Past Events

Past Events at the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment

Included below is a log of past events hosted and sponsored by CLEE.

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— Past Events—


Flyer with background photo of small bridge and industrial structures over water at sunset. Includes photo of speaker headshots and partner logos, along with the event title and date, time, and location.

Climate Change Series: Choose Your Career Adventure 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

1:00 – 2:00 PM, Room 130

Join us for an exploration of the diverse career arcs of alums who have transitioned between different sectors over the course of their careers.

Our speakers:

  • Kevin Bundy – Partner, Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger LLP
  • Liwen Mah – Conservationist, The Nature Conservancy
  • Christopher Mortweet – General Counsel, Renew Home


Climate Change Series: Careers in Energy & Infrastructure

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

1:00 – 2:00 PM, Goldberg Room

Join us for the fourth event in CLEE’s 2024-25 Climate Change Speaker Series, where experts in environmental justice, land use, and housing policy will discuss how climate law and policy impact equity and sustainable development. This panel will also help you learn about some of the environmental and energy related career paths available to law graduates. This is a great chance to hear from leaders in the field and explore career options!
Our speakers:
  • Scott Zimmerman – Partner, Energy and Climate Solutions
  • Leuwam Tesfai – Deputy Executive Director, Energy and Climate Policy for the California Public Utilities Commission
  • Tahiya Sultan – Counsel, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP


Implications of the 2024 Elections on Climate Change and Environmental Law and Policy

Watch the Webinar

graphic for the webinarWednesday, December 4, 2024

12:00 – 1:00 PM, Webinar

Join Professors Dan Farber and Sharon Jacobs in a discussion of the implications of the 2024 elections on climate change and environmental law and policy. We will examine the implications of the presidential and congressional elections and what they will mean for federal activities as well as those of the states. We will also discuss strategies to maintain and protect progress.


CLEE Lunch & Learn: California’s Climate Adaptation and Resilience Landscape

Watch the Webinar

Graphic for WebinarTuesday, November 19, 2024

11:00 – 12:00 PM, Webinar

Join us for a discussion of CLEE’s new report, Bridging the Implementation Gap: Challenges and Opportunities in California’s Resilience Funding Landscape, which builds on our previous work evaluating two State funding programs. We discussed findings from a preliminary analysis of the funding landscape as well as key opportunities for the State to strategically utilize its available funds and strengthen its approach to supporting resilience. 


Energy & Environmental Career Fair

Monday, November 4, 2024

1:00 – 3:00 PM, Warren Room

Join us for CLEE’s 2024 Energy & Environmental Career Fair on Monday, November 4th from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Come visit with practitioners from private practice, the public sector, and public interest organizations to learn about various practice areas and career pathways in this wide-ranging sector! 


Understanding the Implications of Project 2025 for Energy and the Environment

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Friday, October 18, 2024 Lunch and learn flyer "Understanding the Implications of Project 2025 for Energy and the Environment"
12:oo – 1:00 PM (Pacific) 

Join us for a webinar featuring CLEE Faculty Director, Daniel Farber, and CLEE Project Climate Director, Ken Alex, as they delve into the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, which outlines plans to use the federal government as a vehicle for the transformation of American life and policy. CLEE’s distillation of the energy and environmental aspects of the report includes direct passages and in-line commentary. Alex and Farber will discuss the ideas in the report and key critiques and strategies for addressing its initiatives. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Project 2025 and its potential impact on future policy directions.


  • Ken Alex, Project Climate Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment, UC Berkeley Law School 
  • Daniel Farber, Sho Sato Professor of Law and Faculty Director of CLEE, UC Berkeley School of Law
  • Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment, UC Berkeley Law School (moderator)


Climate of Contempt: A Conversation with Professor David Spence about Partisanship and the Energy TransitionView full image of flyer

Wednesday, October 16 

2:10 – 3:25 PM, Room 140

Join us for snacks and conversation with David Spence, The Rex G. Baker Centennial Chair in Natural Resources Law Professor from the University of Texas, Austin. Professor Spence will share insights from his book, Climate of Contempt: How to Rescue the U.S. Energy Transition from Voter Partisanship (Columbia University Press, 2024). In his book, Professor Spence examines why it has been so challenging for the United States to enact climate policies. He examines this challenge from the bottom-up, offering a voter-centric perspective and arguing that partisanship is the main barrier to making progress on climate change. He argues that progress is possible and that it will require individual engagement to build a more productive dialogue.

The discussion took place during Professor Jacob’s Energy Law and Policy class period, but others are welcome and encouraged to attend! Afternoon snacks will be provided!


Climate Change Series: A Conversation on Housing and Land Use Full image of flyer

Thursday, October 10, 2024

1:00 – 2:00 PM, Room 130

The third event in CLEE’s 2024-25 Climate Change Speaker Series, where experts in environmental justice, land use, and housing policy discussed how climate law and policy impact equity and sustainable development. This panel will also help you learn about some of the environmental and energy-related career paths available to law graduates. This was a great chance to hear from leaders in the field and explore career options!

Our speakers:

  • Veronica Eady – Vice President, Equity & Justice, Resources Legacy Fund
  • Megan A. Jennings – Partner, Coblentz Patch Duffy LLP
  • Ned Resnikoff – Policy Director, California YIMBY

Toward a Global Summit on Environmental Gene Editing: Risk, Uncertainty, and Precaution in the New Genetic Era
Purple flyer with genome molecules. Event title at the top reads, "Toward a Global Summit on Environmental Gene Editing – Risk, Uncertainty, and Precaution in the New Genetic Era." Event details below.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

International House, University of California, Berkeley

This conference will discuss the regulatory needs of the rapidly developing field of gene editing for environmental purposes, particularly uses relating to climate change. Featuring panel discussions with leading experts in the field on the potential and impacts of CRISPR across legal domains, the event aims to enable a mutual exchange of expertise, approaches, and concerns about this rapidly expanding field. Ultimately, the conference aims to foster a more thorough assessment of the risks and benefits of gene editing for environmental purposes, from a holistic and ecosystem-based perspective, providing the necessary deliberative platform and scholarship momentum toward a Global Summit on Environmental Gene Editing.


Change Series: David Doniger Talk

Flyer of David Doniger TalkAgencies and Courts: What’s Next – Especially for Climate – After Loper Bright?

Monday, September 23, 2024

1:00 – 2:00 PM, Room 130

The Supreme Court has overruled Chevron v. NRDC, potentially destabilizing administrative law for years. But how different is the new approach set forth in Loper Bright v. Raimondo? David Doniger, who argued Chevron 40 years ago, co-wrote an amicus brief in Loper Bright, and represented NRDC in all the Clean Air Act climate cases considered by the Supreme Court, will discuss what has changed and what may remain the same. He’ll focus specifically on the prospects and challenges for curbing climate-changing air pollution under that law.


Fueling and Financing Electric Trucks

Thursday, September 19th, 2024

10:00 – 11:00 a.m Pacific Time

As California seeks to achieve its ambitious goal to decarbonize heavy-duty vehicles, the electric truck industry faces headwinds deploying the needed charging infrastructure and ensuring adequate financing for vehicle purchases. Join us for an in-depth discussion on progress to date, current challenges, and recommended solutions, building on the new CLEE/UCLA Law report, Fueling and Financing: Addressing the Urgent Challenges Facing Electric Heavy-Duty Vehicle Deployment. The event will feature a keynote by Dr. Steven Cliff, Executive Officer at the California Air Resources Board, followed by a panel discussion with Niki Okuk, Deputy Director of Trucks and Off-Road at CALSTART and Jacqueline Torres, Vice President of Finance, Forum Mobility.


The Global Arena for Sustainability Disclosures & Climate Transition Plans

Thursday, September 19, 2024

9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Pacific Time

UC Berkeley Faculty Club

Join us at UC Berkeley’s Faculty Cub for our upcoming half-day program which will bring together expert speakers to highlight efforts to promote interconnected sustainability disclosure standards. Those working closely with investors and preparers of these disclosures will also share insights around the evolving landscape of transition plans. The event will conclude with a networking lunch, offering a unique opportunity for participants to engage with peers and thought leaders in the field. The event will feature Dave Jones, Director of CLEE’s Climate Risk Initiative and former California Insurance Commissioner, and is held in partnership with E3G and the UC Berkeley Center for Law and Business.


Climate Change Series: Welcome to CLEEFlyer advertising Climate Change Series: Welcome to CLEE

Monday, September 16, 2024

12:30 – 2:00 PM, Room 130

Open to both J.D. and LL.M. students, this lunch session will provide an introduction to the Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment (CLEE). Students will get the chance to learn about our research programs from CLEE directors, research fellows, and law students. Students can also learn about opportunities to get involved with our work. Lunch is provided on a first come, first served basis.


Energy and Environmental Law Welcome Mixer

Thursday, September 5, 2024

6:00 – 8:00 PM, Cornerstone Craft Beer

The Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment (CLEE) is thrilled to host our Energy and Environmental (E&E) Law Welcome Mixer at Cornerstone Craft Beer! All students interested in the fields of environmental and energy law and E&E faculty are welcomed. Come join us for this informal happy hour and meet E&E student organizations, faculty, staff, other students, and our CLEE team.

Appetizers are provided and your first drink is on us!


Understanding Recent Developments in Climate Risk Disclosure

Watch the Webinar

Wednesday, July 24, 2024 Lunch & Learn: Understanding Recent Developments in Climate Risk Disclosure on a green background with our three panelists listed on the left.
12:oo – 2:30 PM (Pacific) 

In 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 261 (Stern) into law, requiring all companies doing business in the state with total revenues over $500 million to disclose climate-related financial risks. Earlier this year, the Security and Exchange Commission adopted long-awaited rules to strengthen and standardize climate risk disclosure by public companies in the United States. These rules join strong policies in the European Union and pending rules in several other jurisdictions around the world. The World Resources Institute estimates that once all pending rules are finalized, nearly 40 percent of the World’s economy will be subject to disclosure rules. In this lunch and learn, we will hear perspectives from leading experts in government, industry, and law on the current status of climate risk disclosure.


  • J.T Ho, Partner / Co-Head, Public Companies & ESG practice, Orrick
  • Katie Eulitt, Director of Global Outreach, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation
  • Dave Jones, Director, Climate Risk Initiative, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment, UC Berkeley Law School
  • Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment, UC Berkeley Law School (moderator)

Presentation slides here.


What Does the Recent Supreme Court Ruling on the Chevron Doctrine Mean for Climate and Energy Policy?

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Lunch & Learn: What Does the Recent Supreme Court Ruling on the Chevron Doctrine Mean for Climate and Energy Policy? on a blue background with our three panelists listed on the right.

Thursday, July 18, 2024
1:oo – 2:00 PM (Pacific) 

In one of its final decisions of this term, the Supreme Court voted 6-3 to overturn the Chevron Doctrine. The Chevron Doctrine, established forty years ago, stated that courts must defer to reasonable agency interpretations of ambiguous statutes. Legally, the Chevron Doctrine has been critically important and has been cited in thousands of court decisions, including seventy Supreme Court decisions. Many have written that this decision will hamper the ability for agencies to act, especially on emerging and rapidly changing issues like climate change. What will this decision mean for climate change, energy, and environmental policy in the coming years and decades? 

Please join the Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment and the Berkeley Climate Change Network to hear from two leading legal experts on what they think this decision could mean for progress on climate change, energy, and the environment.


  • Sharon Jacobs, Professor of Law, UC Berkeley School of Law

  • Daniel Farber, Sho Sato Professor of Law, UC Berkeley School of Law


  • Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment


Wildfire and Public Health: Barriers and Opportunities to State Policy Implementation

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Lunch & Learn: Wildfire and Public Health, Barriers and Opportunities to State Policy Implementation on a white background with our four panelists listed on the left.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024
12:oo – 1:00 PM (Pacific) 

Wildfire smoke presents a population-wide health risk in California with significant environmental justice implications. However, the policy landscape addressing the public health impacts of wildfire remains siloed, posing challenges to integrated policy development and implementation. Join us on Zoom on July 17th for a discussion about the wildfire and public health policy landscape, based on the findings of a scoping report conducted by CLEE and the Climate & Wildfire Institute. Report author and CLEE fellow Kasia Dahlbeck will discuss the results of the report, including key recommendations for coordinated policy action and future research. Following this presentation, Patrick Wright, Director of the California Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force, and Julia Stein, Deputy Director of the UCLA Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, will join moderator and CLEE Executive Director Louise Bedsworth in a discussion of state policy implementation on the public health impacts of wildfire, addressing key policy barriers and opportunities for building resilience and protecting the state’s public health.


  • Kasia Dahlbeck, Climate Research Fellow, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
  • Patrick Wright, Director, California Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force
  • Julia Stein, Deputy Director, UCLA Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment


  • Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment


A Map-Based Decision-making Framework for Equity in EV Charging

Wednesday, May 15, 2024UCCS "Equity in EV Charging" Event flyer with photos of three speakers, Mr. Ted Lamm, J.D., Ms. Ankita Shanbhag, and Mr. Ari Ball-Burack all from UC Berkeley.
12:00 – 1:15 PM (Pacific)
State, federal, and auto industry leaders have set ambitious targets to transition to electric vehicles over the coming decade. Governor Newsom and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) have set California on a pathway to phase out the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035. To support this transition, we will need millions of EV chargers. But where can we locate this new mobility infrastructure to the needs of priority communities, integrate with other transportation modes, and support connectivity and economic development? Local governments will play a crucial role, and they will need decision-making tools for stakeholder-informed processes. 


Understanding Wildfire Impacts in California — Far More than Acres Burned

Wednesday, April 17, 2024Flyer for the UCCS talk over a navy blue background
12:00 – 1:00 PM (Pacific)
How are wildfires impacting California, and how are those impacts evolving? This question is integral to how we respond to wildfires, yet answering it poses a significant challenge as essential data of wildfire impacts remain untracked and unreported. Join UCCS and CLEE for “Understanding Wildfire Impacts in California—Far More Than Acres Burned,” a discussion on California’s Year in Fire project and advancing a framework that uses more robust data to inform more meaningful solutions. 


Ecology Law Quarterly’s 2024 Annual Banquet

Flyer for ELQ's annual banquet. Top includes organization logos, event title, date, time, and location. Bottom includes keynote speaker name, bio, and headshot.Tuesday, April 16, 2024
5:30 – 8:30 PM (Pacific)

We welcome you to join us for the annual Ecology Law Quarterly’s Environmental Awards banquet on Tuesday, April 16th from 5:30 to 8:30 pm at the Bancroft Hotel. The annual Environmental Awards Banquet is a highlight of Berkeley Law’s energy and environmental law program and community. Ecology Law Quarterly (ELQ) is the nation’s premier student-edited law journal focusing on environmental, natural resource, and energy issues. Our Environmental Leadership Award winner this year is Julia Olson, Executive Director and founder of Our Children’s Trust, who prevailed in a landmark lawsuit against the state of Montana, in which 16 youth sued to enforce the state’s constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment. Her work is inspiring a new wave of climate litigation demanding that governments preserve the environment for future generations.


From Brussels to the Bay: EU, California, and SEC Climate Risk Disclosure Requirements

From Brussels to the Bay: EU, California, and SEC Climate Risk Disclosure Rules on a blue background with speakers Mairead McGuinness and Dave Jones shown on the left

Monday, April 15, 2024
2:30 – 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time
(with reception to follow)
UC Berkeley School of Law, Warren Room 295

Hear from Mairead McGuinness, EU Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union on the state of Sustainable Finance in the European Union. Join leading sustainable finance practitioners, experts, and stakeholders in California, including Dave Jones, Director of CLEE’s Climate Risk Initiative and former California Insurance Commissioner, for an expert discussion on some of the latest regulatory and private sector developments that aim to promote long-term sustainability in global capital markets.


Evolving Global Methane Regulations Post COP28 

Watch the Webinar

Lunch & Learn: Evolving Global Methane Regulations Post COP28 on a green background with our three panelists listed on the left.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024
12:oo – 1:00 PM (Pacific)

Given the momentum around methane policy at and since COP28, CLEE has invited Sarah Izant (CalEPA) and Xiaopu Sun (IGSD) to discuss methane at COP28, related regulatory updates and their expected impacts (eg. the methane fee in the US oil & gas sector), upcoming influx of data from satellites and better methane measurement and monitoring, and outlook for methane leading to COP29. 

Our Panelists: 

  • Sarah Izant, Deputy Secretary for Climate Policy, California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA)
  • Xiaopu Sun, Senior China Counsel, Institute For Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD)
  • Shivani Shukla, (Moderator) Climate Policy Research Fellow, Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment


Environmental & Energy Law Fall 2024 Curriculum Rollout

Flyer for Fall 2024 E&E Law Curriculum Rollout over a green background
Thursday, April 4, 2024
12:50 – 2:00 PM (Pacific)
Join the Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment in learning more about the environmental and energy law program offerings for the Fall  of 2024! Hear from E&E faculty on course and clinical offerings, research opportunities, field placements, certificates of specialization, and more.


Environmental & Energy Law Career Mixer

Wednesday, April 3, 2024logo for E&E career mixer over a landscape background
3:30 – 5:30 PM (Pacific)

CLEE hosted a casual get-together at the International House where professionals shared a quick overview of their work and migled with students over some food and drinks. We had a wide range of folks coming from Public Interest and Public Service law, sharing insights on their experiences and career path.


California & Clean Trucks: Challenges & Solutions to Deployment

Flyer for moderated discussion. Top includes organization names and logos, event title, and event description. Bottom contains event date and time, location, RSVP information, speaker names/titles/bios, and contact information.Wednesday, March 13, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 PM (Pacific)

Heavy duty vehicles are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions and a major source of toxic air pollution, which disproportionately impacts disadvantaged communities. California has set nation-leading standards to establish manufacturers’ sales, reporting requirements, and fleet obligations for zero emission heavy duty vehicles, as well as collaborating with global partners to accelerate the adoption of these vehicles. This talk discusses the implementation challenges California faces and ways to overcome them. We are grateful to Bank of America for helping to sponsor this research and the Ideas to Action Fund for sponsoring the event. Link to recording


A Lawyer’s First Impression of the New High Seas Biodiversity Treaty

Flyer for Scheiber lecture. Top includes event title, date, time, and location, as well as headshot/name/title for speaker. Bottom includes organization title and logo, description, and photo of Harry and Jane Scheiber.Tuesday, March 12, 2024
12:50 – 2:00 PM (Pacific)

Watch the Recording

Read the Lecture

We were delighted to welcome Bernard H. Oxman as our featured lecturer for the Spring 2024 Harry and Jane Scheiber Lecture in Ocean Law & Policy, a hybrid lecture and reception at Berkeley Law. Professor Oxman will explore the recently adopted, historic High Seas Treaty, also known as the agreement on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction. 

