Individual Berkeley Law Students may register to reserve time in seven student meeting rooms on the law campus. These are:
- Rooms 31 and 37 in the Student Center, may be reserved for blocks of 2 hours at a time.
- Rooms 239D and 239E on the second floor, may be reserved for blocks of 2 hours at a time, no food or drink.
- Rooms LL135, LL137, LL139, and LL163 in the Law Library may be reserved for blocks of 2 hours at a time, no food allowed in the Law Library.
- To register click the link below, log in using your Cal Net ID, enter your information and click save.
- Your registration will be reviewed and you will receive an email when your account is activated.
- Allow a minimum of 24 hours for processing.
- Instructions for use of the reservation site are here: How-To use the room system
Register here for law Student body Room Reservations: