Berkeley Law Student Opportunities
The Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment is hiring a Legal Research Associate to conduct background research on vulnerability to extreme heat. The research will rely primarily on literature review, but could also include expert interviews with local government, service agencies, and other stakeholders. The research will result in a policy memo/backgrounder to support a fall event that will convene local agencies, service providers, researchers, community-based organizations, and others to collaboratively develop a framework to support vulnerable populations in the SF Bay Area in the preparation for and response during extreme heat events. This work will be conducted in collaboration with the Human Rights Center, the Criminal Law and Justice Center, and the Berkeley Climate Change Network.
Desired skills: Strong writing and research skills, ability to synthesize information from a range of sources, interest, and excitement about learning.
The position is 8-10 hours per week during the academic year and 100% in the summer. Hourly compensation rate is $29.25. This position begins immediately and ends in December 2024 with the possibility of extension. You will report to Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director at CLEE. The position is remote, but hoteling space is available for in-office work if desired.
If you are interested, please send a cover letter and a resume to Louise Bedsworth at Please reference “Understanding Vulnerability to Extreme Heat” in the email subject line.
The position must meet campus eligibility requirements:
- Have at least a 3.0 GPA
- Be registered and enrolled in a minimum of 12 units
- Have no more than 2 Incompletes in upper division or graduate level courses
- You must not be on Filing Fee status
The Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment is hiring a Legal Research Associate to update the California Climate Policy Dashboard. In addition to updating the Dashboard, the researchers will also gather resources to support syllabus and material development for a new course in California Climate Law and Policy being held at the Law School in Fall 2024.
Desired skills: Strong research and organizational skills, ability to synthesize information from a range of sources, interest and excitement to learn about California Climate Policy.
The position is 8-10 hours per week during the academic year and 100% in the summer. Hourly compensation rate is $29.25. This position begins immediately and ends in December 2024 with the possibility of extension. You will report to Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director at CLEE. The position is remote, but hoteling space is available for in-office work if desired.
If you are interested, please send a cover letter and a resume to Louise Bedsworth at Please reference “Mapping California Climate Policy” in the email subject line.
The position must meet campus eligibility requirements:
- Have at least a 3.0 GPA
- Be registered and enrolled in a minimum of 12 units
- Have no more than 2 Incompletes in upper division or graduate level courses
- You must not be on Filing Fee status
The Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment is hiring a Legal Research Associate to conduct background research on nature-based climate solutions. The research will include developing a literature review of nature-based solutions by land cover type. Review will organize review by land cover type based on the California Natural Resources Agency’s goals for natural and working lands as developed under Assembly Bill (AB) 1757 (2002, Garcia). The research will also assess availability of information on economic and workforce impacts of nature-based solutions in the available literature. The research will inform a collaborative study being prepared for the California Natural Resources Agency.
Desired skills: Strong writing and research skills, ability to synthesize information from range of sources, interest and excitement about learning.
The position is 8-10 hours per week during the academic year and 100% in the summer. Hourly compensation rate is $29.25. This position begins immediately and ends in December 2024 with the possibility of extension. You will report to Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director at CLEE. The position is remote, but hoteling space is available for in-office work if desired.
If you are interested, please send a cover letter and a resume to Louise Bedsworth at Please reference “Nature-Based Climate Solutions” in the email subject line.
The position must meet campus eligibility requirements:
- Have at least a 3.0 GPA
- Be registered and enrolled in a minimum of 12 units
- Have no more than 2 Incompletes in upper division or graduate level courses
- You must not be on Filing Fee status