Bernard H. Oxman is the Richard A. Hausler Professor of Law at the University of Miami, where he directs the law school’s LL.M. program in maritime law. He is the only American to have been appointed judge ad hoc of both the International Court of Justice and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, and has also served as an arbitrator and counsel in international cases. Formerly co-editor in chief of the American Journal of International Law, he was recently awarded the American Society of International Law’s highest honor, the Hudson Medal.


Reframing Conservation: Ecology & Environmental JusticeFlyer advertising the ELQ Symposium. Top lists organization title, event title, and date. Bottom left provides event description and ELQ contact information. Bottom right provides agenda, location, and QR code to RSVP.

Friday, March 8, 2024
10:oo AM – 4:00 PM (Pacific)

This year’s symposium will explore the intersections between conservation and environmental justice, two areas that have traditionally been treated as separate by the mainstream U.S. environmental movement. By participating, members of our environmental community will be encouraged to rethink fundamental concepts by asking questions such as: what does it mean to “conserve” our natural resources? What is nature? And most importantly, what does it mean to do conservation in a manner that is consistent with the principles of racial, economic, and social justice?


What Could Offshore Wind Community Benefits Look Like in California? A Discussion of CBA Examples

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Flyer for Lunch & Learn. Event title, date, and time are included on the left. Panelist names, titles, and headshots are included on the right. Sponsor logos are included at the bottom.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024
12:oo – 1:00 PM (Pacific)

California’s goal of achieving 25 gigawatts of offshore wind electricity by 2045 will help the State meet its carbon neutrality target and will also have profound effects on the State’s economy and communities. Community Benefits Agreements (CBAs) are tools that can enable local communities to have a voice in the development of new projects and ensure that the state’s transition to offshore wind creates sustainable, equitable economic opportunity, and local investment. In this webinar, CLEE Executive Director Louise Bedsworth and fellow Katherine Hoff will present highlights from CLEE’s new CBA report, California Offshore Wind & Community Benefits Agreements: CBA Examples. These speakers will highlight the community benefits-related provisions in the current California offshore wind leases and explain CBA and community benefits examples from the real estate & manufacturing sectors, as well as from east coast and UK wind farm projects. Join us by Zoom on March 6th!

Our Panelists: 

  • Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE)
  • Katherine Hoff, Climate Change Research Fellow, Climate Program, CLEE
  • Ted Lamm (Moderator), Senior Research Fellow, Climate Program, CLEE


Deriving Community Benefits from Climate Investments: Gathering Inspiration from California Place-Based Programs

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List of panelists on the left half of the flyer with their headshots and the name of the event on the right side of the flyer with the date.

Thursday, December 7, 2023 
9:3o – 11:30 AM (Pacific) 

California is embarking on significant new energy infrastructure development, including in the development of offshore wind and solar, to increase its clean energy capacity and meet its climate change and clean electricity goals. As California prepares to deliver these projects, there is an opportunity to ensure that development uplifts host communities, and those nearby, through community benefits.

CLEE’s December forum will highlight and share examples of place-based, community-led collaboration and investment in California to inform developing discussions on community benefits in the context of California offshore wind and other climate projects in California. The webinar will lift up examples of community coalition building, development of community vision and priorities, and implementation and oversight through such California programs as Transformative Climate Communities (TCC), among others. 

Event Materials:



Getting to Implementation: The Status of Local Climate Action in California

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Lunch and learn flyer with event title and date on the left half on a beige background and a list of panelists with their headshots on the right half on a pink background

Tuesday, November 28, 2023
11:oo – 12:00 PM (Pacific)

California’s local governments play a pivotal role in shaping the State’s transition to a decarbonized economy. However, jurisdictions across the state have varying levels of success in implementing climate policies and programs. Join us on Zoom on November 28th to learn about the findings from a statewide survey of local government climate action conducted by CLEE, the Institute for Local Government, and Next 10. Report co-author and CLEE fellow Hanna Payne discussed the results of the survey, as well as key takeaways and policy implications. Following the presentation of survey findings, Erica Manuel, CEO & Executive Director of the Institute for Local Government, and Kristen Wraithwall, Sustainability Manager of Yolo County, joined moderator Louise Bedsworth in a discussion of local government climate action across California, including resource constraints, barriers, and opportunities to advance action across a range of policy areas.

Click here to read the report.

Our Panelists: 

  • Hanna Payne, Climate Policy Research Fellow, Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment (CLEE)
  • Erica Manuel, CEO & Executive Director, Institute for Local Government
  • Kristen Wraithwall, Sustainability Manager, Yolo County, California
  • Louise Bedsworth (Moderator), Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment (CLEE)


Climate Policy and the Inflation Reduction Act

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Flyer that says "Lunch and Learn: Climate Policy and the Inflation Reduction Act"

Monday, November 20, 2023
12:oo – 1:30 PM (Pacific)

Join us for a special lunch & learn to delve into the trajectory of climate policy after the Inflation Reduction Act. What effects has the IRA had and what do we expect down the road? How is it affecting regulatory initiatives by EPA and the states? Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the IRA’s ongoing implementation, broader impacts of the largest climate spending legislation in U.S. history, and what it means for our future. 

Our Panelists: 

Professor Daniel Farber is the Sho Sato Professor of Law and the Faculty Director of the Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment at the University of California, Berkeley. A leading authority on environmental and constitutional law, his publications have been influential in addressing the legal and policy challenges posed by climate change.


Unpacking Recent California Climate and Water Legislation

Flyer that says "Lunch & Learn Webinar Unpacking Recent California Climate and Water Legislation" with our photos of our panelists.

Watch the Webinar 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023
1:oo – 2:00 PM (Pacific) 

Join us for an informal Lunch & Learn on California’s recent climate and water legislations. We’ll discuss recent water bills, key climate legislation, and the new law on climate risk disclosure. 

Our Panelists: 

  • Louise Bedsworth (Moderator), Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment (CLEE)
  • Ethan Elkind, Director, Climate Program, CLEE
  • Dave Jones, Director, Climate Risk Initiative, CLEE
    Nell Green Nylen, Senior Research Fellow, Wheeler Water Institute, CLEE


Curriculum Rollout for Spring 2024

Watch the WebinarFlyer that says "Environmental & energy law curriculum rollout spring 2024"

Thursday, October 12, 2023
1:oo – 2:00 PM (Pacific) 

Join our Energy & Environmental faculty to learn more about environmental and energy law program offerings for Spring 2024. Hear about course and clinical offerings, research opportunities, field placements, certificates of specialization, and more!

View a copy of the presentation here.

Watch the webinar here.


Flyer with agricultural land background, with panelist headshots of Amanda Brown-Stevens and Louise Bedsworth. Includes event title, location, and sponsor logos. Text description below.Resilience Hotspots

Watch the Webinar

Wednesday, September 20, 2023
12:oo – 1:00 PM (Pacific) 

Sea levels are rising, summers are hotter, and wildfires and major floods are a regular threat. Greenbelt Alliance has identified Resilience Hotspots throughout the the Bay Area where lands and communities are at greatest risk of these climate hazards. AmandaBrown Stevens, Executive Director of Greenbelt Alliance, will be joining moderator Louise Bedsworth for our September Lunch & Learn to discuss these critical hotspots, where investing in people and leading with nature will change the trajectory of our region’s future so that people and ecosystems thrive.

Explore the interactive Hotspots map here

Wednesday, September 13-14, 2023Event flyer with ocean background and headshot of Harry Scheiber. Titled \'Development of the Law of the Sea and the Emerging Challenges: A Tribute to Harry N. Scheiber\' with event details (listed above).

The Law of the Sea Institute (LOSI) extends a warm invitation to our upcoming LOSI conference, in partnership with the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) — Development of the Law of the Sea and the Emerging Challenges: A Tribute to Harry N. Scheiber. The upcoming hybrid conference is being held to honor the lifetime achievements of Professor Harry N. Scheiber, a renowned scholar of the law of the sea, in his retirement. Professor Scheiber has been a pioneer in the field of ocean law, and his work has had a profound impact on the development of international law. It will bring together leading experts from the Law of the Sea Institute (LOSI) community and the broader ocean law, policy, and scientific communities to discuss the future of the law of the sea.


So You Want Insurance? Climate Change, Insurance Markets, and Insurance Regulation Flyer with a picture of a drought in the background and the right hand side states"Lunch & Learn: So you want insurance? Climate change, insurance markets, and insurance regulation" with the date, time, and sponsors below.

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Tuesday, August 15, 2023
12:oo – 1:00 PM (Pacific) 

Are we marching towards an uninsurance future due to climate change? Learn the latest on insurance companies’ withdrawal from markets across the United States due to climate change driven losses and what the future might hold for insurance availability and affordability. Dave also discussed what insurance regulators as well as state and federal policymakers are doing along with the debate over what insurance regulators should do to help make insurance more available.   

Flyer with headshots of panelists, titled 'The Hydrogen Highway.' Event description text below image.LUNCH & LEARN • HYBRID

The Hydrogen Highway: Fueling California’s Carbon Neutral Journey

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Wednesday, July 26, 2023
12:oo – 2:30 PM (Pacific) 

A thought-provoking conversation on hydrogen, the most basic element in the universe, and explore its potential within the context of California’s ambitious goal of carbon neutrality by 2045. We’ll be shedding light on the role of hydrogen in the state’s journey towards a just and equitable energy transition. 


  • Roxana Bekemohammadi, Founder & Executive Director, US Hydrogen Alliance
  • Tyson Eckerle, Senior Advisor for Clean Infrastructure & Mobility, California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz)
  • Jared Johnson, Senior Counsel, Chevron New Energies
  • Sasan Saadat, Senior Research and Policy Analyst, Earthjustice


Event flyer for CLEE Methane Lunch & Learn with panelist headshots, event title, sponsor logos, and date and time. All event details are written below the photo.Hunting an Invisible Super-Pollutant: Strategies to Spot and Eliminate Methane Emissions

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Tuesday, July 18th, 2023
12:00 – 1:00 PM (Pacific)

Methane is a powerful but invisible planet-heating gas that accounts for about one-third of Earth’s warming to date. By cutting methane emissions now, humans can rapidly reduce the rate of global warming, buying time as we lower carbon emissions in the long term. While there are many readily available—and highly profitable—ways to tackle these emissions, finding methane in the first place can be a serious challenge. 

Our June Lunch & Learn will bring together Deanna Haines, Jorn Dinh Herner, and Francesca Hopkins, three leading methane detection experts who work to see the unseen. They will share lessons and outline how cutting methane can bring about a more stable climate and livable future.


  • Deanna Haines, Senior Director, Honeywell
  • Jorn Dinh Herner, Administration & Emissions, Mitigation Branch Chief, California Air Resources Board
  • Francesca Hopkins, Assistant Professor of Climate Change & Sustainability, University of California, Riverside


  • Gil Damon, Research Fellow, Project Climate, Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment


Event flyer. Description is both in the flyer and included in the text below.

Learning from GrizzlyCorps

Watch the Webinar

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023
12:00 – 1:00 PM (Pacific Time)

GrizzlyCorps is an AmeriCorps program that places fellows in rural communities to support wildfire resilience and regenerative agricultural practices to strengthen climate and community resilience. This Lunch and Learn will share more information about the State’s approach to service to support climate action, the design and impact of GrizzlyCorps, and the experience from a GrizzlyCorps fellow.


Josh Fryday, Chief Service Officer, California Volunteers

Eliza Munger, Program Manager, GrizzlyCorps, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment

Karen Lopez, GrizzlyCorps Fellow


Ken Alex, Director, Project Climate, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment

Event flyer. Description is text-based below.


How California Can Improve Water Right Curtailment to Better Manage Water Scarcity

Watch the Webinar

Thursday, June 15th, 2023 12:00 – 1:00 PM (Pacific Time)
Room 100, Legislative Office Building, 1020 N. Street, Sacramento  

Droughts are becoming more frequent and intense in California, and many watersheds experience seasonal water scarcity nearly every year. To protect water rights, human health and safety, and the environment from serious harm, California’s State Water Resources Control Board needs to be able to routinely curtail unlawful water uses. However, the agency has struggled to carry out this basic function, running into resource constraints and technical, legal, and political barriers. In our April report, Managing Water Scarcity: A Framework for Fair and Effective Water Right Curtailment in California, CLEE described the legal context for and history of curtailments in California and recommended concrete actions the State Water Board and Legislature can take to build a framework for fair and effective curtailment in California. The Legislature is considering bills that partially address some of our recommendations, but our research suggests more comprehensive action is needed, and soon.  

Join two of the report’s authors in Sacramento for a free lunchtime policy briefing and Q&A on this important topic. Register by Tuesday, June 13 to reserve your lunch, or register for the new webinar option.


Nell Green Nylen, Senior Research Fellow, Wheeler Water Institute at CLEE

Dave Owen, Professor of Law, UC College of the Law, San Francisco


Lunch & Learn: Offshore Wind
Watch the Webinar

March 23rd, 2023  12:00 – 1:00 PM (Pacific)

Join CLEE and three panelists to discuss perspectives on the December auction, what happens next, and how California can achieve its renewable energy goals while uplifting communities and protecting the environment.



Ecology Law Quarterly’s 2023 Annual Banquet

The annual Environmental Awards Banquet is a highlight of Berkeley Law’s energy and environmental law program and community, bringing together students, alumni, faculty, and other community members.

Ecology Law Quarterly (ELQ) is the nation’s premier student-edited law journal focusing on environmental, natural resource, and energy issues. Since its founding in 1970, ELQ has been the recipient of multiple awards, and continues to be one of the most-cited journals in the field.


Lunch & Learn: Advancing Equity in Electric Vehicle StrategiesAdvancing Equity in Electric Vehicle Strategies flyer. Includes headshots of panelists, location information, and partner logos.

Watch the Webinar

February 15, 2023  12:00 – 1:00 PM (Pacific)

As California moves toward 100 percent zero-emission vehicle sales by 2035, government and industry leaders need to ensure that all Californians have access to vehicles and infrastructure. Strategically planning electric vehicle charging investments to support lower-income and underserved communities will be particularly crucial to this effort. Join CLEE and three leaders with perspectives on state, local, and private solutions to this urgent priority. We will also discuss CLEE’s new initiative focused on developing equitable, local EV infrastructure strategies. 

  • Gia Vacin, Deputy Director of ZEV, GO-Biz
  • Michael Randolph, Transportation Planner, City of Oakland
  • Tiya Gordon, Co-Founder and COO, it’s electric
  • Ted Lamm, Senior Research Fellow, CLEE (moderator)


Policy Solutions to Accelerate Livestock Methane Emissions Reduction in California

November 10th, 2022 1:00 – 2:00 PM

Watch the Webinar

– Roberta Franco, Senior Environmental Scientist (Methane Reduction Programs), California Department of Food and Agriculture

– Ermias Kebreab, Associate Dean, College of Ag. & Env. Sciences; Director, World Food Centers; UC Davis
– Albert Straus, CEO/Founder, Straus Family Creamery

– Ted Lamm, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment

Co-hosted by UCLA Law’s Emmett Institute on Climate Change & the Environment


Sustainable Aviation in California 

November 7th, 2022 9AM- 10AM

Watch the Webinar

CLEE will host a webinar about pathways for sustainable aviation in California, drawing on findings from CLEE’s recent report, “Clean Takeoff: Policy Solutions to Promote Sustainable Aviation Fuel in California.”

Dan Adler, California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank
Nikita Pavlenko, The International Council on Clean Transportation
Erin Cooke, San Francisco International Airport.



Regulatory Cookbook or Negotiation Cage Match?: A water quality case study of environmental law implementation

November 2nd, 2022 12:30PM – 1:30PM

Watch the Webinar

Join experts Sejal Choksi-Chugh (San Francisco Baykeeper), Dave Smith (recently retired from US EPA), and Dave Owen (University of California, Hastings College of the Law) as they explore the critical roles negotiation plays in regulating water and environmental quality. They will explain how the often-negotiated realities of water permitting and enforcement differ from what you learned in law school or in other environmental education, and how the emphasis on negotiation creates important opportunities for creativity along with major challenges.

Michael Kiparsky, Wheeler Water Institute Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment




Climate Change and the Oceans: An Existential Challenge for International Law

October 17th, 2022 12:45-2pm in Pacific Time

Watch the Webinar



A Clean Water Act Time Machine: Reflections by a Key Legislative Staffer on the Act at 50

October 12th, 2022 12-1pm in Pacific Time

Watch the Webinar

For the past 50 years, the Clean Water Act has been one of the nation’s most consequential environmental laws. The Clean Water Act fundamentally reoriented the regulatory approach to water pollution control and the fact that the nation’s waters are now cleaner, supporting much healthier ecosystems is a testament to its effectiveness. For the Act’s 50th Anniversary, CLEE presents a discussion between Tom Jorling, one of the key legislative aides responsible for the Act’s structure and passage, and Dave Owen, UC Hastings Professor of Law and a leading water and environmental law scholar. We will learn about how the Act passed, what its drafters anticipated, how it has and has not lived up to its potential. We will also discuss key legal issues for the Act’s future. Join us on October 12 for a unique interaction between historical perspective and current scholarship.

Dave Owen, Professor of Law, UC Hastings
Tom Jorling, former Minority Counsel to the US Senate Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution; former Assistant Administrator of US EPA
Michael Kiparsky, Water Program Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
Special Thanks to Our CLEE Partners:
Hanson Bridgett LLP
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati LLP


Offshore Wind in California

October 6th, 2022 1-2pm in Pacific Time

Watch the Webinar

California’s offshore wind planning goals represent the most ambitious of any state in the country and recent state legislative commitments and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) provide much-needed measures of support. Amidst this changing and exciting landscape, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has committed to moving forward with California offshore wind lease auctions this fall. Learn more about California offshore wind’s possibilities and challenges from a panel of experts on October 6th. 

Holly Wyer, Senior Environmental Scientist
California Coastal Commission
Amanda Cousart, Environmental Scientist, California Coastal Commission
Wolf Pohl, Partner Orrick, Renewables Tax
Sarah Xu, Policy Associate, Brightline Defense
Julia Zuckerman, Head of External Affairs, West Region Clearway Energy Group
Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
Special Thanks to Our CLEE Partners:
Hanson Bridgett LLP
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati LLP


Discussing the Inflation Reduction Act

September 26th, 2022 1-2pm in Pacific Time

Watch the Webinar

Lunch and Learn Flyer

In less than a year, Congress passed three statutes with about a half-trillion dollars in funding for clean energy: the infrastructure bill, the CHIPS act, and IRA. They add up to a comprehensive strategy for the energy transition — covering the full cycle of technology development from lab bench to deployment at a national scale while encompassing the entire energy ecosystem from generation to end use. These laws will supercharge efforts to accelerate climate initiatives in California and nationally.
The IRA in particular provides a wide range of subsidies fo clean energy development and deployment, and decarbonization efforts. This approach has the potential to not just kick-start technological advancements and cost reductions for clean energy, but also to advance future political and policy efforts toward decarbonization.
Daniel Farber, Faculty Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment, Sho Shato Professor of Law, Berkeley Law
Eric Biber, Edward C. Halbach Jr., Professor of Law, Berkeley Law
Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
Special Thanks to Our CLEE Partners:
Hanson Bridgett LLP
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati LLP


California’s New Climate Bills and the Fulfillment of its Climate Ambitions

September 14th, 2022 12-1pm in Pacific Time

Watch the Webinar

FLYER Establishing a policy of 100% renewable electricity and state carbon neutrality by 2045. Requiring a 3,200-foot buffer zone for oil and gas production. Setting rules for carbon capture and sequestration and banning the use of captured carbon for enhanced oil recovery. Keeping the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant open. The California legislature’s recent passage of several ambitious climate bills represents some of the most important sub-national moves for climate to date. Learn more about their implications and ask questions of CLEE climate policy experts.

