Judges and the Press

Welcome to BJI’s series of investigations on the intertwining relationship between the judiciary and the press. Below are the programs we have to offer so far — stay tuned for more to come!

Judges and the Press: the Southern District of New York experience

April 25, 2025
12:00 pm (PT)

registration open button

Location: Zoom
Speaker(s):  Aaron Katersky, ABC; Ed Friedland, US District S.D.N.Y; Charles Hall, Administrative Office of the US Courts; Jennifer Rochon, US District S.D.N.Y.; Ben Weiser, NY Times

Join Berkeley Judicial Institute, Judge Jennifer Rochon, SDNY District Executive Ed Friedland, ABC’s Aaron Katersky, and NY Times’ Ben Weiser as we:

  • take a close-up view of the busy media operation in SDNY
  • explore the role of the Media Committee (how and why the committee was established, how it operates)
  • learn more about how the court and members of the media work together
  • consider your questions

Public Affairs Specialist Charles Hall will moderate the conversation.

Judges and the Press: The Mystery of the Jury

August 2, 2024
12:00 pm (PT)

Location: Zoom
Speaker(s): District Judge Marcia Krieger, D. Colo.; Professor Valerie Hans, Cornell; Professor Nancy Marder, Chicago-Kent Law; Judge Robert Lasnik, W.D. Wash.; and Judge Pamela Gates, Arizona Maricopa County Superior Court

Join Berkeley Judicial Institute and Moderator District Judge Marcia Krieger (D. Colo.), Professor Valerie Hans (Cornell), Professor Nancy Marder (Chicago-Kent Law), Judge Robert Lasnik (W.D. Wash.), and Judge Pamela Gates (Maricopa County Superior Court, Arizona) as we consider: the historical and current roles and importance of the American jury; how jurors work and jurors’ perspective on the critical points in a trial; and how jurors view the judicial process.

Judges and the Press: Why Access Matters

July 12, 2024
12:00 pm (PT)

Location: Zoom
Speaker(s): Carrie Johnson, NPR; Judge Joshua Wolson, Eastern District of Pennsylvania; James McLaughlin, Washington Post; & Jodi Munn Schebel, Bowman and Brooke

Join Berkeley Judicial Institute and NPR’s Carrie Johnson as we talk to Judge Joshua Wolson, Washington Post’s James McLaughlin and Bowman and Brooke’s Jodi Munn Schebel about how media access issues play out in the courts. What are the competing concerns? 

Covering Major Criminal Cases: some basics for members of the press

January 19
12:00 pm (PT)

Location: Zoom
Speaker(s): Judge Bernice Donald (ret.); Judge Jeremy Fogel (ret.); Dan Levine, Reuters.

Covering any criminal case, much less a major case, is a daunting challenge for any member of the press. This is especially true in high-profile cases. Join Berkeley Judicial Institute as Reuters’ Dan Levine interviews Judge Jeremy Fogel (ret.) and Judge Bernice Donald (ret.).

Judges and the Press Session 3

June 30
12:00 pm (PT)

Session 3: HOW judges should communicate with the media when a case is proceeding
Speaker(s): Judge Bernice Donald (ret.); Judge Jeremy Fogel (ret.); Charles Hall, Administrative Office of the US Courts; & Judge Marcia Krieger; Dan Levine, Reuters.
Implicit Bias Credit Pending Approval by California State Bar

This three-part Berkeley Judicial Institute program series will focus on why and how judges should communicate with those in the media.

We’ll consider the ethical restraints on judges, and the longstanding belief that judges should communicate only through opinions.

Judges and the Press Session 2

June 23
12:00 pm (PT)

Session 2: HOW judges should communicate with the media in general
Speaker(s): Judge Bernice Donald (ret.);Judge Jeremy Fogel (ret.); Charles Hall, Administrative Office of the US Courts; & Judge Marcia Krieger; Dan Levine, Reuters.
Implicit Bias Credit Pending Approval by California State Bar

This three-part Berkeley Judicial Institute program series will focus on why and how judges should communicate with those in the media.

We’ll consider the ethical restraints on judges, and the longstanding belief that judges should communicate only through opinions.


Judges and the Press Session 1

June 16
12:00 pm (PT)

Session 1: WHY judges should communicate with the media
Speaker(s): Judge Bernice Donald (ret.); Judge Jeremy Fogel (ret.); Charles Hall, Administrative Office of the US Courts; & Judge Marcia Krieger; Dan Levine, Reuters.
Implicit Bias Credit Available

This three-part Berkeley Judicial Institute program series will focus on why and how judges should communicate with  those in the media.

We’ll consider the ethical restraints on judges, and the longstanding belief that judges should communicate only through opinions.