The Sho Sato Program in Japanese and US Law is dedicated to research and education on the topic of Japanese law and Japanese-US legal relationships, as well as the historical and contemporary comparative study of the Japanese and American legal systems. The program was found by Professors Sho Sato and Sanford Kadish, and renamed in Professor Sato’s honor in 1986.
One of the principal features of the program is the Sho Sato Conference Series, which invites scholars from Japan – as well as the United States and other nations – to Berkeley to present research on common themes. Recent conferences have focused on recent changes in the Japanese legal system; tax law; family law; clinical legal education; and the emerging concepts of rights. Conference papers have been published either as symposia in leading journals or as books.
Berkeley Law often offers courses on aspects of Japanese law taught by distinguished senior professors from Japanese university law faculties. Visiting research scholars from Japan are invited to be in residence and are available to interested law students. The Program also seeks to facilitate student and faculty exchanges; numerous Berkeley Law faculty members and students have conducted research and lectured at Japanese sister institutions, such as the Universities of Tokyo, Kyoto, Waseda, Kobe, and Yamagata.
Senior advisers to the Sho Sato Program include: Professor Kahei Rokumoto, University of Tokyo (emeritus) and University of the Air, Japan; Professor Takao Tanase, University of Kyoto; and Professor Setsuo Miyazawa, Waseda University.
Faculty Director (1995-2013)

Harry N. Scheiber
Phone: 510-643-9788
Email: hscheiber@law.berkeley.edu