Ken Alex, Project Climate Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
Ted Lamm, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment

Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment

Special Thanks to Our CLEE Partners:
Hanson Bridgett LLP
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati LLP


Protecting the Coyote Valley through Strategic Conservation, Land Use and Climate Policy Approaches

July 26, 2022 1-2pm in Pacific Time

Flyer for Protecting the Coyote Valley through Strategic Conservation, Land Use and Climate Policy Approaches

Watch the Webinar

Andrea and Marc will discuss the precedent-setting multi-year collaboration among a host of local partners – with State support – that resulted in protection of community-serving natural infrastructure in Coyote Valley, just south of urban San José.

They will outline the science-based documentation of the nature-based climate solutions this multi-benefit landscape provides, the vocal community support calling for its protection, the bold political leadership, the creative public/private financing and the weaving-together of all these elements that successfully reversed decades of development momentum. They will also discuss how Coyote Valley is modeling the state’s 30 x 30 initiative and innovative planning efforts underway for Coyote Valley’s future.


  • Andrea Mackenzie – General Manager, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority
  • Marc Landgraf – External Affairs Manager, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority


  • Louise Bedsworth – Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment

Making Heat Pumps Accessible & Affordable to Decarbonize Buildings

July 19, 2022 1-2pm in Pacific Time

Watch the Webinar

This webinar will discuss the report’s findings around policies to accelerate heat pump deployment in California, best practices for ensuring equitable heat pump installations in existing buildings, and strategies to support a trained workforce of heat pump champions. Heat pumps are arguably the most important technology in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the built environment, and can provide space heating and cooling as well as water heating.

The report builds off of the 2021 report Building toward Decarbonization by taking a deeper dive into what barriers prevent consumers from purchasing heat pump technologies to replace gas furnaces and water heaters. Convening participants raised issues such as strained electrical infrastructure, limited financing models, and lack of consumer education as priority challenges stifling the rapid scaling of this important clean energy solution.


  • Commissioner Andrew McAllister – California Energy Commission
  • Chelsea Kirk – Strategic Actions for a Just Economy
  • Jose Torres – Building Decarbonization Coalition


  • Ethan Elkind – Center for Law, Energy & the Environment

Hosted in collaboration with UCLA Law’s Emmett Institute

Flyer describing event; same details as web page but includes portrait headshots of speakers and moderator of event; links to Zoom Webinar registration pageLunch & Learn: The Future of Climate Policy after West Virginia v. EPA

July 06, 2022 1-2pm in Pacific Time

Watch the Webinar

The Supreme Court’s recent decision in West Virginia v. EPA has significant implications for federal climate change efforts, environmental regulation, and the power of federal agencies. Join CLEE and Berkeley Law environmental and energy faculty for a discussion of what the Court said, the immediate impacts of the ruling, and where U.S. climate policy goes from here.

Daniel Farber – Sho Sato Professor of Law; Faculty Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment; University of California, Berkeley
Sharon Jacobs – Professor of Law; University of California, Berkeley

Ted Lamm – Senior Research Fellow, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment

Special thanks to our CLEE Partners:
Hanson Bridgett LLP
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati LLP

Accelerating Lessons Learned from State-Level Climate and Environmental Policies for U.S. Climate Action

June 09, 2022 3-4:30pm in Eastern Daylight Time

In recent years, traditional leadership roles for addressing environmental and climatic changes have shifted. While international fora and processes remain crucial for advancing national and federal-level climate action, sub-national actors have transformed and piloted new response approaches. In the United States, state-level efforts in California, Washington, and Oregon provide valuable lessons in how to develop long-term, economy-wide emission reduction plans, craft effective market-based programs, and encourage investments in equitable, integrated climate mitigation and resilience. U.S. states have always been an important environmental partner to the federal government. Today, the federal government has an opportunity to harness the lessons and progress of state-level action to advance national climate and environmental action.

Join the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program and the University of California, Berkeley’s Center for Law, Energy & the Environment for a discussion with experts who are driving the development and implementation of these policies for a practical discussion on what works, what gaps in learning remain, and how to apply these lessons learned to guide federal climate policy development.

Transport Decarbonisation Alliance Annual Meeting

June 6th-9th, 2022

The Transport Decarbonisation Alliance (TDA) is a unique international collaboration to accelerate the worldwide transformation to net-zero-emission mobility before 2050. UC Berkeley Center for Law, Energy and the Environment (CLEE) along with the California Air Resources Board organized and executed the TDA annual meeting (June 6 – June 9, 2022). This event brought together researchers, policymakers, innovators, manufacturers, and financiers, featured site visits to zero-emission vehicle demonstration projects in Southern California, a visit to the California Air Resources Board’s cutting-edge state laboratory, and participation in CALSTART’s ‘Zero-Emission Truck Showcase + Ride and Drive’ event. The meeting focused on multi-national, national, subnational, and local transportation decarbonization initiatives and opportunities for coordination. The meeting also featured opportunities to plan TDA activities for the coming year, including for COP 27 in Egypt and other member events and research around topics like infrastructure investments and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles.

You can find more details on the event and pictures on the TDA website.

Accelerating Equity in Electric Vehicle Adoption

May 24, 2022 1-2pm in Pacific Time

Watch the webinar

California leads the nation in electric vehicle adoption, a critical component of the state’s climate and air quality goals. Now, state policymakers have set an ambitious target of 100% new EV sales by 2035. Ensuring equity in this EV transition will be vital to its success. While state leaders have developed a number of programs to support EV adoption by lower-income Californians, barriers such as high purchase prices, a lack of used vehicles, and limited public charging remain.

A new report from CLEE and UCLA’s Emmett Institute on Climate Change on the Environment, Driving Equity, details policy solutions to overcome these barriers. Join CLEE and Emmett on Tuesday, May 24 at 1:00 PT for a public webinar to discuss the report findings and hear from a panel of leaders in the EV transition:

  • Jessie Denver, Senior Manager – Transportation Electrification, East Bay Community Energy
  • Paul Francis, CEO and Co-Founder, KIGT
  • Patty Monahan, Commissioner, California Energy Commission

Ethan Elkind, Climate Program Director, CLEE


What Would a Food System Guided by Human Values Look Like?

May 10, 2022 1-2pm in Pacific Time

The most progressive, aspirational models used to introduce great change in our food systems have typically been framed by certifications. As consumers become increasingly concerned with diversity, equity and inclusion, worker welfare, and positive environmental benefits, they discover that certifications offer limited support. Can they, through our purchases, better support their values and contribute to the world they want to see?




Wildfire Treatments & Waste Biomass: Policy Options to Boost New End Uses

May 9th, 2022 4-5pm in Pacific Time

In response to California’s devastating wildfires over the past several years, government and private landowners are removing more debris and residual material from forested areas, such as removing dead trees and creating fire breaks. This vegetation management is one component of a broader forest and wildfire management strategy. However, when land managers complete these actions, they must remove and dispose of residual waste material in a responsible manner to avoid allowing it to burn or too much of it to decompose in the forest, with the attendant carbon emissions and air pollution. Currently, land managers have little financial incentive to remove the material, often leaving debris on the forest floor.

One strategy to improve vegetation management outcomes is to support markets for this residual material through wood products, chips and mulch, or other end uses. CLEE’s new policy report “Branching Out: Waste Biomass Policies to Promote Wildfire Resilience and Emission Reduction” explores market options—and key policy steps and limitations—for existing and expected debris materials generated as a result of increased vegetation management activity in California.

CLEE will host a public webinar on Monday, May 9 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm Pacific Time to discuss report findings and hear from a panel of experts who will share their insights on the problem and potential solutions.

  • Jessica Morse, Deputy Secretary, California Natural Resources Agency
  • Phil Saksa, Ph.D., Co-founder & Chief Scientist, Blue Forest

Ecology Law Quarterly (ELQ) 50th Anniversary Celebration and Environmental Leadership Awards Banquet

April 22, 2022 5:30 pm in Pacific Time

The annual Environmental Awards Banquet is a highlight of Berkeley Law’s energy and environmental law program and community, bringing together students, alumni, and faculty. This recent Banquet celebrated the Ecology Law Quarterly’s (ELQ) 50th anniversary (albeit a year late).

ELQ is the nation’s premier student-edited law journal focusing on environmental, natural resource, and energy issues. Since its founding in 1970, ELQ has been the recipient of multiple awards, and continues to be one of the most-cited journals in the field.

The Banquet featured the renowned Dr. Robert Bullard, the recipient of this year’s ELQ Environmental Leadership Award. Dr. Bullard is the author of 18 books chronicling the economic, social, and environmental injustices facing marginalized and vulnerable communities, and strategies for encouraging equitable treatment for all people. Not surprisingly, Dr. Bullard is known as the “father” of the environmental justice movement.

Fall 2022 E&E Curriculum Rollout

April 12, 2022 12:50 PM in Pacific Time

Every semester, the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE) hosts a curriculum rollout to help prospective Environmental & Energy Law students register for classes. During this event, available professors will speak on their course offerings for the upcoming Fall semester along with information regarding Certificate requirements and research opportunities.

Students will be able to ask questions to professors and CLEE staff via a moderated Q&A function. Join us in learning about what Berkeley’s Environmental & Energy Law programs have to offer!




No Time to Waste: Governing Cobalt Amid the Energy Transition

April 6, 2022 12:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

A global transition toward electromobility will require a huge scale-up in production of the mineral components of EV batteries. This growth in demand can generate economic opportunities for countries rich in these minerals. Past mineral booms have often failed to translate into positive development outcomes, and instead can exacerbate corruption and harm communities close to mine sites.

Cobalt lies at the center of the global race for battery minerals, and the governance of its extraction has huge implications for the lives of people in the Democratic Republic of Congo and other low-income countries, and for the global effort to combat climate change. This webinar will present the findings of new research on key policy choices facing cobalt producing countries, and how governments and the international community can support better cobalt governance.

Patrick Heller, Chief Program Officer at the Natural Resource Governance Institute and Senior Visiting Fellow at CLEE
Roger Vutsoro, Democratic Republic of Congo Country Manager at the Natural Resource Governance Institute

Ted Lamm, Senior Climate Research Fellow at CLEE

Thank you to our partners for the Lunch & Learn series:
Hanson Bridgett LLP and Orrick LLP

The Law of the Sea and Democracy by Tom Ginsburg

March 10, 2022 12:45 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Lecture flyer

The law of the sea is not an area of international law that one associates with democracy. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is one of the worlds most broadly acceded-to and effective treaties, incorporating all kinds of states. The central cleavages among these states—coastal vs. maritime powers, developing countries vs. industrialized nations, landlocked vs. those with access to the seas—have only coincidental links with the global division of democracy and dictatorship. Yet, this lecture will argue, the law of the sea has surprising connections with democracy, in that democratic states are enthusiastic users of the UNCLOS system. Furthermore, the oceans, so long thought of as a zone free of national jurisdiction, are increasingly an arena for domestic struggles within democratic countries. The availability of the seas as a space for democratic contestation is shaped by the institutional structures of UNCLOS.

Tom Ginsburg

Tom Ginsburg is the Leo Spitz Professor of International Law at the University of Chicago, where he also holds an appointment in the Political Science Department. He is a Research Professor at the American Bar Foundation. He holds B.A., J.D. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California at Berkeley, and currently co-directs the Comparative Constitutions Project, an NSF-funded data set cataloging the world’s constitutions since 1789, that runs the award-winning Constitute website. Finally, he is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.


Reversing Trump’s Environmental Rollbacks: One Year Later

Feb 28, 2022 01:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

In 2020, CLEE tracked over 200 environmental policy rollbacks completed by the Trump administration and proposed strategies to reverse them. One year into the Biden administration, we’re working with Grist to track the reversal effort. Join us for a discussion of the new administration’s progress from both legal and journalistic perspectives.

– Clayton Aldern, Senior Data Reporter, Grist
– Clara Barnosky, JD Candidate (’22), UC Berkeley School of Law
– Dan Farber, Sho Sato Professor of Law, UC Berkeley School of Law

Ted Lamm, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment

Partnered with Hanson Bridgett LLP and Orrick LLP


Getting Back on Track: Analyzing Transit Project Costs and Delays
January 27, 2022 10:00 AM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Expanding public rail transit will be essential to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, but in California (and throughout the US) these infrastructure projects often suffer from cost overruns and delays that slow deployment and erode public trust. CLEE’s new report Getting Back on Track analyzes the root causes of these overruns and delays and identifies a set of policy solutions–from new interagency coordination models to improved contracting structures–to overcome the barriers.

Join CLEE’s Ethan Elkind, Katie Segal, and Ted Lamm for a public webinar on Thursday January 27 at 10:00am Pacific to learn more about the report findings and hear from a panel of three California transit experts who will share their insights on local and state rail transit programs and the path toward more rapid investment:

– Hasan Ikhrata (Executive Director of SANDAG)
– Brian Kelly (CEO of the California High-Speed Rail Authority)
– Therese McMillan (Executive Director of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission)

Co-sponsored by The University of California Institute of Transportation Studies (UC ITS)


Putting Water in the Grounddigital flyer of event with same info as description

Tuesday, January 11, 2022
11:30 am12:30 pm

As climate change intensifies water stress, groundwater is becoming increasingly important. So is groundwater law. Most groundwater law focuses on protecting groundwater from pollution and on regulating groundwater extractions. But the processes that put groundwater into the ground are subject to pervasive human influence, which makes the laws that govern groundwater recharge significant. This talk by UC Hastings’ Dave Owen will focus on research at the frontier of groundwater recharge law. Owen will talk about CLEE’s ongoing efforts and some of his own work.


Infrastructure Week, Climate Century

Thursday, December 2
11:30am -12:30pm PT

The bipartisan infrastructure bill that President Biden just signed into law will facilitate historic investments in our nation’s basic infrastructure, including roads, trains, bridges, and ports. But what about the new law’s impact on California’s climate program? What are some of the most impactful provisions in terms of bolstering the state’s effort to adapt to a changing climate and reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Join our CLEE lunch & learn to hear our experts weigh in.


COP26: Climate, California, and China

Tuesday, November 9
1-2 PM PT

World leaders are currently in the midst of the 26th UN climate change conference in Glasgow. Join us next week for exclusive analysis of what’s happened so far and the implications for California and China. We’ll hear from CLEE Program Directors Ken Alex and Fan Dai, followed by an opportunity for questions and discussion.

Spring 2022 E&E Curriculum Rollout

Tuesday, November 2
Steinhart Courtyard/170 Koret ILC
12:20 PM – 2:00 PM

Please join us for our semesterly curriculum rollout! Environmental & Energy faculty and staff will discuss the courses and research planned for Spring 2022, including:

– An overview of each environmental and energy law course offered in the spring
– Details on clinical, field placement, and research opportunities
– Information on the environmental & energy law certificates programs

Come with your questions about course planning and other curricular, research, and professional development options. 

Lunch & Learn: Grassroots Organizing & Climate Justice

Thursday, September 16
1-2 PM PT

How a grassroots movement saved humanity from climate change – and other stories from the future. A conversation about the role of under-resourced and overburdened communities as the architects and organizers of a just and sustainable world. Join us for a lunch & learn  about grassroots organizing and climate justice with Sekita Grant of the Solutions Project.

CLEE New Student Orientation 

Tuesday, August 31
1-2 PM PM
 Join the environmental and energy law student organizations and CLEE for a discussion of the various ways to get involved in the E&E community:
  • An overview of the environmental and energy law program at Berkeley Law
  • Details on each environmental and energy law student organization
  • Information about how to get involved with the Environmental Law Clinic (ELC) or the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE)

Come with questions on extra curricular, research, and professional development opportunities at Berkeley Law!

Lunch & Learn: The Future of Offshore Wind in California

Wednesday, August 25
1-2 PM PT

Offshore wind could become an essential piece of California’s renewable energy puzzle while delivering on multiple statewide goals. With recent announcements from the Biden Administration and the State of California that advance offshore wind, the state now faces a host of challenges and opportunities in developing this new-to-California industry. Join us next week for a lunchtime conversation about the path forward for offshore wind in California. This webinar is intended to expand the conversation about California OSW, both for those who are intimately involved in the process and those who are brand-new to thinking about OSW.

Panelists include:
Executive Director, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations; Principal, West Coast Fisheries Consultants; Member, Highly Migratory Species Advisory Subpanel, The Pacific Fishery Management Council
Director, Offshore Wind Program, American Clean Power; Director, CEA Consulting
Director, Marine Conservation Program, Environmental Defense Center
Senior Climate Change Program Manager, California Ocean Protection Council 

Lunch & Learn: Building Decarbonization & the City of Berkeley’s Landmark Natural Gas Ban

Wednesday, July 28
1-2 PM PT

Transitioning buildings from natural gas to clean electricity, such as through heating and cooling systems, water heaters, and cooking equipment, will be key to reaching California’s emissions reductions goals. The City of Berkeley has taken a lead on this issue by banning natural gas hookups in new low-rise construction. Earlier this month, the ban survived a challenge in federal court, although opponents are planning to appeal the decision. At our next Lunch & Learn, join us to discuss the path to building decarbonization in California. Panelists will include Berkeley City Councilwoman Kate Harrison, who sponsored the bill, Denise Grab of the Rocky Mountain Institute, and Ethan Elkind of CLEE.


You can access Councilmember Harrison’s slideshow presentation here.

Financing Nature-Based Climate Action

Wednesday, June 16
10:00 am PT

Join CLEE and an expert panel for insights on policy strategies to support investment in nature-based climate solutions and other findings from our new report, Seeding CapitalHear from:

  • Newsha Ajami – Director of Urban Water Policy and Senior Research Scholar at Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
  • Amanda Hansen – Deputy Secretary for Climate Change at the California Natural Resources Agency
  • Zach Knight – CEO and Co-Founder of Blue Forest Conservation

Sustainable Transportation and Smart Cities

Wednesday, May 26
10:00 am PT

This session considers the role of digital technology in creating sustainable and low-emission mobility. Focusing on the energy and environmental aspects of urban transportation, panelists will discuss trends and dynamics of shared mobility and automation that are predicted to impact the future of transportation systems in California and Europe. With Susan Shaheen (Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, co-director of the Transportation Sustainability Research Center and Innovative Mobility Research Lab, UC Berkeley); Guenter Emberger (Head of the Institute of Transportation / Research Center for Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering at TU Wien); and Alexander Keimer (Postdoctoral Researcher, UC Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies).

