As part of its annual Berkeley Forum for Corporate Governance, the Berkeley Center for Law and Business hosted an academic symposium focused on ESG — which stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance — topics in business law. In partnership with the European Corporate Governance Institute, the symposium included a Best Paper Award, which includes a $10,000 prize.
More than 70 articles were submitted by scholars from all over the world, and the finalists presented their work at the forum and the symposium. The winner in the senior category is “Green Gatekeepers,” by Luca Enriques, Alessandro Romano, and Andrew Tuch. In the junior (early career) category, two articles were recognized: “Expanding Shareholder Voice: The Impact of SEC Guidance on Environmental and Social Proposals,” by Kenneth Khoo and Roberto Tallarita; and “Private Profits and Public Business,” by Aneil Kovvali and Joshua Macey.