrive early for refreshments provided by the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology.
2016 BCLT Annual Spring Career Fair
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Boalt Hall, Steinhart Courtyard (2nd Floor)
The Berkeley Center for Law & Technology (BCLT) is excited to host its 2016 Annual Spring Career Fair. Whether you're interested in applying to work with one of BCLT’s law firm sponsors or you want to make some great contacts and learn more about technology law, you do not want to miss this event. Students will receive a ticket to redeem a free Top Dog during the career fair after visiting a firm table.
Students, please bring copies of your resume.
This event is open to current Berkeley Law students and BCLT law firm sponsors. LLMs are welcome to attend but please recognize that BCLT law firm sponsors hire very few LLMs who do not have a U.S. JD.
Please RSVP by Wednesday, February 10, online »
Sponsored by the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology (BCLT), Berkeley Technology Law Journal (BTLJ), and the Berkeley Center for Law, Business & the Economy (BCLBE).
Knobbe Martens Dinner Reception
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
2700 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, CA 94704
Knobbe Martens cordially invites 1L, 2L and 3L Law Students with technical degrees or a demonstrated interest in trademark prosecution to join us for a dinner reception.
Meet with lawyers from one of the country's most prominent intellectual property law firms to learn more about our practice, our people, and why we offer an opportunity second to none to build a rewarding career in IP law.
Please RSVP to Candice Lee with a resume by February 12, 2016.
Resume Books: Collecting Resumes from Boalt Students- 1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls and LLMs
Every year, BCLT compiles resumes for 1L and 2L students who are looking for a summer job, and 3Ls who are looking for employment after graduation. We compile these resumes into separate books for 1Ls, 2Ls, and 3Ls and send them to BCLT sponsor law firms. This is another way to get your resume in front of prospective employers. This year, we will also compile LLM resumes. NOTE: please recognize that BCLT sponsor firms hire very few LLMs who do not have a U.S. JD.
Law & Technology Certificate Program
Deadline to apply: April 1, 2016, if students wish to be noted in the graduation program as having received the certificate.
Fellowship Opportunity- Singapore Management University
The School of Law at the Singapore Management University (SMU) has an opening for one Post-doctoral Research Fellow position for its Applied Research Centre for Intellectual Assets and the Law in Asia. This is a one-year position, with possible renewal for a further year.
Closing date for the receipt of applications and references is January 31, 2016.
Counsel Intern- Facebook
Facebook was built to help people connect and share, and over the last decade our tools have played a critical part in changing how people around the world communicate with one another. With over a billion people using the service and more than fifty offices around the globe, a career at Facebook offers countless ways to make an impact in a fast growing organization.
Want to spend your summer working in the legal department of a dynamic, fast-moving, innovative company? Facebook is seeking three talented law students to spend the summer helping out our legal department. The summer 2016 internship will be based out of headquarters in Menlo Park.
The structure and the assigned projects will depend on the department’s needs at the time. The work may be in one or more of the following areas:
• Corporate
• Commercial
• Product
• Privacy
• Regulatory
• Litigation
• Employment
• Current first-year law student at a nationally-accredited law school
• Strong academic records
• Exercises sound judgment and high standards of professionalism
• Exceptional interpersonal skills and ability to develop strong working relationships inside and outside Facebook
• Self-motivated, creative, resourceful, detail-oriented, highly organized
• Ability to handle sensitive information and maintain confidentiality
• Prior experience working in a high-growth or startup technology company a plus
2016 1L Summer Associate IP Litigation Position- White and Case, Silicon Valley
The Summer Associate Program at White & Case provides real client work and practice-oriented skills training. You will be part of a dynamic team where you can expect to make a difference. Our Summer Associate Program prioritizes learning through substantive hands-on work while offering ample opportunities to socialize and network with your peers and mentors. The lawyers in our Silicon Valley office work on matters involving cutting-edge technology ranging from mobile technology to on-line retail to the Internet of things and the systems that make it all possible. As a summer associate, you will have the chance to assist case teams on high-stakes litigation matters (including international litigations) for respected industry leaders and well-established multinational companies.
Qualifications & Requirements
We are seeking first-year law students with a strong interest in IP Litigation who have demonstrated high levels of academic achievement in their undergraduate and legal education. A technical undergraduate or graduate degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or Computer Engineering is required, and previous professional experience is strongly preferred. How to Apply Please send the required application materials listed below to the following contacts: Executive Office Partner, Bijal Vakil at bvakil@whitecase.com and Administrative Coordinator, Amrit Dhadli at amrit.dhadli@whitecase.com
Your current resume
A cover letter
Copies of your undergraduate/graduate/law school transcripts.
Mozilla Summer Internship
The legal department at Mozilla is looking for interns to join them for the summer, at their headquarters in Mountain View.
To apply go here>>