Presented in partnership with the Office of Science and Technology Austria (OSTA), Washington DC, and the Austria Centers of North America. Co-sponsored by the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment, Berkeley Law

Lunch & Learn: Engineered Carbon Capture

Tuesday, May 25
12:30-1:30 PM PT

Join us for a lunchtime discussion about carbon capture and sequestration. The expert panel will explore challenges facing this new technology and how it might aid California’s ambitious Low Carbon Fuel Standard. We’ll be joined by Julie Cress of Baker Botts, Ethan Elkind of CLEE, and Uduak-Joe Ntuk of the California Geologic Energy Management Division. 


Thank you to our partners Baker Botts and Hanson Bridgett for making this event possible. 

Sustainability and Renewable Energy in the Alps

Thursday, April 29
10:00 am – 11:00 am PT

Spanning eight countries, the Alps are widely recognized as one of the world’s most iconic, idyllic destinations. Less known is their important role as a source of clean power for Europe throughout the twentieth century. In this session, Professor Marc Landry (University of New Orleans) joins Prof. Patrick Kupper (University of Innsbruck) and Anna-Katharina von Krauland (PhD Candidate, Stanford University) to discuss the Alps as a historical case study for renewable energy production, and the lessons these mountains hold for a sustainable future.

Presented in partnership with the Office of Science and Technology Austria (OSTA), Washington DC, and the Austria Centers of North America

Lunch & Learn: The Future of Plastic

Tuesday, May 5
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm PT
At our next CLEE Lunch & Learn, join us for an in-depth look at the need to phase out PFAS and innovative ways to transition away from plastic dependency. Hear from Milieu Law & Policy Consulting founder Gretta Goldenman and Project Climate Director Ken Alex.
Thank you to our Partners Baker Botts and Hanson Bridgett for making this event possible.

Lunch & Learn: Advancing Climate Frontlines in the Global South

Thursday, April 15
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm PT
We’re excited to be joined by Colette Pichon Battle, founder and executive director of The Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy (GCCLP). Her organization works with communities along the Gulf of Mexico that are on the frontlines of climate change.

ELQ/CLEE Wildfire Symposium 

Friday, April 16
11:00 am – 3:45 pm PT
Join Ecology Law Quarterly and the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment for a symposium focused on the most pressing legal issues around wildfires. The Symposium will feature five 45-minute panels to discuss prescribed burns, air pollution, homeowner’s insurance, wildfire’s essential workers, and federal public land management, each one starting on the hour beginning at 11:00 am PT. We’re aiming to create more dynamic panels by incorporating both active practitioners and academics who work in the space. MCLE credit is available for attendees.

Berkeley Law Environmental Awards Banquet

Friday, April 16
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm PT
Join us (virtually) for Berkeley Law’s annual celebration of environmental law and policy leadership. We will be featuring a keynote address from Abigail Dillen (Berkeley Law ’00). A former ELQer herself, Abbie is the President of Earthjustice and a passionate activist involved in groundbreaking environmental litigation. This year, we are also offering a (virtual) Wildfire Law Symposium the same day as our banquet.

Data for Grid Decarbonization

Wednesday, April 7
10:00 am – 11:00 am PT

California’s electricity infrastructure is entering a period of profound change, with state leaders striving for carbon neutrality by 2045 amid increasingly severe heat waves and wildfires that threaten grid resiliency. Developers are introducing a range of flexible grid technologies to meet these challenges that rely on abundant energy data that can maximize the flexible use of diverse energy resources. CLEE and UCLA Law’s Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment recently released Data Access for a Decarbonized Grid, a report detailing the challenges facing optimal energy data access and a set of high-priority solutions. Join us for an upcoming webinar to further explore these findings and solutions.


Recalculating the Social Cost of Carbon

Tuesday, March 16
1:00-2:00 pm PT
Join us for a conversation with David Anthoff, Professor with UC Berkeley’s renowned Energy & Resources Group, about his recent research on how to recalculate the social cost of carbon (SCC). Published last month in Nature, Anthoff was part of a team that laid out a roadmap for the Biden Administration to set an SCC in a way that is both scientifically rigorous and transparent; as well as specific suggestions for the interagency working to consider, including updating the damage functions and incorporating the inequitable effects of climate change. Berkeley Law Professor and CLEE Faculty Director Dan Farber will moderate the hour-long exploration of this pivotal and timely topic.

Setting Priorities for Building Decarbonization

Tuesday, February 23
1:00 pm PT
Our new report, Building toward Decarbonization, highlights a set of criteria for high-priority communities including those with the least financial resources and the most to gain from improved air quality; those currently investing in new building construction; those with existing gas infrastructure already in need of replacement; those with an expressed willingness to transition; and those rebuilding from recent wildfires. Join our webinar discussing these findings and recommendations!

The Law of the Sea: A Multi-Faceted Discipline and a Promising Field for Practitioners

Wednesday, January 27
1:00 pm PT

The law of the sea is a scholarly discipline that straddles many aspects of general international law and of its specialized branches including environmental law, human rights law, the law of international courts and tribunals. The law of the sea is also an expanding field for practice, not limited to university research and teaching, but including advocacy in international and domestic courts, counselling for governments, international organizations governmental and non-governmental, and private entities, working as judges and registry member for international courts and arbitration tribunals.

Lunch & Learn: Reversing Federal Environmental Rollbacks

Wednesday, January 27
1:00 pm PT

Over the past four years, the Trump Administration has rolled back environmental protection across the federal government. President Biden’s first executive order on climate calls on federal agencies to immediately begin reviewing their environmental rules and policies. Join Berkeley Law’s own Ken Alex, Daniel Farber, and Ted Lamm tomorrow for a discussion of the current environmental regulatory landscape and how the new administration might go about reversing some of these rollbacks.

Accelerating Engineered Carbon Removal in California

Wednesday, January 27
10:00am PT

Featuring: Uduak-Joe Ntuk, California ​State Oil and Gas Supervisor, California Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM); Anne Canavati, Research Analyst, Energy Futures Initiative; Keith Pronske, President and Chief Executive Officer, Clean Energy Systems.

Transitioning From Fossil Fuel Dependency

Tuesday, November 17
1:00-2:00pm PT

Join us for a conversation about the transition away from a fossil fuel economy and some of the implications and strategies for facilitating a just transition. Patrick Heller (Natural Resource Governance Institute), Roger Lin (UC Berkeley Environmental Law Clinic), and Sarah White (Governor’s Office of Planning & Research) will discuss national-level economics, state approaches, and community initiatives at the center of our clean energy transition.

Climate Risks to the US Financial System: Urgent & Decisive Action Needed

Wednesday, October 28
11AM – 12PM PT

Climate change poses a systemic risk to the U.S. financial system, concludes the recently released and first-ever comprehensive report on climate risk sponsored by a U.S. financial regulator, Managing Climate Risks to the US Financial System. Commissioner Rostin Behnam of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the report’s sponsor, will share key findings. Dave Jones, Director of CLEE’s Climate Risk Initiative, Divya Mankikar, Investment Manager, CalPERs, and Ilmi Granoff, Director, Sustainable Finance, Climate Works Foundation, will discuss the report’s recommendations for US financial regulators and financial institutions to urgently and decisively address climate risk. Join us for this timely discussion on climate change-related risks and opportunities for the financial sector.

Criminalization of Climate Migrants

Tuesday, October 27
10:00 AM PT

Join E. Tendayi Achiume and Maxine A. Burkett for the inaugural Webinar hosted by the Immigrant Justice and Climate Refugees Working Group. E. Tendayi Achiume is a Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law and Faculty Director of the UCLA Law Promise Institute for Human Rights. Maxine A. Burkett is a Professor of Law, University of Hawai’i School of Law and Global Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. The conversation will explore the relationship between climate change and the criminalization of migrants, identify relevant questions to deepen our understanding, and create a foundation for developing strategies to address interdisciplinary issues.

Natural Resources at a Crossroads: Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Equity

Tuesday, October 20
1:00 PM PT

Join us for a virtual conversation with Angela Barranco, Undersecretary of the California Natural Resources Agency, on the urgent crisis and dynamic opportunity we have today as we work together to conserve our lands, waters, and coast for the benefit of all Californians.

Lunch & Learn: Advancing Equity Through Collaboration & Investment with Louise Bedsworth

Tuesday, September 15
1-2 PM PT
Watch here!

Join us for a virtual lunch and learn with Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director of the Strategic Growth Council. She’ll discuss how the Strategic Growth Council is advancing equity through its programs and investments in California, including implementation of its Racial Equity Action Plan.

 CLEE New Student Orientation 

Tuesday, September 1
1-2 PM PT

Join the environmental and energy law student organizations for a discussion of the various ways to get involved in the E&E community:

  • An overview of the environmental and energy law program at Berkeley Law
  • Details on each environmental and energy law student organization
  • Information about how to get involved with the Environmental Law Clinic (ELC) or the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE)

Come with questions on extra curricular, research, and professional development opportunities at Berkeley Law!

Report Launch Webinar: Building a Sustainable Electric Vehicle Battery Supply Chain

Thursday, July 23
9:00 – 10:00 am PDT
Watch here.

Building a low-carbon economy will rely on a transition from gasoline-powered automobiles to electric vehicles, which will require a significant increase in production of component minerals. Extracting and refining these minerals, like cobalt and lithium, can often entail challenges related to governance, human rights, and environmental quality in host countries. To help launch a forthcoming CLEE and Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) report on this topic, panelists will discuss mechanisms to address these concerns and build a more sustainable supply chain for this key emission reduction technology.

Ride-Hailing & the Future of Sustainable Transportation

Thursday, July 16, 2020
11:00 am – 12:00  pm PT
Watch here.

Since ride-hailing platforms burst onto the scene a decade ago, they have revolutionized the way people move around the urban environment. Their sudden rise in ridership has meant existing transportation systems and local governments have had to work rapidly to try and keep pace with and adapt to the burgeoning industry and changes in rider behavior. Panelists will look at the current and potential sustainability of ride-hailing, including questions surrounding sector emissions and the utilization of electric vehicles, systemic fit with public transportation, and labor and economic equity.

Virtual Lunch & Learn: California’s Future & the Role of Natural Gas

June 23, 2020
12:00 PM
Watch the event here

Join us for a talk with PUC Commissioner Cliff Rechtschaffen and Ken Alex, Director of Project Climate at the UC Berkeley’s Center for Law, Energy, and Environment, focusing on the challenges and roadmap for meeting California’s mandate to be carbon neutral by 2045.

Webinar: European Union Sustainable Finance Renewed Strategy –Toward a Green Recovery

June 11, 2020
10 – 11 AM
Watch the webinar here

Head of Sustainable Finance at the European Commission, Martin Spolc, will discuss the Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy which is part of the post-COVID-19 European Union green recovery strategy. Moderated by Dave Jones, former CA Insurance Commissioner and Director Climate Risk Initiative, UC Berkeley Law’s Center for Law, Energy & Environment (CLEE), audience members will be able to pose questions to Martin Spolc. The European Commission has published for comment a public consultation as regards the Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy which can be found at

Webinar: Climate Action in the COVID Era: Data, Reporting, and Accountability

Watch the event here.

The COVID crisis has laid bare the need for real-time, comprehensive, and publicly accessible data—the climate crisis demands no less.

Join Ken Alex, Alicia Seiger, and Michael Schmitz as they discuss how to fill the existing climate data gaps and why it’s time to move beyond an approach emphasizing voluntary reporting to one establishing carbon data accountability regimes.

Climate Data Policy Initiative of Stanford’s CodeX Center for Legal Informatics is co-hosting this conversation with the Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance @Stanford and the Center for Law, Energy and the Environment at BerkeleyLaw. 

  • Ken Alex is the Director of Project Climate at the Center for Law, Energy and the Environment at Berkeley Law.  
  • Alicia Seiger is Managing Director for both the Stanford Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance and the Sustainable Finance Initiative. 
  • Michael Schmitz is Principal of Carbon Accountable and Project Lead of the Climate Data Policy Initiative @ Stanford CodeX.

Webinar: Building A Sustainable Electric Vehicle Battery Supply Chain

May 13, 2020, 12:00-1:00pm
Watch the webinar here

Please join us for a Learn & Learn with CLEE’s Ethan Elkind, Patrick Heller, and Ted Lamm. They will lead a discussion and Q&A session on the road to a sustainable EV battery supply chain. The session will highlight the main takeaways from our new report,  Building A Sustainable Electric Vehicle Battery Supply Chain.

Phasing Out Oil and Gas Production in California

May 12, 2020, 11:00am – 12:00pn

Join CLEE’s Ethan Elkind and Ted Lamm as they present findings from their new report, Legal Grounds. They will discuss the background of oil and gas production in California and key law and policy opportunities to begin a phase-out in order to meet climate and environmental goals. Also joining will be:

Ann Alexander
Senior Attorney, Dirty Energy, Lands Division, Nature Program
Natural Resources Defense Council

Ingrid Brostrom
Assistant Director
Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment

Sean B. Hecht
Co-Executive Director, Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment
UCLA School of Law

Fall 2020 Curriculum Rollout

Thursday, April 9, 2020
Zoom meeting
Please join us for a virtual rendition of our semesterly curriculum rollout! Environmental & Energy faculty and staff will discuss the courses and research planned for Fall 2020, including:

– An overview of each environmental and energy law course offered in the spring
– Details on clinical, field placement, and research opportunities
– Information on the environmental & energy law certificates programs

Come with your questions about course planning and other curricular, research, and professional development options.


Sustainability and Burning Man

Thursday, March 5, 2020
145, Berkeley Law Building

Addressing climate change will require dramatically different approaches to land stewardship, pollution, and waste management. A variety of sustainable development goals and frameworks have been put forward in this vein. Burning Man Project is pursuing a simple set of goals: become carbon negative, sustainably manage waste, and be ecologically regenerative by 2030. In this talk we’ll examine the ways this can be pursued in relation to Burning Man Project and how it might scale to cities, companies, and countries. We’ll pay particular attention to the role of land stewardship, and a sustainable infrastructure design challenge being hosted at Burning Man’s 3,800 acre Fly Ranch


Berkeley Law CLEE Energy Symposium

Monday, March 2 & Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Stephens Lounge, MLK Building of the ASUC Student Union 
University of California, Berkeley

This is a two-day program for energy law practitioners, attorneys and other professionals interested in learning more about energy topics, entitled “Current Topics & Trends in California Energy Law.” Subjects covered include wildfire and utilities; renewable energy siting; energy storage deployment; community choice aggregation; and reducing transportation emissions. The event will take place on the UC Berkeley central campus in the MLK Building of the ASUC Student Union. Lunch will be provided both days and MCLE credits will be offered.

Environmental & Energy Law Happy Hour

Thursday, November 13, 2019
Freehouse, Berkeley

Join Berkeley Law’s E&E student groups, alumni, and the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE) for an E&E happy hour. Thanks to CLEE Partners Baker Botts, Hanson Bridgett, and Baker Hostetler.



E&E Spring 2020 Curriculum Rollout

Tuesday, November 5, 2019 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Room 130

Join the environmental and energy law faculty and staff for a discussion of the courses and research planned for Spring 2020, including:

  • An overview of each environmental and energy law course offered in the spring
  • Details on clinical, field placement, and research opportunities
  • Information on the environmental & energy law certificates programs

Come with your questions about course planning and other curricular, research, and professional development options.

Reception with Berkeley Law Dean Chemerinsky

Saturday, October 19, 4:30 – 5:30 pm
Yosemite Environmental Law Conference, Tenaya Lodge

Regarded as the most influential scholar in U.S. legal education, Erwin Chemerinsky joined Berkeley Law as Dean in 2017. Since assuming this role, he has ushered in exciting changes at the law school, moving toward his vision of Berkeley Law being in or near the top five law schools nationwide. Berkeley Law’s Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE) is proud to host a meet-and-greet reception with Dean Chemerinsky at the 2019 Yosemite Environmental Law Conference.

Incentivizing Groundwater Recharge: A Berkeley Law Symposium

Join us on Tuesday, September 10, for our Incentivizing Groundwater Recharge symposium.

Groundwater aquifers continue to be depleted as pumping exceeds recharge in many regions of the world, adversely affecting human and environmental systems. Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) is one crucial strategy to bringing these groundwater resources into sustainable balance. However, understanding is sorely lacking about how to effectively incentivize MAR, and how to navigate the institutions relevant to MAR.

This symposium will seek to fill these knowledge gaps, addressing key questions including: Who benefits from groundwater recharge? What conditions are necessary for a recharge project to succeed? How can implementation be incentivized? How should recharge projects be governed? What emerging and novel techniques hold promise for future MAR?

The symposium aims to move the conversation on MAR forward. To this end, presenters will highlight successful and novel recharge projects from across the U.S.. Experts will also speak to scientific, legal, and management issues in recharge, and how they influence potential incentive schemes. These insights will help inform practitioners and scholars about recharge and chart a path towards developing a broadly applicable framework for enabling recharge.

Where:    UC Berkeley
When:     Tuesday, September 10, 2019 from 8:30 am – 6:30 pm
Who should attend:
  • Groundwater managers
  • State and local agency staff
  • Consultants and attorneys
  • NGO representatives
  • Groundwater users
  • Local stakeholders
  • Academics and students

Environmental & Energy Law Activities Fair 

Thursday, August 29, 1:00-2:00pm
Room 132, Berkeley Law

Join the environmental and energy law student organizations for a discussion of the various ways
to get involved in the E&E community:

  • An overview of the environmental and energy law program at Berkeley Law
  • Details on each environmental and energy law student organization
  • Information about how to get involved with the Environmental Law Clinic (ELC) or the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE)

Come with questions on extra curricular, research, and professional development opportunities at Berkeley Law!

Webinar – Low Income, High Efficiency

Join us on Thursday, June 20, 10-11am to discuss our new report, “Low Income, High Efficiency.” Our free webinar will feature Ethan Elkind and Ted Lamm of CLEE’s Climate Program, together with California Energy Commissioner Andrew McAllister, Peter Armstrong of Wakeland Housing, and Martha Campbell of the Rocky Mountain Institute.

Improving the energy performance of existing buildings will be key to achieving California’s efficiency and greenhouse gas emission goals. But low-income, multifamily buildings face some of the greatest obstacles, including difficult access to capital, complex financing arrangements, and competing renovation needs. Our new report discusses policy and program reforms to help increase access to energy efficiency measures in these buildings.

Electric Vehicles and Global Urban Adoption: Policies and Perspectives from France and California

June 4 – 5, 2019

We are excited to invite you to attend an international conference on urban electric vehicle deployment, organized by CLEE and the University of Paris. The event will feature top officials from the Newsom Administration and other electric vehicle industry experts. 

 The conference will also feature a tour of the Tesla factory in Fremont, California (space is limited to early registrants only) and a guided tour of an innovative, micro-grid ready EV charging facility in Downtown Berkeley.

