Our Publications


Equitable EV Action Plan Framework: Local leadership–by governments and communities–will be crucial to an equitable and effective EV transition. The Equitable EV Action Plan Framework provides a comprehensive approach to developing local transition plans, from coalition-building and community engagement strategies to dozens of infrastructure investment types, all through the lens of hundreds of city and county-scale examples from across the US.

Justice-Centered Mapping Tools for Selecting Electric Vehicle Charger Locations: This UC Institute for Transportation Studies policy brief provides an overview of the need for map-based decision-making tools to inform EV charger investment site selection that center equity and environmental justice concerns, and introduces the development of CLEE’s EV Equity Roadmap tool.

Facilitating Equity-Oriented Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Investments: The emerging California and U.S. policy context provides an opportunity to design needed EV infrastructure plans in a manner that advances local economic prosperity and environmental justice. This policy report presents three strategies for local governments and community-based organizations seeking to design equity-oriented EV infrastructure investments, including community oversight councils, Community Benefits Agreements, and participatory budgeting processes. 

Electric Shared Mobility: California Lessons Learned for Equity in Program Design: Shared mobility—an umbrella term for sharing transportation among multiple passengers—has the potential to accelerate transportation electrification, air quality, and greenhouse gas reduction goals, meet the needs of underserved communities that most lack mobility access, and further broaden mobility equity policy goals. Our report highlights examples of shared mobility programs and identifies lessons learned for equity-focused electric vehicle (EV) program design based on analysis of California projects in two key categories: EV carshare and mobility hubs.

Policy Strategies to Promote Equitable EV Charging Access for Multifamily Housing Residents: The lack of electric vehicle charging at multi-unit dwellings (MUDs) limits the ability of their residents—particularly in lower-income and dense urban communities—to access the health and financial benefits of this clean technology. Our report, informed by interviews with program officials and multifamily residential charging experts, draws insights from city programs and existing case studies to identify equity-oriented solutions to key MUD charging barriers.

Funding, Financing, & Investment Strategies to Advance Clean Mobility Infrastructure in Priority Communities: CLEE and Prospect Silicon Valley convened an advisory group of experts in climate and public finance, clean mobility, and city infrastructure investment to develop innovative proposals for clean mobility enhancement. This report outlines the top financing and revenue strategies identified by the group to bring city-scale and mobility infrastructure solutions to fruition. CLEE and ProspectSV also collaborated on a response to the California IBank’s  Request for Information regarding climate financing through the US EPA Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.

Case Studies: City Public & Curbside EV Charging Strategies: Our case study report, informed by interviews with city leaders and EV charging project directors, gathers insights from city programs that are leading efforts to expand charging infrastructure in curbside and public right-of-way (PROW) locations.

Charging Up the Central Coast: Policy recommendations for equitable EV charging access in Watsonville, California.

Tracking California Cities’ Readiness for an Equitable EV Transition: Berkeley Law student analysis of 27 California cities’ policy approaches to EV infrastructure and equity, identifying transition “readiness scores” across 11 categories from adoption of a dedicated EV action plan to development of a local equity mapping tool.