You can register on-line (admission is $20, which includes breakfast and lunch both days) and view the full agenda.  Nine hours of MCLE credit is available for attorneys. 

Please find the full event details here.

From Brussels to the Bay: Climate Risk and Sustainable Finance in the EU and California

MAY 23, 2019,  1:30 – 4:30PM 
WARREN ROOM (295), Berkeley Law

Hear a keynote from European Commission Director Mario Nava of the Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA), the European Commission department responsible for EU banking and financial services policy, on the state of the EU’s Sustainable Finance Action Plan; and a keynote from California State Controller Betty T. Yee on sustainable finance. Join leading sustainable finance practitioners and stakeholders in California, including former California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones for an expert discussion on some of the latest regulatory and private sector developments that aim to promote long-term sustainability in global capital markets.

The Future of Finance in a Changing World

Thursday, May 16,  12:00 – 1:30 pm
Baker Botts LLP, San Francisco 

Please join us for a lunch session with former California Insurance Commissioner and current CLEE Climate Risk Initiative Director Dave Jones. Jones will discuss why it is so vital that we assess and address the risk climate change poses to various financial sectors and the power such transformation holds.

Environmental & Energy Law Certificates Ceremony

Thursday, May 9, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Warren Room (295), Berkeley Law
Our 2018 E&E Certificate recipients
We invite students, alumni, faculty, and the broader E&E community to join us as we celebrates the accomplishments of our 2019 graduates and award Certificates of Specialization in Environmental and Energy & Clean Technology Law. With refreshments and entertainment, the event welcomes the next generation of environmental and energy law leaders into the E&E Practitioner community. 

Environmental Awards Banquet

Thursday, April 18, 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Ecology Law Quarterly‘s Annual Banquet is a celebration of all that our fellow students, faculty, alumni, and environmental law practitioners have accomplished at Berkeley Law this year. It provides an opportunity for us to come together in one place and reconnect with the environmental law community, see the new and old faces of the journal, and to foster greater connectivity between students and those working in the field. The banquet also serves as a fundraiser for summer fellowships to support students pursuing work in public interest environmental law.

 Environmental & Energy Law Fall 2019 Curriculum Rollout

Thursday, April 11, 2019 @ 12:50 pm – 2:00 pm
130 Law Building, Berkeley Law

Join the environmental and energy law faculty and staff for a discussion of the courses and research planned for Fall 2019, including:

  • An overview of each environmental and energy law course offered in the spring
  • Details on clinical, field placement,and research opportunities
  • Information on the environmental &energy law certificates programs

Come with your questions about course planning and other curricular, research, and professional development options.

 Webinar: Welcoming Dave Jones to Berkeley Law and Insuring California in a Changing Climate

Wednesday, March 27,  10:00 – 11:00 am

Please join the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE) for a webinar to launch CLEE’s new symposium brief, Insuring California in a Changing Climate. The brief discusses how the insurance industry can adapt to a changing climate and what risks climate change poses to the industry. It summarizes a Berkeley Law symposium on the topic held in partnership with the California Department of Insurance in 2018. Former Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones will join the webinar to discuss his climate change efforts at the Department and views on California’s risks and opportunities going forward. The webinar will also serve to officially welcome Jones to Berkeley Law and introduce his new initiative at CLEE on climate risk.

California Wildfires: Victims, Ratepayers, Wall Street and an Intelligible Economic, Environmental and Public Policy for California’s Future

Monday, March 11 @ 12:50 – 2:00 pm
Room 110, Boalt Hall, Berkeley Law

Join us for a lunch-time lecture on fire litigation, co-hosted by the Civil Justice Research Initiative and the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment. Richard K. Bridgford will provide an overview of the California fire litigation. Bridgford is a Founding Partner at Bridgford, Gleason & Artinian. He is currently counsel for plaintiffs in several fire cases now pending in California.

Innovation, economics and policy in the energy revolution: Insights from the UK electricity transition and wider implications

Thursday, March 7, 2019 @ 12:50 – 2:00 pm
Room 10, Berkeley Law

This talk will outline both theory and practice of energy transition and decarbonisation, drawing on long experience in the UK which has been a battleground between different approaches to electricity regulation and the implications of decarbonisation – culminating in halving CO2 emissions from the sector from the levels in 1990.

Innovation in both policy and technology has been fundamental to this. Drawing on the book (joint with Profs Jean-Charles Hourcade and Karsten Neuhoff) Planetary Economics: Energy, Climate Change and The Three Domains of Sustainable Development, the talk will explain a broadened theoretical framework and show how this can reshape our view of both the economic and political dimensions of effective policy, including (but not confined to) to the energy transition. The author will also present recent work on some implications of the approach for modelling of climate mitigation and the economic case for policy mixes.

*This is a brown bag lunch event.

Environmental & Energy Career Fair

Monday, March 4, 2019 @ 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Reception to follow @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Goldberg Room, Berkeley Law

Join us for the first annual Environmental & Energy Law Career Fair.  Come visit with practitioners from private practice, the public sector, and public interest organizations to learn about the various practice areas and pathways available in this sector.  The fair will be followed by a casual networking reception.

Shifting from Maintaining LOS to Reducing VMT:
Case Studies of Analysis and Mitigation under CEQA Guidelines Implementing SB 743

Friday March 1, 2019 
Held at the Offices of the Southern California Association of Governments, Los Angeles 

This program will address the differences between the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act before and after the adoption of Senate Bill 743, which substituted analyzing and mitigating additional vehicle miles traveled (VMT) for maintaining Level of Service (LOS) standards.  The program will draw on five case studies based on projects previously approved under CEQA; a regional shopping mall, two mixed use redevelopments, a highway widening project and a General Plan update. 

Topics to be discussed include:

  • VMT impact analysis (methodology; appropriate tools and models, determining impact area)
  • VMT significance thresholds (project effects, cumulative effects)
  • VMT significance thresholds (project, cumulative)
  • VMT mitigation strategies (project level, programmatic, VMT banks and transaction exchanges, legal and administrative framework)

Presenters will include attorneys, transportation planners and transportation consultants with extensive experience in the field.

Space is limited to 70 people to attend in person; registrants can view the program online streaming concurrently or subsequent to the program.

To see if you qualify for free registration and receive more information, click here.  To proceed directly to the online preregistration form, click here. 

Scheiber Lecture in Ocean Law & Policy – The Man Behind the Curtain: Science in Law of the Sea Adjudication

Wednesday, February 14, 2019 @ 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Room 105, Berkeley Law
We are delighted to welcome the Honorable Judge Joan Donoghue as our featured speaker for the 2019 Harry and Jane Scheiber Lecture in Ocean Law & Policy. 
Judge Donoghue was elected to the International Court of Justice in 2010, following a career at the U.S. State Department, where she served as the Principal Deputy Legal Adviser (the senior career attorney) from 2007 to 2010.  Her work there spanned diverse topics in public international law, such as the negotiation and interpretation of treaties, the law of the sea, the environment, investment, human rights law and international humanitarian law. Judge Donoghue has had extensive experience with various forms of international dispute settlement, including claims agreements, arbitration and adjudication.  She has also taught at several U.S. law schools and has lectured frequently on aspects of international adjudication. 
The lecture series recognizes the influential scholarship of Harry N. Scheiber in ocean law history and policy and the Scheibers’ joint contributions to advancing the subject through the Law of the Sea Institute’s conferences and publications.

 Ground-Truthing Injustice: SEEJ Environmental Leadership Summit

Friday, February 8, 2019 @ 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Booth Auditorium, Berkeley Law

Ground-Truthing Injustice is focused around the hope that, as the Trump Administration actively works to discredit the movement, actors in the environmental justice movement and members of environmental justice communities can shed light on the truth. This one-day symposium is designed to reach social justice oriented undergraduate and graduate students who consider environmental justice best left to environmentalists, and low-income students and students of color who have not considered environmental justice issues in their communities. It is also intended to provide direction for students to figure out how they can contribute to the movement in this moment and educate us on how we can be more effective allies to environmental justice communities. 

Find the day’s itinerary and RSVP here.

Perspectives on Past and Future Legal Protection of Forests in Brazil

Wednesday, February 6, 2019 @ 1:00pm
Room 130, Berkeley Law

We are excited to welcome Dr. Delton Carvalho for a lunch time talk. Delton is a Brazilian attorney, expert in environmental law, and professor of the Post-Graduate Program in Law at Unisinos.

Forests play an important role in climate stabilization and carbon sequestration. Brazil is home to most of the Amazon tropical forest, one of the largest carbon sinks on the planet. However, there have been issues within forest governance in Brazil. The lecture will describe Brazilian emissions according to each sector of economy, Brazilian contributions to the Paris Agreement, and Brazilian Forest Legislation. The lecture will close with a handful of case studies that demonstrate Brazil’s attempts to avoid Amazonian deforestation, such as Soy Moratorum, Juma Project, Bolsa Floresta and the Meat Agreement.

To RSVP for lunch, please email Ari Wolff at

Environmental & Energy Law Activities Fair

Tuesday, January 29, 2019 @ 12:50 – 2:00 pm
Room 134, Berkeley Law

Calling all 1Ls and LLMs interested in environmental and energy law! Now that you have a semester under your belts, join the heads of the student organizations for a discussion of the various ways to get involved in the E&E community.  Whether you’re already involved in some groups or brand new to the idea, there will be info about the different organizations, what they focus on, and what membership entails.

E&E Happy Hour

Tuesday, January 22 @ 6:30 – 8:30 pm.

We invite you to celebrate the Berkeley Law E&E community at our San Francisco-based Happy Hour. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with other members of the community, including students, alumni, and CLEE staff & board members

RSVP by Thursday, January 17 – Click hereor call (510) 642-7235

Leading the Nation?– The Politics of Clean Energy in California

Thursday, January 10, 2019 @ 12:50 pm – 2:00 pm
In 2018, the California Legislature committed to using carbon-free electricity by 2045. The then governor proposed reaching “carbon neutrality” by 2045. But is the state implementing its climate laws?  Please join the American Constitution Society (ACS) and the Ecology Law Quarterly (ELQ) for a conversation with Dr. Danny Cullenward. The conversation will cover the challenges and opportunities that the new administration and incoming legislature face in creating climate change policy in California. Lunch will be served in Rm. 140 on January 9th, 12:50-2:00. 
Dr. Cullenward is an economist and lawyer working on the design and implementation of climate policy in California. He is the Policy Director of Near Zero and a Research Associate at the Carnegie Institution for Science. He currently serves on the BERC advisory board and on the oversight board for California’s cap and trade program for carbon emissions.
See full event details here.

ELQ Alumni Happy Hour

November 29th, from 6:30-8:30pm, at Cornerstone Craft Beer and Live Music

Join current and former members of Ecology Law Quarterly (ELQ), the Berkeley Energy & Resources Collaborative (BERC), Berkeley Law’s Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE), and other members of the community to mingle, and hear about the latest edition of the journal. Come early to enjoy some appetizers.

Register here.

Improved Planning for Utility-Scale Solar PV To Meet SB 100 Energy Goals

Tuesday, November 13, 2018 – 12:00-1:00pm @ Legislative Hearing Room 113, Capitol Building, Sacramento

Please join a legislative lunch briefing and report launch on policies to improve county-level landscape planning for utility-scale solar PV facilities, hosted by UCLA and UC Berkeley Schools of Law and sponsored by Bank of America. These facilities will help California achieve the goals of 60% renewable energy by 2030 and a 100% carbon-free grid by 2045, per Senate Bill 100 (De Leon, 2018). The event will feature expert speakers, as well as launch the new report “A New Solar Landscape: Improving County-Level Landscape Planning for Utility-Scale Solar PV Facilities.”

Ken Alex, Senior Advisor to Governor Brown and Director of the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research
Erica Brand, Director of the California Energy Program, The Nature Conservancy
Lorelei Oviatt, Planning Director, Kern County
Renee Robin, Senior Counsel, Allen Matkins

Register for the event here.

Webinar – Implementing SB 743

Tuesday, October 30, 10:00 am -11:00 am 

Join CLEE’s Ethan Elkind and Ted Lamm, along with Chris Ganson of the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, as they discuss CLEE’s most recent report, “Implementing SB 743.”


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E&E at the 2018 Reunion Weekend BBQ

Friday, October 5, 6:00pm

If you’re coming to the Friday night BBQ during Berkeley Law’s Reunion Weekend, join us from 6-7pm on the southwest corner of the rooftop terrace for an E&E get-together!  Current Berkeley Law students will be there to convey what it’s like to be an E&E student roaming these halls today, and fellow classmates will be there to reminisce about the days of yore.  
The school will let E&E alumni get their BBQ nametags a bit early so you can be up on the roof right as the clock rolls to 6pm.  We’ll wrap up by 7pm so everyone can enjoy the rest of the festivities as well. 
Contact me if you have any questions.  Hope to see you there!
H. Jordan Diamond ’08
Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment

Insuring California in a Changing Climate

Wednesday, June 13, 10:00am – 5:00pm @ Warren Room

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones

Climate change poses risks to California’s economy, residents, infrastructure, cities, and natural resources. The insurance industry, which exists to protect governments, individuals, and businesses from the most severe risks, will necessarily play a role in efforts to minimize the harmful impacts of a changing climate. On June 13, 2018 we convened insurance regulators, industry leaders, policymakers, scientists, and nonprofit researchers for a symposium seeking to better understand the industry will adapt to these new and increased risks.

See the symposium page for background materials and more information.


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October 26, 2017

Spring 2018 E&E Curriculum Rollout

When: Thursday, October 26, 12:45pm-2pm
Where: 130 Law Building

The environmental and energy law faculty and staff  will discuss the courses and research planned for Spring 2018,  field placements, research opportunities, and the environmental and energy law certificate programs. 

Lunch will be provided to attending students.


September 21, 2017

Doubling Energy Efficiency in California’s Existing Buildings: How will we finance it?

When: Thursday, September 21, 2017 from 5-7pm
Where: Warren Room (295 Law Building), UC Berkeley School of Law

UC Berkeley and UCLA Law held an evening event on energy efficiency retrofit finance at UC Berkeley Law on Thursday, September 21st.

As SB 350 (De Leon, 2015) requires California to double the energy efficiency of existing buildings by 2030, private sector investment will be critical to financing these energy retrofits. What metering technologies and new policies will be needed to unlock large-scale financing? Following up on our 2016  report, Powering the Savings, speakers focused on recent innovations, new policies, and promising success stories on metered energy efficiency that the state can build on to achieve these ambitious and necessary climate and energy goals.

Featurinng a keynote address from:

  • Commissioner Andrew McAllisterCalifornia Energy Commission

And panel presentations from:

  • Jon Wellinghoffformer chair of  the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
  • Carmen BestIndependent Energy Efficiency Advisor
  • Cisco DeVriesFounder and CEO, Renew Financial Group LLC

September 12, 2017

Webinar: Net Economic Impacts of California’s Major Climate Programs in the Inland Empire

When: Tuesday, September 12, 2017, 10:00-11:00am

Following the state legislature’s landmark approval extending California’s cap-and-trade program through 2030 by a supermajority vote, CLEE and its research partners have completed the first comprehensive, academic study of the economic effects of existing climate and clean energy policies in Southern California’s Inland Empire. Together with UC Berkeley’s Center for Labor Research and Education, and working with the nonpartisan nonprofit Next 10, the study estimated a net benefit of $9.1 billion in direct economic activity and 41,000 net direct jobs from 2010 to 2016 in the region, some of which are permanent and ongoing and many of which resulted from one-time construction investments. 

Review our discussion on the impact of cap and trade, the renewables portfolio standard, distributed solar policies and energy efficiency programs and their effects on the Inland Empire’s economy. 

The webinar featured: 

  • Betony Jones, UC Berkeley Labor Center 
  • Ethan Elkind, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment 
  • F. Noel Perry, Next 10 

Watch the webinar here!

August 31, 2017

Environmental & Energy (E&E) Activities Fair

When: Thursday, August 31 2017, 12:45-2:00pm
Where: Room 130, Boalt Hall

Each year CLEE and the E&E student organizations collectively host an environmental and energy focused activities fair to introduce 1Ls to the variety of organizations and other E&E activities they can get involved in. Come join us!


Lunch will be provided to participating students. 

June 6, 2017

Planning for Utility-Scale Solar PV in the San Joaquin Valley: What Does the Future Hold? 

When: Tuesday, June 6, 2017, 5:30-7:30pm
Where: Farella Braun + Martel, San Francisco

A PATH FORWARD May 2016 COVERCalifornia will continue to see a significant deployment of solar photovoltaic (PV) to meet its goal of generating 50 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030.  A significant amount will likely occur in the San Joaquin Valley, with attendant controversies related to the loss of agricultural and biologically sensitive lands, among other conflicts.  How can stakeholders and policy makers ensure that future solar PV deployment occurs only in “least-conflict” (land on which solar development is least likely to engender objections and possibly litigation) lands in the San Joaquin Valley region and beyond? Panelists discussed some of the findings from last year’s influential CLEE report, A Path Forward: Identifying Least-Conflict Solar PV Development in California’s San Joaquin Valley.

Panelists included:

      • Erica Brand, Director of the California Energy Program, The Nature Conservancy
      • Ethan Elkind, Director of the Climate Program, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
      • Renee Robin, Senior Counsel, Allen Matkins
      • Diane Ross-Leach, Director of Environmental Policy, PG&E

May 17, 2017

Right Type, Right Place Webinar

When: Wednesday, May 17, 2017, 10:00-11:00am
Our report, Right Type, Right Place, finds that encouraging new housing development in infill areas would spur economic growth, reduce monthly household costs, and cut greenhouse gas emissions, keeping the state on track to achieving its climate goals.
On Wednesday, May 17, the authors hosted a webinar to discuss the report’s key findings, answer questions, and engage in discussion about how to move forward. The webinar featured:
      • Ethan Elkind, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
      • Colleen Kredell, Next 10
      • Nathaniel Decker, Terner Center for Housing Innovation

May 11, 2017

Environmental & Energy Law Certificates Ceremony

When: Thursday, May 11, 10am-12:30pm
Where: Warren Room (295 Law Building)

Students, faculty, staff and the broader Environmental and Energy law community joined us to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates and award Certificates of Specialization in Environmental and Energy & Clean Technology Law. We thank everyone who joined us for this very special annual event.

You can see photos from this event here.

April 13, 2017

ELQ Annual Banquet

When: Thursday, April 13, 6:30pm-9:30pm
Where: Chevron Auditorium, I-House, Berkeley, CA

The ​Annual ​Banquet ​is ​a ​celebration ​of ​all ​that ​our ​fellow ​students, ​faculty, ​alumni, ​and ​practitioners ​have ​accomplished ​this ​year. ​It ​provides ​an ​opportunity ​for ​us ​to ​come ​together ​in ​one ​place ​and ​reconnect ​with ​the ​environmental ​law ​community, ​see ​new ​and ​old ​faces ​of ​the ​journal, ​and ​foster ​greater ​community ​between ​students ​and ​those ​working ​in ​the ​field. ​The ​banquet ​also ​serves ​as ​a ​fundraiser ​for ​summer ​fellowships ​to ​support ​students ​pursuing ​work ​in ​public ​interest ​environmental ​law, ​as ​well ​as ​the ​official ​transition ​from ​the ​outgoing ​editorial ​board ​to ​the ​new ​one.

We ​are ​also ​tremendously ​excited ​about ​our ​speaker ​and ​Environmental ​Leadership ​Award ​recipient ​this ​year, ​someone ​who ​has ​tirelessly ​committed ​himself ​to ​public ​service ​and ​to ​the ​environment ​in ​particular, ​Mr. ​John ​Cruden.

 April 6, 2017

Panel on Diversity in Environmental Law

When: Thursday, April 6, 6pm-8pm
Where: Warren Room

Four attorneys of color, working  in the environmental field, discussed their personal journeys into environmental law, explore the importance of diversity in the environmental law field, and examine current steps being taken by various organizations to address this problem. The panel will also discussed the intersection of environmental law and social justice as well as the various career paths available to graduates.

The panel included:

      • Letitia Moore, Environmental Protection Agency
      • Lala Wu, Morrison Foerster
      • Aruna Prabhala, Center for Biological Diversity
      • Adenike Adeyeye, Earthjustice

Light appetizers and drinks were served.

April 4, 2017

Fall 2017 E&E Curriculum Rollout

When: Tuesday, April 4, 12:45pm-2pm
Where: 130 Law Building

The environmental and energy law faculty and staff  discussed the courses and research planned for Fall 2017; clinical, field placement and research opportunities; and the environmental and energy law certificate programs. 

Lunch was provided to attending students.


March 22, 2017

Webinar: Economic Impacts of California’s Climate Programs on the San Joaquin Valley

When: Wednesday, March 22, 1pm-2pm

Amid concerns about the economic and employment impacts of California’s ambitious climate policies, the authors of the first comprehensive, academic study of the costs and benefits of these policies on the San Joaquin Valley discuss their findings.

The Economic Impacts of California’s Major Climate Programs on the San Joaquin Valley, addresses compliance and investment costs as well as the benefits across the region. Completed by UC Berkeley’s Donald Vial Center on Employment in the Green Economy and the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment at Berkeley Law, working with the nonpartisan nonprofit Next 10, this report finds that the economic benefits of California’s climate programs greatly exceed costs.

The webinar will feature:

Review the recorded webinar here.

November 17, 2016

California Coastal Act: The Next 40 Years

When: Thursday, November 2016, 9:00am-6:00pm
Where: Bancroft Hotel, Berkeley, CA cca-symposium-event

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the California Coastal Act. Enacted in 1976, the Act has guided coastal development and protection for decades. But today the California coastline arguably faces its greatest challenges yet. UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA, Stanford Law, and Resources Legacy Fund invite you to come explore the history of California coastal management and to inform the agenda for the next 40 years of implementation.

This event has been recorded and archived to support broad public participation. We invite you to review our in-depth discussions about the history and evolution of California’s coastal policies, today’s key challenges, and potential paths forward.

Click here for more information

November 9, 2016

New “Climate Policy Solutions” Website Launch Webinar

When: Tuesday, November 9, 2pm

Please join us for a webinar featuring Mary Nichols, chair of the California Air Resources Board to celebrate the launch of the Climate Policy Solutions website. Climate Policy Solutions will be a hub for the policy recommendations emanating from the UC Berkeley Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment and the UCLA Emmett Institute climate programs.

Click here for more information

November 1, 2016

A Climate Talk with David Doniger Next Steps for U.S. Climate Policy

When: Tuesday, Nov 1, 6:00-7:30pm
Where: Goldberg Room, Boalt Hall

doniger_thumbDavid Doniger is a leading expert on national climate and energy policy and is the Director of the Climate and Air Program at the Natural Resources Defense Council. He is also one of the architects of the new approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions that is the bedrock of the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan. On Nov. 1, Mr. Doniger led a conversation about the past, present, and future of U.S. climate policy. He explored the Clean Power Plan in-depth, which underwent en banc oral arguments before the D.C. Circuit late last September, in the context of other key efforts to decrease emissions and increase resilience. On the cusp of the national elections and international government meetings about climate change, David will offered his insights into the possible future of domestic climate initiatives.


 October 19, 2016

Albright Lecture with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Photo by

When: Thursday, Oct 27, 7:00-8:30pm
Where: Chevron Auditorium, International House at UC Berkeley

CLEE co-hosted the 2016 Horace M. Albright Lecture in Conservation along with the College of Natural Resources. The 2016 speaker, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., discussed the role that natural resources play in our work, health, and American identity, reminding us that we have a responsibility to protect and preserve our planet for future generations. An environmental leader and speaker, Mr. Kennedy is chief prosecuting attorney for the Hudson Riverkeepers, senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council, and president-at-large of the Waterkeeper Alliance. He is the son of Robert Francis “Bobby” Kennedy, former US Senator and Attorney General.

The recorded lecture is available here.


October 19, 2016

A Lunch Talk with Ken Kimmell Climate Change & Climate Action: Hope & Responsibility

When: Wednesday Oct 19, 2016 12:45-2:00pm
Where: Room 130, Boalt Hallkimmell_thumb

Ken Kimmell is the President of the Union of Concerned Scientists.  He spoke about the current international framework for addressing climate change and the ambition gap that exists between pledges and action. Mr. Kimmell explored key elements of tackling emissions reductions goals, including eliminating transportation emissions, novel state approaches to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and economic and technological approaches to facilitating reductions. He also addressed questions of responsibility for climate change, including recent investigations into fossil fuel companies’ knowledge of causation and impacts.

 May 16, 2016

Legal Challenges to the Clean Power Plan – Perspectives from the Front Lines

When: Monday, May 16, 12:00-1:30pm
Where: Paul Hastings LLP, 55 Second Street, 24th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105

CPP Panel _ May 16, 2016 - photoThe Institute for Policy Integrity at NYU School of Law and the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment at Berkeley Law hosted an in-depth discussion of the Clean Power Plan from the front lines.  The Clean Power Plan is the first rule to place limits on greenhouse gases emitted by all power plants in the United States, and is opposed by a vocal coalition of states and industry groups. In the lead up to oral arguments before the D.C. Circuit, an equally vocal coalition of states, industry groups, and nonprofits stepped forward to support the EPA and the rule.

The panel featured Sean Donahue, Donahue & Goldberg LLP; Denise Grab, NYU Institute for Policy Integrity; Elaine Meckenstock, California Department of Justice; Kevin Polancarz, Paul Hastings LLP; and Jordan Diamond, UC Berkeley Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (moderator).  Representing parties and amici supporting the rule, the speakers discussed the issues before the court. Paul Hastings LLP generously provided lunch for the attendees.

Note: Oral arguments were originally scheduled for June 2, 2016, but the D.C. Circuit rescheduled them for September 27, 2016, to hear the arguments en banc.  

Click here for more information 

May 12, 2016

Environmental & Energy Law Certificates Ceremony

When: Thursday, May 12, 10am-12pm
Where: Goldberg Room, Berkeley Law

Environmental and energy law faculty, staff, students, and alumni gathered to celebrate the 26 graduates receiving Certificates of Specialization in Environmental Law and Energy & CleanTech Law in 2016.  The event was open to friends and family of the graduates and to all past, present, and future Berkeley Law students.   

Click here for more information


April 19, 2016

Fall 2016 Environmental & Energy Law Curriculum RolloutCLEE - Fall 2016 E&E Curriculum Rollout (April 19)

Environmental and energy faculty and staff discussed the courses and research planned for Fall 2016; clinical, field placement, and policy research opportunities; and the environmental and energy law certificate programs.  

Click here for more information

April 18, 2016

Webinar: Powering the Savings

Berkeley and UCLA Law released the report Powering the Savings: How California Can Tap The Energy Efficiency Potential in Existing Commercial Buildings on March 31, 2016.  The report suggests policies that could help unlock capital market investment in energy efficiency retrofits for commercial buildings, which can reduce energy consumption and emissions and save building owners and tenants money.

On Monday, April 18th, we hosted a webinar on the report findings featuring Jeanne Clinton, Special Advisor to the Governor for Energy Efficiency, California Public Utilities Commission; Cynthia Mitchell, energy economist and TURN consultant; and Dennis Quinn, Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder, Joule Assets. Inc.

This report and webinar is part of the Climate Change and Business Research Initiative, which is made possible by generous support from Bank of America

Click here for a recording of the webinar and to access the full report

March 10, 2016

Another Reason We Can’t Breath: Using Law and Policy Solutions to Address Racial & Economic Disparities in Environmental Health

This discussion is an important opportunity to support the Center for Race, Poverty, and the Environment (CRPE) and its work fighting toxics and contamination in the San Joaquin Valley, and will discuss how lawyers and advocates can better engage communities to address these biases, specifically low income communities of color who are most at risk. The event will focus on reducing racial and economic bias in environmental policy and community lawyering.

Co-sponsored by CRPE, CLEE, Earthjustice, and the Environmental Law Section – CA State Bar

Click here for more information and tickets

February 22, 2016

Career Paths in Water Law

Attorneys in private practice, government, and non-profit led a discussion of work and careers in water law. Moderated by Professor Holly Doremus. 

Co-sponsored by CLEE, ELQ, and ELS

Click here for more information

Click here for a video recording of the discussion

January 22, 2016

Boosting Low-Carbon Biofuels 

CLEE hosted a legislative lunch briefing on policies to boost low-carbon biofuel production in California, hosted by UCLA and UC Berkeley Schools of Law.  The event featured expert speakers and included highlights from the new report Planting FuelsHow California Can Boost Local, Low-Carbon Biofuel Production. For more information, click here.  

FALL 2015 SPEAKER SERIES (click here for full PDF)

October 26, 2015

Spring 2016 Environmental & Energy Law Curriculum Rollout

Faculty, staff, and students convened for lunch on Monday, October 26, to discuss the Spring 2016 environmental and energy law and policy curriculum.  Faculty and staff reviewed the Environmental Law and Energy & CleanTech Law Certificates, discussed the range of courses being offered in the Spring and how they fit into student curriculum planning, and outlined the opportunities to gain practical and experiential education.  

November 3, 2015

Feeding a Growing Planet: Challenges, Impacts & Taboos

Expert speakers led a discussion of the complexities of feeding a rapidly growing global population and the environmental challenges associated with food production practices.  The panelists discussed different perspectives to generate discussion of important issues and possible paths forward.
Click for full announcement


      • Carter Dillard, Director of Litigation, Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF)
      • Stephanie Feldstein, Population and Sustainability Director, Center for Biological Diversity (CBD)
      • Claire Kremen, Professor, UC Berkeley Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management & Faculty Co-Director, Berkeley Food Institute (BFI)

Co-hosted by CLEE, CBD, ALDF, BFI, and the Animal Law Society

November 9, 2015

State & Local Government Career Paths in Environmental Law 

With a near-paralyzed and environmentally hostile Congress, contemporary environmental progress is largely state and local, with California and its subdivisions far in the lead. The panelists discussed a variety of environmental career paths in California’s program and enforcement agencies . . . and their innovative strategies for cooling the planet, preventing toxics exposures, and cleaning up legacy pollutants.
Click for full announcement

      • Danny Chou, Assistant County Counsel, Santa Clara County Counsel
      • Margarita Padilla, Supervising Deputy Attorney General, California Attorney General’s Office
      • Colleen Heck, Senior Staff Counsel, Department of Toxic Substances Control (former) & Chief Counsel, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (former)
      • Claudia Polsky, Director, Environmental Law Clinic, UC Berkeley (moderator)

Co-hosted by CLEE, the Environmental Law Clinic, and APALSA

November 16, 2015

Careers in Energy Law: In-House & Private Practice

Practicing energy law attorneys discussed their experiences, career paths, and thoughts about what courses and other opportunities may help students prepare to enter the field.
Click here for full announcement.

Co-hosted by CLEE and BERC @ Boalt

November 23, 2015

Nongovernmental Careers in Environmental & Energy Law

Experienced practitioners discussed career paths in environmental and energy law.  The panel delved into nongovernmental opportunities to engage in environmental and energy law and policy.
Click here for full announcement.

Co-hosted by CLEE, SEEJ, and the Field Placements Program

November 30, 2015 

Private Practice Environmental Law 

Experienced practitioners discussed career paths in environmental law.  The panelists explored private practice trajectories as experienced by attorneys from some of the region’s leading environmental law firms and practice groups. 

Co-hosted by CLEE, ELQ, and ELS

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Environmental and Energy Law Certificate Ceremony

Berkeley Law’s Dean Sujit Choudhry and environmental and energy law faculty and staff hosted a ceremony to celebrate the accomplishments of the 2015 recipients of certificates of specialization in environmental law and energy and clean technology law.

For more information, please click here.

2015 Env & Energy Law Certificate Recipients



Monday, April 6, 2015

Environmental and Energy Law Curriculum Roll-Out

CLEE and many of Berkeley Law’s environmental and energy law faculty presented upcoming course offerings and other opportunities for students in the 2015-16 academic year.

For more information, please click here.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Conflict Between State and Local Fracking Regulations

CLEE welcomed Professor David Spence of the University of Texas for a lunch-time talk on a forthcoming paper about the current conflicts between state and local actions to regulate fracking. Multiple counties across the country, including Mendocino and San Benito in California, recently passed ballot initiatives to ban or restrict fracking. Such actions raise questions about state preemption of local ordinances and the viability of regulatory takings claims by mineral holders.
For more information, click here.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Clean Energy Data: Boosting Green Technologies and Energy Efficiency Through Improved Access

Expanded access to energy information could help boost California’s clean technology industries and reduce costs for ratepayers, while ensuring that the state can more cost-effectively meet its climate and energy goals.  This energy information could include expanded customer access to long-term usage patterns, utility statistics on distribution grid needs and pricing, and anonymized, aggregated energy usage patterns on a neighborhood scale. In this event, speakers discussed challenges to expanding access to energy data and policy options to overcome them. 

To learn more, click here.


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Ocean and Coastal Management in Barbuda

Located in the Eastern Caribbean, Barbuda is an island of approximately 1,200 residents and is part of the twin-island nation of Antigua and Barbuda.  In this talk, Dr. Kathryn Mengerink discussed the legal framework for ocean and coastal management in Barbuda, some of the unique features of its legal system, and the recent work of Dr. Mengerink and her colleagues at the Environmental Law Institute to help the Barbuda government develop a new ocean and coastal legal system. 

To learn more, click here.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Renewable Planning Webinar

Ethan Elkind, Director of CLEE’s Climate Program, hosted a webinar on Renewable Planning that introduced CLEE’s new best practices guidanceThe guidance highlights best policy practices for both small-scale rooftop (ancillary) and medium-scale (primary) solar projects.  It includes sample General Plan policy language regarding 10 PV-supportive strategies, as well as guidance on financing mechanisms.

For more information and a recording of the webinar, please click here.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Infill Planning Webinar

Ethan Elkind, Director of CLEE’s Climate Program, hosted an Infill Planning webinar that covered CLEE’s new guidance report on infill planning.  The report reviews 20 infill-supportive policies with sample policy language, as well as recommendations on financing, CEQA exemptions, and other infill implementation measures.

For a more information and a recording of the webinar, please click here.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Mono Lake at 20 Symposium

2014 marked the 20th anniversary of the State Water Resources Control Board’s (SWRCB) landmark Decision 1631 to amend the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s water rights to protect Mono Lake and its tributary creeks. The decision was the first in the state’s history to integrate the Water Code, Fish and Game Code, and the common law of public trust, to achieve such a result.

UC Berkeley’s Wheeler Institute for Water Law and Policy, joined by stakeholders in the Mono Lake Cases, convened this symposium to address several fundamental questions on this twentieth anniversary of D-1631. For more information and for video of the event, please click here.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Diversity in Environmental Law Panel

CLEE, along with the Coalition for Diversity, the Environmental Law Society, and Law Students of African Descent, hosted panelists from private, non-profit, and governmental law practice to discuss diversity in Environmental Law. The panelists provided students with an introduction to the dynamic field of environmental law and helped them explore potential career paths.  Also discussed was how new attorneys from diverse backgrounds are enhancing the field.

Friday, May 9, 2014

CLEE Certificate Ceremony

1:30pm to 3:30pm
Room 100

Berkeley Law Faculty, Staff & Students came together to honor the 2014 recipients of the Berkeley Law Certificate of Specialization in Environmental Law and Certificate of Specialization in Energy & Clean Technology Law.

Monday, April 14, 2014

CLEE Environmental and Energy Curriculum Roll-Out

12:45pm to 2:00pm
Room 244
Lunch served

Join Berkeley Law environmental and energy professors as they discuss the courses offered in Fall 2014, and explain the requirements for the two certificates we offer: Environmental Law and Energy & Clean Technology Law.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

CLEE Speaker Series: The Future of Transit-Oriented Infill Development in California

105 Law Building
12:45pm to 2:00pm
Lunch served

Please join experts from academia, planning and development, and local government law as we discuss the future of rail and infill development in our city centers.  Berkeley Law/CLEE’s Ethan Elkind will discuss his new book, Railtown, on the history of rail in Los Angeles and lessons to guide future rail and infill development.

Erin Chalmers of Shute Mihaly & Weinberger will discuss recent litigation and implementation efforts on SB 375, including the current California Court of Appeal case involving San Diego’s Regional Transportation Plan.

Patrick Kennedy of Panoramic Interests, headquartered in Berkeley, will ground the discussion in the practical reality of building infill projects and their attendant challenges. Since 1990, Panoramic has completed 13 mixed-use, infill projects in and around downtown Berkeley, California.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

CLEE Speaker Series

Arctic Stewards: The Role of Alaska Natives in Managing Arctic Marine Resources

240 Law Building

12:45pm to 2:00pm


Dr. Mengerink will discuss the role and rights of Alaska Natives in managing marine resources with a special focus on marine subsistence resources. In particular, she will discuss the basic legal framework including the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, the Marine Mammal Protection Act, and the Endangered Species Act as it relates to Alaska Native subsistence and will highlight innovative and successful approaches taken by Alaska Native communities to achieve stewardship objectives. Co-sponsored by the Law of the Sea Institute, CLEE, ELQ, and ELS.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

10th Annual Environmental Justice Symposium

Taking Heat: National and International Environmental Justice Perspectives on Climate Change

The Students for Economic and Environmental Justice (SEEJ) along with the Berkeley Energy and Resources Collaborative (BERC) and the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE) are pleased to present the 10th Annual Environmental Justice Symposium. The lunch session will focus on domestic climate justice issues, including the fairness dimensions of California’s cap-and-trade program and the disproportionate health impacts that marginalized communities suffer. The evening panel will focus on international issues, particularly the equity dimensions of international efforts to reduce climate change, ways to fairly allocate the global mitigation effort across countries, and the toll of global warming on the most vulnerable countries and populations. Representing a diversity of perspectives, our speakers come from a range of academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, and business groups.

Please RSVP here.

Lunch panel 12:45 – 2:00 in Room 110, Boalt Hall

Evening panel 5:00 – 6:30 in Warren Room (Room 295), Boalt Hall

Networking reception and buffet 6:30 – 8:00 in Steinhart Courtyard, Boalt Hall

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Cosponsored by the Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies, the Center for Law, Energy and the Environment (CLEE), and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES)

The international conference, Israeli and Palestinian Waterways: History, Politics, and Technology of Water and Environment in the Middle East, will bring Israeli, Palestinian, and other international scholars together to discuss issues relating to water and environment in the Middle East. Panels will address historical issues in water law and border formation, the social impact of water and environment, transboundary peace and conflict questions, and the impacts of changing technology.  Many of the scholars bring a comparative perspective, with deep knowledge of California and the West with regard to water law and environmental policy.  Moreover, the application of innovative technologies to resolve issues of water scarcity in Israel has immediate implications for California water policy.

The keynote address will focus on a major Israeli-Palestinian collaborative environmental project to clean up wastewater in the Kidron Valley basin south of Jerusalem.  This environmental project sits at the intersection of law, technology, finance, politics, government, and culture.

8:00am to 7:00pm

UC Berkeley School of Law

Please click here for the conference page.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

CLEE Speaker Series

A Day in the Life: Careers in Energy Law

6-8pm: Warren Room (295 Law Building)

BERC@Boalt’s A Day in the Life series is back, featuring private sector and public interest attorneys focusing on different aspects of energy/cleantech law and policy. Come hear panelists share what it’s like to live a day in their lives and tell how they got there. Stay for a wine reception and meet the panelists! Panelists are from large and mid-sized firms and nonprofits, and focus on a wide range of energy, resource and cleantech matters.  Students only.

The Berkeley Exchange: Celebrating Berkeley’s Contribution to Environmental Law Scholarship.

On Friday, February 7th, Berkeley Law’s Ecology Law Quarterly and Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment proudly present:

The Berkeley Exchange: Celebrating Berkeley’s Contribution to Environmental Law Scholarship.

Please join us for this academic symposium that will feature Berkeley Law alumni discussing their latest research, followed by an evening reception. Panel topics include: Evaluating International Environmental Goals and Progress, Putting Environmental Justice at the Center of Environmental Law, Environmental Law in an Interdisciplinary Context, and Energy and Climate Change.

Please consider joining us for the reception even if you are unable to attend the panels. This is a great opportunity to reconnect with faculty, network with fellow alums, and meet current ELQ members.

When: Friday, February 7th

  • 8:00 am – Breakfast/Registration
  • 8:30 am – Welcome Remarks
  • 9:15 am – Panels Begin
  • 12:45 pm – Lunch Keynote Address
  • 6:00 pm – Reception

Full agenda here.

Where: Warren Room, Boalt Hall
Symposium registration is free, but we ask that those who attend the reception make a donation to ELQ or CLEE at one of the following levels:

  • Coast Redwood $1000
  • Big Leaf Maple $250
  • Ponderosa Pine $100
  • Joshua Tree $50
  • California Poppy $25

Please click here for more details, including a complete agenda and information about how to receive MCLE credit.


RSVP and donations:

Energy and Climate Change: California’s Efforts to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Renewables, Fuels, and Markets

Thursday, November 14, 2013
Booth Auditorium, Boalt Hall
Earn up to 6 hours MCLE credit
Register Online


9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

9:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
Scott Birkey, Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP
Amy Gaylord, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
AB 32 and California’s Energy Future
Mary Nichols, Chair, California Air Resources Board

10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
This panel will explore how the renewable energy industry, guided by California’s Renewables Portfolio Standard requirements, can reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and still meet projected energy demand.

Moderator: Ethan Elkind, U.C. Berkeley School of Law

Nick Chaset, Special Advisor for Distributed Energy Resources, Office of Governor Edmund G Brown, Jr.
Shannon Eddy, Executive Director, Large-Scale Solar Association
Arne Olson, Partner, Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc. (E3)

12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.

12:30 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
California’s Regulatory Approach to Renewables and Greenhouse Gas Reduction
David Hochschild, Commissioner, California Energy Commission

1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
This panel will address the integration of renewable energy by focusing on current programs at the California ISO to firm intermittent renewable energy production, while meeting the critical goal of maintaining reliability. The panel will feature a lively discussion featuring the sometimes competing views of grid operators and players in the renewable energy field.

Moderator: Dana Palmer, McGuire Woods LLP

Karen Edson, V.P., Policy & Client Services, California ISO
Vicken Kasarjian, Dir. Grid Planning & Operations, SMUD
V. John White, Executive Director, Center for Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Technologies (CEERT)


2:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Without fanfare, laws at the Federal and state level have been reformulating transportation fuels to become more renewable and
less carbon intensive. The Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA 2007) has created the Federal Renewable Fuel Standard program (RFS2),
which will drive lower GHG emissions nationally. California’s leadership with its Low Carbon Fuel Standard is challenging the oil industry and
supporting the re-birth of the electric car. This panel will examine the technical and legal impacts of these transformational policies.

Moderator: William W. Westerfield, III, SMUD
Dan Bowermaster, Senior Project Manager, Electric Power Research Institute
Mark Poole, California Deputy Attorney General
Cliff Rechtschaffen, Senior Advisor, Office of Governor Edmund G Brown, Jr.


4:30 p.m.

Printable Brochure | Mail/FAX Registration Form


CLEE Environmental and Energy Curriculum Roll-Out

Monday, October 21, 2013
12:45pm to 2:00pm
Room 132

Join Berkeley Law environmental and energy professors as they discuss the courses offered in Spring 2014, and explain the requirements for the two certificates we offer: Environmental Law and Energy & Clean Technology Law.

Lunch served at 12:45pm.

The Smart Grid: The Policy Challenges of a Connected Grid

The promise of the Smart Grid is great: a more resilient and efficient electricity system that can support a high concentration of renewable generation, electric vehicles, and more. And just as the Smart Grid may transform the physical electricity infrastructure, it may likely also transform both how we think about energy and how we interact with our energy providers. In our final Smart Grid mini-series panel, legal and energy policy experts will help us understand those more personal implications of the Smart Grid, including active and passive demand management, smart meters, time-of-use pricing, as well as the consumer and privacy issues that they raise.

Warren Room 295, Boalt Hall
Registration:  5pm (PST)
Program: 5pm to 7pm (PST)
Reception: 7pm to 7:30pm (PST)
Teleconference option available upon registration


  • Tim Sullivan, California Public Utilities Commission, Assistant Chief Law Judge


  • Karen Zelmar, Director of Pricing Products, Pacific Gas & Electric
  • Marcel Hawiger, Attorney, TURN – The Utility Reform Network
  • Jennifer Urban, Assistant Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic, U.C. Berkeley School of Law


To download the report, click here.

High Speed Rail in the Valley: Managing the Economic and Environmental Impacts

To download the video, click here. video icon

A lunchtime presentation in Fresno, presented by the UC Berkeley and UCLA Schools of Law Climate Change and Business Research Initiative to develop policies that help businesses prosper in an era of climate change.  Support generously provided by Bank of America.

Tuesday, August 20th, 12:00pm to 1:30pm (registration begins at 11:00am)
Lunch will be served, followed by the keynote address at noon
Grand on 10 1401 Fulton Street Suite 212 Fresno, CA 93721 (see this map for directions)

Keynote Address:
The Honorable Ashley Swearengin
, Mayor of Fresno

Panel presentation:
Holly King, King-Gardiner Farms, LLC
Tom Richards, High Speed Rail Authority
Jeff Roberts, Granville Homes

Construction will begin soon in the San Joaquin Valley on “Phase 1” of the $68.4 billion high speed rail system.  What will the impact be on the Valley’s cities, farms, and pocketbooks?  How can Valley leaders ensure that the system maximizes the economic and environmental benefits for residents?  This event will discuss these issues and offer policy ideas to address the challenges.  UCLA and UC Berkeley Schools of Law will also release a joint report at the event on this topic, entitled “A High Speed Foundation.”

RSVP by Friday, August 16th by clicking on this link.  Space is limited.

Environmental Law and Energy & Clean Technology Law Certificate Ceremony

Friday, May 10, 2013
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Room 100, Boalt Hall

Please join Berkeley Law Faculty at the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment in honoring the 2013 recipients of the Berkeley Law Certificate of Specialization in Environmental Law and Certificate of Specialization in Energy & Clean Technology Law.

Family and friends of certificate recipients are warmly invited.  Refreshments will be served.

Fracking in California: Regulation of Produced Water and Potential Water Impacts

Thursday, April 18, 2013
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Latham & Watkins LLP,
355 South Grand Ave.,
Los Angeles, CA 90071

CLEE and the Wheeler Institute for Water Law & Policy present “Fracking in California”, an informative yet balanced panel on the regulation of hydraulic fracking in California, focusing on wastewater and potential water impacts. This panel will also discuss a forthcoming report on fracking and water impacts produced by Berkeley Law’s Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE) through its new Wheeler Institute for Water Law & Policy.  1.5 hours of MCLE credit will be provided.

Speakers & Panelists Include:

  • Sam Unger, Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board
  • Damon Nagami, NRDC;
  • Rock Zierman, California Independent Petroleum Association
  • Paul Singarella, Latham & Watkins LLP;
  • Jayni Foley Hein, Berkeley Law;
  • Mike Kiparsky, Berkeley Law;

Please RSVP by April 16 to: or (510) 643-9277.

Unplugged: The Renewable Energy Speaker Series
The Smart Grid: What Is It and Why Should We Care?  

April 17, 2013

UC Berkeley School of Law
Goldberg Room
297 Law Building
Berkeley, CA 94720

Register here

Registration: 4:30 pm (Pacific Time)
Program: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm (Pacific Time)
Reception:6:30 pm – 7:00 pm (Pacific Time)

What does the smart grid have to do with renewable energy? According to most experts, quite a lot. While many believe that our current electrical transmission and distribution grid can support the California’s Renewables Portfolio Standard goal of 33 percent renewable generation by 2020, experts generally agree that to achieve significantly higher percentages, we must make our grid “smart”.

In this first of a three-panel smart grid mini-series, energy infrastructure experts will explore the nuts-and-bolts of the smart grid transformation: what it is, how it differs from the existing grid, what it will enable, and how we get there.


  • Carl Zichella, Director of Western Transmission, Land & Wildlife Program, Natural Resources Defense Council


  • Kevin Dasso,  Senior Director of Smart Grid and Technology Integration, PG&E
  • Heather Sanders,  Director Smart Grid Technologies and Strategy, CAISO
  • Sonita Lontoh,  Head of Marketing, Trilliant


2013 Environment & Energy Law Speaker Series
At the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment

*All panels begin at 12:45pm  * Lunch will be served

This series is sponsored by Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati LLP.

Panel 1: Electrochemical experts on “The Technology of Cleantech: Batteries and Fuel Cells” (Wednesday, February 20 in Room 105)


Ever wonder how fuel cells and batteries actually work? Join BERC and CLEE as we explore the science of clean technology with Gao Liu of the Electrochemical Technologies Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Heather Buckley of the Arnold Group, U.C. Berkeley Department of Chemistry

Panel 2: Reporters David Baker, Kiera Butler, and Edwin Dobb on “Environmental and Energy Journalism” (Tuesday, February 26 in Room 105)

Journalists play a vital role in educating the public about environmental issues, including environmental law and policy. A panel of experienced journalists from the SF Chronicle, Mother Jones, National Geographic and more will speak about communicating complex scientific and legal issues, working with attorneys, and the energy/environmental stories that resonate most today.

Panel 3: Patti Goldsmith of Earthjustice on Citizen Power to Obtain Justice (Wednesday, March 6 in Room 132). 

Patti Goldsmith, Vice President for Litigation at Earthjustice, will speak about citizen enforcement as an important feature of environmental compliance, the essential elements of citizen suits, and recent attacks on citizen access to courts and justice. 

Panel 4: EBCLC and SELC on “Practitioner’s Perspectives on Community Economic Justice” (Thursday, March 14 in Room 110)

Sushil Jacob of East Bay Community Law Center, Janelle Orsi of the Sustainable Economies Law Center, Berkeley Law Professor Michelle Anderson, and Tim Huet of the Arizmendi Association of Cooperatives will describe their experience working on community economic justice issues. Part of the annual Environmental Justice Symposium. Co-sponsored by CLEE and SEEJ.  

Panel 5: CLEE Directors and Staff on “Current Research: Hydraulic Fracking, Electric Vehicles, and More” (Tuesday, April 2 in Room 134)

CLEE carries out interdisciplinary law and policy research addressing pressing environmental issues at the State, local and national levels. Learn about CLEE’s projects, research assistant opportunities, events, and more.

Panel 6: CLEE Environmental and Energy Curriculum Roll-Out (Tuesday, April 9 in Room 134) 
Join Berkeley Law environmental and energy professors as they discuss the courses offered in Fall 2013, and explain the requirements for the two certificates we offer: Environmental Law and Energy & Clean Technology Law.

Ready, Set, Bid: Previewing California’s First Greenhouse Gas Auction

Thursday, November 8, 5:30pm -7:30pm
Berkeley Law, Room 12




The wait is finally over.  The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is set to hold its first auction of carbon allowances in the Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) cap-and-trade program on November 14, 2012.  CARB held a successful “practice auction” this past August.  Revenue raised from the auction will be invested in ways that further the goals of AB32, funding solutions that reduce pollution, increase clean energy generation, keep energy prices down or lessen the impacts of global warming.

Please join us on Thursday, November 8th as CLEE hosts a panel with cap-and-trade experts to discuss the mechanics of the auction, its goals, controversy and challenges surrounding the auction, and uses of the auction revenue.  Panelists include:

  • Holly Stout, California Air Resources Board
  • Alex Jackson, NRDC
  • Henry Stern, Office of State Senator Fran Pavley
  • Deborah Lambe, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment at Berkeley Law

This panel is co-sponsored by the Berkeley Energy Resources Collaborative (BERC) and BERC@Boalt.

Saving Public Transit: Strategies for an Era of Shrinking Budgets

Public transit in California and the nation—including the shuttles, buses, and passenger rail that serve our communities—has been battered by recession and dwindling public sector budgets. At the same time, ridership in many areas has spiked. This free conference at UCLA Law (co-sponsored by Berkeley Law) will highlight the challenges facing transit and explore solutions to overcome them and develop a world-class transit system. Art Leahy, Chief Executive Officer of the Los Angeles Metro, will be the keynote speaker. Simulcast is available with registration. Attorneys attending the live event can earn 4.25 hours of MCLE credit.

UCLA School of Law
Friday, November 2, 2012
9:00 am to 4:30 pm

Conference Agenda

Talk with U.S. EPA’s Cynthia Giles (’78)

Berkeley Law Room 136 
Thursday, October 25, 11am-12pm







Please join us for a discussion with current enforcement chief for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Cynthia Giles.  Cynthia is a Berkeley Law graduate (’78).  Ms. Giles was nominated by President Obama in 2009 as head of EPA Enforcement and Compliance Assurance and was confirmed by the Senate in May 2009.  She will speak to a small group of law students about EPA’s current work on “Next Generation Environmental Compliance.”  She will also share insights on her career and stories from her time at Berkeley Law and as a member of Ecology law Quarterly.


You can read more about her in this Berkeley Law feature.  There will be ample time for Q & A, so bring your questions!  Please RSVP in advance, as space is limited.

Mountaintop Removal and Human Rights in Appalachia

Berkeley Law Room 100
Wednesday, October 24
12:45 PM – 1:50 PM

CLEE, the Human Rights Center, and Students for Environmental and Economic Justice (SEEJ) will host Junior Walk, coalfield resident and activist.  Mr. Walk will speak about the practice of mountaintop removal in West Virginia and Appalachia, its impact on human and environmental health, and its contentious role in supporting local economies.

Lunch will be provided by CLEE.  Co-sponsored by BERC, CLEE, ELQ, ELS, HRC and SEEJ.

Environmental and Energy Law Careers

Learn about environmental and energy law careers from current non-profit, private sector, and government attorneys.  Join us for lunch with these interesting speakers from Morrison Foerster, U.S. Department of Justice (Environment and Natural Resources Division), the Sierra Club, and more. Bring your questions!  Lunch will be provided. Co-sponsored by CLEE, ELQ, ELS, BERC, and SEEJ.

Audio recording available here


Tuesday, October 16, 2012
12:45pm to 1:55pm
Room 145, Boalt Hall

CLEE and the Wheeler Institute Present at “Back to Boalt Day”

Back-to-Boalt Day on Saturday, September 22 will present a series of engaging panels on how Boalt Hall stands at the vanguard of change in legal education. For those celebrating reunions this year (graduating classes ending in 2 or 7) the evening will end with a festive dinner.

In the afternoon, Join Professors Dan Farber and Michelle Anderson as they discuss the evolution of environmental law education at Boalt, highlighting law and policy research by the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE) and experiential opportunities available to students, including the Environmental Justice Practice Project. You will then hear from special guest Alf Brandt (’88), principal consultant to the California State Assembly specializing in California water resource law and policy. In addition, the Associate Director of the newly established Wheeler Institute for Water Law & Policy, Mike Kiparsky, will present on the Institute’s work fostering innovation in water resource management.

Date: Saturday, September 22nd
Time: 2:15pm – 3:30pm (CLEE’s panel)
Location:  Room 130, Boalt Hall
Register here  (registration required)
MCLE: 1 hour

Wind and Waves: The Future of Ocean Energy

Offshore renewable energy holds great promise. Recent studies estimate over 500 TW hours/year of wave energy are available along the U.S. West Coast alone with the potential for up to 900 GW of installed wind in the same waters. And although variable, offshore energy — from wind, waves, currents, and tides — is consistent and predictable enough to supply a significant portion of baseload demand. But important questions remain: how can these projects be sited to avoid impacts to sensitive marine life? Can the promise be delivered, and if so, when? Please join us as our distinguished panelists help develop answers based on their real-world experience as regulators, developers, and stake-holders for PG&E’s WaveConnect project and the first U.S. offshore wind project, Cape Wind.

Date:  Thursday, September 20th
Time:  5:00pm – 7:00pm
Location: 297 Goldberg Room, Boalt Hall
Register here


  • David Ismay, Farella Braun + Martel LLP


  • William Toman, SAIC Maritime Solutions
  • Laura Engeman, California Ocean Protection Council
  • Leila Monroe, NRDC Oceans Program

MCLE: 1.5 hours

The Future of Electric Vehicles: A Capitol Hill Lunch Briefing in Washington DC and Policy Report Release

The environmental law centers at the UC Berkeley and UCLA Schools of Law present a lunchtime discussion on policies necessary to stimulate long-term, mass consumer adoption of electric vehicle technologies.  A panel discussion of electric vehicle experts and industry representatives will offer insight on the critical state and federal policy options necessary to boost electric vehicle deployment.  This free event will coincide with the release of a report from the two law schools on electric vehicle policies suggested for industry and federal, state, and local governments. Complimentary lunch will be served.

Location:  Hearing Room 2322, Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC
Date:  Monday, September 10th
Time:  12 noon to 1:30 p.m.
Click here to access the Webcast
Kindly RSVP by September 7th by clicking here.

Featured Speakers:

  • Jay Friedland, Plug In America
  • Colleen Quinn, Coulomb Technologies
  • Tracy Woodard, Nissan

If you have any questions, please contact the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment at or 510-643-7025.


CLEE Environmental and Energy Program Orientation

Tuesday, August 28, 2012 12:45pm-1:50pm. 

Berkeley Law Room 134. 

Please join CLEE’s environmental law faculty and representatives from the environmental and energy student groups for a special introduction to the program.  This lunch hour will introduce 1Ls, LLM students and other law students  to our curriculum, professors, courses, journals and student groups.  Student groups attending include BERC, ELQ, ELS, SEEJ and SALDF.  You will also be able to sign-up for our environmental and energy student email list, where we distribute event and job announcements.  We hope to see you there!

California’s Path to Local Renewable Energy: Challenges, Solutions and Progress Toward Governor Brown’s 12,000 Megawatt Goal

Berkeley Law’s Center for Law, Energy & the Environment will host a webinar on challenges, solutions and progress toward Governor Brown’s goal of attaining 12,000 megawatts of local renewable energy in California by 2020.   The webinar will take place on Thursday, June 14, at 2:00 pm PDT.

We will discuss our new report on the major barriers to and policy recommendations for achieving the governor’s local renewable energy goal.  Report coauthors Steve Weissman and Jeff Russell will provide an overview of the report, which stems from a 2011 conference convened by Governor Brown. Wade Crowfoot, Deputy Director of the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, will discuss the state’s progress toward the goal as well as actions the Governor’s Office is taking to help clear the path for development of local renewable energy.

If you are interested in participating in the webinar, please register through the link below to receive instructions for joining.

Register here

If you have any questions, please send them to

Celebrate summer with fellow alumni, students & friends in San Francisco!

Please join us for a CLEE Happy Hour at Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP on Thursday, June 28 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm.

This is a great chance to relax, network and mingle with fellow members of the Berkeley Law environmental and energy community in San Francisco.  Connect with alums, meet new colleagues, grab a copy of our new Annual Report, and enjoy a drink.  We hope to see you there!  Refreshments and light snacks will be served.

Kindly RSVP by June 26 by clicking this link: Register Here

Date and Time: Thursday, June 28.  5pm to 7pm.

Location: Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP, 555 California Street10th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104

View Map

If you have any questions, please contact the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment at or 510-643-7025.

The Future of Infill:  How CEQA Reform and the End of Redevelopment Will Affect Sustainable Development in California

What is the future of infill development in California in a time of limited public resources?  This event will discuss proposals to reinvent redevelopment agencies to bolster infill and to create new methods of financing infill infrastructure.  Speakers will also focus on recent efforts to streamline the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for infill projects and the implications of those for California’s downtowns.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

11:45am to 1:30pm (Registration begins at 11:30am)

The Temple Ballroom, Capitol Plaza Ballrooms
1025 9th St, No. 201(Third Floor)
Sacramento, CA 95814 (see this map for directions)
Driving Directions

Lunch will be served

Keynote Address:

  • The Honorable Darrell Steinberg, State Senate President pro Tempore

Panel presentation:

Please click on the name of a link for a pdf file.

  • Chris Calfee, Governor’s Office of Planning and Research
  • Dan Carrigg, League of California Cities
  • Ethan Elkind, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
  • Meea Kang, Domus Development California Infill Builders Federation

Presented by the UC Berkeley and UCLA Schools of Law as part of the Climate Change and
Business Research Initiative
.  This Initiative develops policies that help business prosper in an era of climate change.

General Information

All attendees must register for the conference online.  Registration badges must be worn at all times during the conference.  It is your meal and event ticket.

RSVP by Monday, May 14 by clicking on this link.  Space is limited.

Environmental and Energy & Clean Technology Law Certificate Ceremony.

Thursday, May 10, 2012
4pm-6pm.  Berkeley Law Room 100. 

The certificate ceremony for environmental law certificate recipients and energy and clean technology law certificate recipients will be held on Thursday, May 10, 2012 from 4 to 6pm, in Boalt Hall Room 100.  This ceremony is for both JD and LLM graduates.  Family and friends are warmly invited.

Please RSVP to CLEE Administrator Caroline Cheng by Friday, May 4, 2012.



CLEE has partnered with the environmental and energy student groups at Berkeley Law to host the Spring Environment and Energy Speaker Series.  This is a collaboration among CLEE, BERC, ELQ, ELS, SALDF, and SEEJ.  The series is generously sponsored by Wilson Sonsini Goodrch & Rosati LLP.  The series poster is viewable here.

Speaker Series Schedule: 

Monday, February 13, 2012


International Climate & Energy Collaborations

12:45pm | Boalt Hall Room 110


Join Gavis Purchas of ClimateWorks Foundation, John Romankiewicz of Lawrence Berkeley National Lab & Professor Alex Wang, visiting professor at Berkeley Law (formerly of NRDC in China), as they discuss international cooperation on clean energy and climate issues. Moderated by CLEE energy program director Steve Weissman.  Organized by BERC, BCLT, and CLEE.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dr. Kathryn Mengerink of the Environmental Law Institute on Fisheries Compliance in the U.S. and Internationally

12:45pm | Boalt Hall Room 244

Kathryn Mengerink, attorney and director of the Ocean Program at the Environmental Law Institute, discusses fisheries compliance and enforcement in the U.S. and internationally.  Co-sponsored by the Institute for Legal Research, CLEE, and ELS.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

EJ and Conservation Advocates on Powerplant Clustering Litigation

12:45pm | Boalt Hall Room 141

Attorneys Brent Plater (Wild Equity Institute), Adrienne Block (Communities for a Better Environment) and Jonathan Evans (Center for Biological Diversity) discuss recent litigation concerning four power plants in Oakley and Antioch, which Plaintiffs allege violate the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act. Organized by ELS, ELQ, and CLEE. Co-sponsored by SALDF, BERC and SEEJ.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

AGUA and CWC on “Not A Drop To Drink: The Struggle For Potable Water In The Central Valley”

12:45pm |  Boalt Hall Room 105

Veronica & Joanna Mendoza, a mother and daughter representing the AGUA Coalition and Vecinos Unidos, join Laurel Firestone and Carolina Balazs from the Community Water Center to discuss disparities in access to clean drinking water in the Central Valley.  *This panel is part of the Environmental Justice Symposium.* Organized by SEEJ.



























Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Katie Cantrell and Bruce Wagman on Factory Farming

12:45pm | Boalt Hall Room 145

Katie Cantrell, founder of the Coalition to Fight Factory Farming, and Bruce Wagman, animal law instructor and partner at Schiff Hardin LLP in San Francisco, discuss their work and advocacy relating to factory farming.  Organized by SEEJ, SALDF, and CLEE.


















Monday, March 12, 2012

Climate Change talk by Howard Latin

12:45pm | Boalt Hall Room 134

Professor Howard Latin will talk about his forthcoming book, Climate Change Policy Failures: Why Conventional Mitigation Approaches Cannot Succeed. Professor Latin has been on the Rutgers Law School at Newark faculty since 1976. He was a Fulbright Scholar in Australia in 1992 and South Africa in 1997, and he has traveled to more than 40 countries in the past three decades while conducting research on environmental law and biodiversity conservation issues.





Monday, April 9

CLEE Environmental & Energy Curriculum Roll-Out

12:45pm | Boalt Hall Room 145

Join Berkeley Law environmental and energy professors as they discuss their courses for Fall 2012.  Don’t miss this opportunity to preview the course offerings before you register.Limited to Berkeley Law students.  Light lunch provided.






February 27- March 2, 2012 (all week)



12:45-2:00 pm each day | Boalt Hall, UC School of Law (room information provided below)


The 8th Annual Environmental Justice Symposium, organized by Students for Environmental and Economic Justice (SEEJ). The topic this year is “Overcoming Invisibility: Environmental Justice in Rural America.” This symposium features a week of lunchtime panel discussions on important environmental justice issues impacting rural communities. Lunch will be provided each day and all events are free and open to the public.

CLEE is sponsoring this conference.  Schedule of events:


Monday, February 27, 2012. 12:45-2:00pm. Room 105, UC Berkeley School of Law

Leaders working with communities on the Navajo Nation — Anna Rondon (New Energy Economy), Wahleah Johns (Black Mesa Water Coalition), Brad Bartlett (Western Energy Justice Project), and Caitlin Sislin (Women’s Earth Alliance)—will discuss the struggle against mining and towards clean energy alternatives on tribal lands. Lunch provided from Cafe Gratitude


Tuesday, February 28, 2012. 12:45-2:00pm. Room 295 (Warren Room/Old Cafe Zeb), UC Berkeley School of Law

This event brings together female attorneys, advocates and organizers of color to explore ways gender and race have impacted women’s experiences and strategies leading struggles for environmental and economic justice in rural America. Come participate in a conversation withAnna Rondon (New Energy Economy), Felicia Espinosa (California Rural Legal Assistance), Mary Louise Frampton (UC Berkeley School of Law), and Valerie Gorospe (Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment), moderated by Swati Prakash (UC Berkeley School of Law). Lunch provided from Cheeseboard.


Wednesday, February 29, 2012. 12:45-2:00pm. Room 105, UC Berkeley School of Law

While cities produce most of California’s waste, rural areas bear the brunt of it. All three of the state’s Class I hazardous waste dumps are sited near low-income, unincorporated communities. Ingrid Brostrom, an attorney with the Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment, and Maricela Mares-Alatorre, a community activist and organizer with El Pueblo Para El Aire y Agua Limpio and Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice, will discuss the ongoing struggle in Kettleman City, a rural community near a 1,600-acre hazardous and municipal solid waste dump that has experienced a rash of severe birth defects and infant deaths over the past several years. Moderated by Berkeley Law Professor, Robert Infelise. Lunch provided from Mandela Food Cooperative.


Thursday, March 1, 2012. 12:45-2:00 pm. NEW LOCATION: YWCA Auditorium at 2600 Bancroft Way Berkeley, CA 94704

Joanna Mendoza, a youth from Cutler representing the AGUA Coalition and Vecinos Unidos, will join Laurel Firestone and Carolina Balazs from the Community Water Center on a panel to discuss disparities in access to clean drinking water in the Central Valley. Moderated by Berkeley Law Professor Michelle Anderson. Lunch provided from Sunrise Deli Falafel.


Friday, March 2, 2012. 12:45-2:00pm. Dean’s Seminar Room, UC Berkeley School of Law

Leaders from major organizations in the Central Valley such as California Rural Legal Assistance and Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment will engage in a dialogue with students and professors about Boalt’s current and future commitment to rural issues. Lisa Pruitt from UC Davis Law will moderate. [LIMITED SEATING. PLEASE RSVP TO:].  Lunch provided from Gregiore.

January 25, 2012

Unplugged: The Renewable Energy Speaker Series, Session 7: Is Fast Track On Track?


5:00 – 7:00 pm | Farella Braun + Martell LLP


Before 2010, the United States had never approved a utility-scale solar farm on public land in California. Renewable energy projects on private, state or county lands were limited.  With the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act as a catalyst, California state, federal and county agencies approved more than 17,000 MW of renewable energy projects in 2010 and 2011 with over 3,000 MW on public lands. These “Fast Track” projects, permitted through close coordination between agencies, consultants, developers and public stakeholders, form the basis of our renewable energy future. While many of the permitted projects are under construction, many solar projects have stalled due to changing markets and the vagaries of a young industry. Please join our panelists from agencies and the developer community as we delve into the fast and furious world of fast-track solar, where it’s been, lessons learned and where it’s going.

MCLE: 1.5 hours

Sponsored By:

  • Berkeley Law Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
  • Farella Braun + Martel LLP
  • The Environmental Law Institute

Location and Time:

Farella Braun + Martel LLP
17th Floor Conference Room
235 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
T: 415.954.4400

Registration: 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Program: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Reception: 6:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Teleconference information:
Dial-in: 1-888-759-6039
Participant Code: 415-954-4962

January 21, 2012

California Water Law Symposium

8 am – 6 pm | Boalt Hall

The 8th Annual student-run California Water Law Symposium, hosted this year at UC Berkeley, School of Law. The event is a collaborative effort by students at Berkeley Law, Golden Gate University, Hastings, University of San Francisco, and UC Davis that brings together the major players from around the state.


The Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE) is co-sponsoring this event.


December 14, 2011

Catastrophic Events in an Age of Climate Change: Harnessing the Power of Legal and Policy Tools

5:00 – 7:00 pm | Goldberg Room, Berkeley Law

The effect of global warming on weather patterns may be responsible for more powerful storms and hotter, longer dry periods, according to the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report.  This trend is The effect of global warming on weather patterns may be responsible for more powerful storms and hotter, longer dry periods, according to the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report.  This trend is projected to continue for years to come.  How can we use legal and policy tools to prepare for and lessen the consequences of extreme weather events and man-made disasters in an era of climate change?

Professors Daniel Farber and Laurel Fletcher of Berkeley Law will share their research on disaster law and climate change, including lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina and the Japanese tsunami.  Louis Blumberg, Director of the California Climate Change Program at The Nature Conservancy, will speak about nature-based adaptation to climate change, focusing on the climate extremes of sea level rise, flood, wildfire, and disruption of water supply.

Please join us for this engaging event!

MCLE: 1.5 hours



  • The California Governor’s Office
  • The Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE) at Berkeley Law
  • The Nature Conservancy
  • Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati



December 2, 2011

Local Clean and Green Conference

7:30 am – 5:00 pm | I-House @ 2299 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley, CA

This conference will showcase promising policies and best practices on climate change for local government officials and stakeholders.  The recommendations will be in part drawn from the Berkeley and UCLA Law Business and Climate Change Research Initiative white papers.  The conference targets an audience of:

  • Key local government decision-makers throughout California;
  • State and Federal officials necessary to implementing environmental and energy policies at the local level in California;
  • Business leaders from targeted sectors; and
  • Advocates and legal practitioners who work on these issues locally.

The event will be an all-day public conference featuring plenary speeches and panels focusing on issues related to business and climate change and presenting various policies available to local government leaders.

Registration required:

Sponsored by:

  • Bank of America
  • The Center for Law, Energy and the Environment at Berkeley Law
  • UCLA School of Law (Environmental Law Center & Emmett Center on Climate Change and the Environment)


November 3, 2011

Presentation by EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson

12:45 pm – 2:00 pm | Room 105 Law Building, UC Berkeley School of Law

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson will be at Berkeley Law to speak about current EPA policies and the EPA’s reaction to recent House Republican challenges to environmental laws.  Administrator Jackson will discuss how the EPA is answering President Obama’s call for federal agencies to work with American businesses and create green jobs.

Jackson has been named one of Newsweek’s “Most Important People in 2010,” and has been featured on Time Magazine’s 2010 and 2011 lists of the “100 Most Influential People in the World.”

She will also answer student questions submitted in advance.  Don’t miss this rare opportunity to meet the EPA Administrator!

Advance registration required:


October 31, 2011


Progress or Retreat?: The Outlook for a Rule of Law in a Changing China

4 pm | Institute of East Asian Studies (2223 Fulton, 6th Floor)

Sponsors: East Asian Studies, Institute of (IEAS), Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE) at Berkeley Law, Chinese Studies, Center for (CCS)

What is the outlook for Chinese rule of law in the coming years? Three speakers, each with significant on-the-ground experience working on legal development in China, will address this question from a number of perspectives, including resolution of constitutional disputes, the changing role of lawyers, environmental protection, and citizen protest.  Professor Alex Wang (UC Berkeley) will discuss the uncertain role of law in China’s efforts to address severe environmental problems, and promising bottom-up efforts at legal innovation on the part of citizens and local courts.

More information here.


October 20-21, 2011

2011 BERC Energy Symposium

The BERC Energy Symposium is the premier energy event at UC Berkeley and the largest student-run energy conference on the West Coast. Key players from the research, business development, policy and economics communities converge on Berkeley’s campus to explore innovative ideas and provide a platform for vibrant discussion among hundreds of attendees.

The 2011 BERC Energy Symposium will commence on the evening of Thursday, October 20th with the BERC Innovation Expo, a showcase of cutting-edge energy research, environmental design and entrepreneurship. The conference will take place on Friday, October 21st featuring nine engaging and in-depth panel discussions, three keynote addresses, and a post-conference reception. This year’s event will build on the expertise of energy leaders
from a wide range of fields to debate the most crucial issues and strategies for addressing our shared global energy challenges.

Register now:

For more information:


October 5, 2011  

Energy Storage: A Current Assessment

4:30 – 7:00 pm | Goldberg Room, Boalt Hall

Energy storage — such as batteries, compressed air and pumped hydro facilities — has been called the “Holy Grail” of the electricity grid. These technologies can balance intermittent solar and wind energy, reduce peak energy demand and provide important grid services, among other roles.  But barriers such as high costs, market rules and technology maturity have stymied a significant deployment of energy storage. Coinciding with the completion of a major energy storage report jointly prepared by three University of California campuses, an expert panel will discuss the commercial status of the various technologies, legislative and regulatory efforts underway, ongoing research and development needs and potential market reforms to boost energy storage deployment in California and beyond.

Registration required:

MCLE: 1.5 hours

Sponsored By:

Berkeley Law Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
Farella Braun + Martel LLP
The Environmental Law Institute






October 20, 2011

Environmental & Energy Curriculum Rollout

12:45-1:50 pm | Room 134 Law Building

Come learn more about the environmental and energy courses that we will be offering this spring.  Lunch will be provided.  This event is open to UC Berkeley student only.


October 19, 2011

Environmental Careers Panel

12:45 – 1:50 p.m. | 145 Law Building, School of Law

Want to learn more about careers in environmental and energy law?  Join us on October 19 to hear from Berkeley Law alumni working at NRDC, PG&E, Shute Mihaly & Weinberger, and San Francisco Baykeeper.  This panel is sponsored by the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE), working with student groups ELQ, ELS, SALDF, and SEEJ.  Lunch will be provided to attendees.



October 1, 2011

Alumni Weekend Event: Local Renewable Energy Policy and Job Creation in California

2:15–3:30 pm | Boalt Hall

Join Steve Weissman of the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE), former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, CA Senior Policy Advisory Ken Alex, and Solaria VP David Hochschild discuss California Governor Jerry Brown’s pledge to quadruple local energy renewables by 2020 and create new jobs in the state. CLEE is working with Governor Brown’s office to identify the legal and policy barriers and solutions for achieving this goal. Under Governor Granholm, Michigan rose to fourth in the nation for solar industry jobs and first for clean energy patents. (One hour general MCLE credit)

Registration required: