
Upcoming Events

If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.) to fully participate in this event, please contact Justin Tri Do at with as much advance notice as possible and at least 7 business days in advance of the event.

Cultivating Healing and Health in the Judiciary

March 28, 2025
12:00 pm (PT)


Session 4: How we learn: values and judging
Speaker(s): Michele Statz, University of Minnesota Medical School; Wiremu Doherty, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi

This five-part virtual series recognizes this impossible context and the unique vulnerabilities that many judges carry, however privately. Premised on a model of mutual accompaniment, it honors judges’ wounds and weariness not as a liability but as a shared reference point from which to come together as judges, to learn, and to heal [SESSION 1, February 14]. It exposes judges to practices and paradigms [SESSIONS
2, 3, 4 February 28, March 14 and 28] that represent different ways of being a judge (versus judging). And throughout, it seeks to build a community that finds new experiences of justice in the midst of relationship [SESSION 5, April 11].

All judges, at all levels, are welcome to register; we ask that judges plan to participate in all five 75 minute sessions. After each session, participants can anticipate reading materials for the next session and a Google document with some questions.

Please let us know your interest in participating by registering by December 13, 2024. (Earlier applications encouraged!)

Cultivating Healing and Health in the Judiciary

April 11, 2025
12:00 pm (PT)


Session 5: Concluding Conversations
Speaker(s): Michele Statz, University of Minnesota Medical School

This five-part virtual series recognizes this impossible context and the unique vulnerabilities that many judges carry, however privately. Premised on a model of mutual accompaniment, it honors judges’ wounds and weariness not as a liability but as a shared reference point from which to come together as judges, to learn, and to heal [SESSION 1, February 14]. It exposes judges to practices and paradigms [SESSIONS
2, 3, 4 February 28, March 14 and 28] that represent different ways of being a judge (versus judging). And throughout, it seeks to build a community that finds new experiences of justice in the midst of relationship [SESSION 5, April 11].

All judges, at all levels, are welcome to register; we ask that judges plan to participate in all five 75 minute sessions. After each session, participants can anticipate reading materials for the next session and a Google document with some questions.

Please let us know your interest in participating by registering by December 13, 2024. (Earlier applications encouraged!)

Judges and the Press: the Southern District of New York experience

April 25, 2025
12:00 pm (PT)

registration open button

Location: Zoom
Speaker(s):  Aaron Katersky, ABC; Ed Friedland, US District S.D.N.Y; Charles Hall, Administrative Office of the US Courts; Jennifer Rochon, US District S.D.N.Y.; Ben Weiser, NY Times

Join Berkeley Judicial Institute, Judge Jennifer Rochon, SDNY District Executive Ed Friedland, ABC’s Aaron Katersky, and NY Times’ Ben Weiser as we:

  • take a close-up view of the busy media operation in SDNY
  • explore the role of the Media Committee (how and why the committee was established, how it operates)
  • learn more about how the court and members of the media work together
  • consider your questions

Public Affairs Specialist Charles Hall will moderate the conversation.

Judges Talking

May 2, 2025
12:00 pm (PT)

registration open button


Location: Zoom
With Denise Neary & Michele Statz

Imagine what good things could happen if more judges just talked to each other? 
Please join Berkeley Judicial InstituteDenise Neary, and Michele Statz for an informal, freewheeling discussion for judges about all things judging.


May 9, 2025
12:00 pm (PT)

registration open button

Location: Zoom
Speaker(s):  Hon. Brett Alldredge (ret.), Superior Court of Tulare County; Prof. Rachel Barkow, NYU Law

Join Berkeley Judicial Institute as we host Judge Brett Alldredge (ret.) in conversation with Professor Rachel Barkow about Barkow’s new book, Justice Abandoned.

Chambers’ Culture: Civility Not Sterility

May 23, 2025
12:00 pm (PT)

registration open button

Speaker(s): Hon. Thomas Hardiman, W.D. Pa.;  Jonathan Segal. Duane Morris LLP

It is important that individuals in chambers, starting with the judge, interact with one another with respect, dignity and civility.  This includes avoiding harassing, retaliatory, abusive and other inappropriate conduct.

At the same time, chambers’ relationships are not solely professional.  They often have a personal dimension, too.  Indeed, some judges refer to their clerks and assistants as part of their “judicial family.”

Using scenarios to guide the conversation, this program will consider:

  • navigating interpersonal issues with clerks and other chambers staff
  • understanding the power differential that undergirds the judge/clerk relationship
  • maintaining collaboration, collegiality and mentorship.

2024 – 2025 Law & Literature

May 30, 2025
12:00 pm (PT)

registration open button

Session 6: Shakespeare | Macbeth
Speaker(s): Dr. Julie Empric, Eckerd College

Using great works as text, these programs provide participants the opportunity to reflect on how literature provides insight into contemporary issues. All are welcome to register to participate; we ask those participating to be prepared to discuss the readings during out time together.

Judges Talking

July 11, 2025
12:00 pm (PT)

registration open button


Location: Zoom
With Denise Neary & Michele Statz

Imagine what good things could happen if more judges just talked to each other? 
Please join Berkeley Judicial InstituteDenise Neary, and Michele Statz for an informal, freewheeling discussion for judges about all things judging.

Judges Talking

September 12, 2025
12:00 pm (PT)

registration open button


Location: Zoom
With Denise Neary & Michele Statz

Imagine what good things could happen if more judges just talked to each other? 
Please join Berkeley Judicial InstituteDenise Neary, and Michele Statz for an informal, freewheeling discussion for judges about all things judging.

Judges Talking

November 7, 2025
12:00 pm (PT)

registration open button


Location: Zoom
With Denise Neary & Michele Statz

Imagine what good things could happen if more judges just talked to each other? 
Please join Berkeley Judicial InstituteDenise Neary, and Michele Statz for an informal, freewheeling discussion for judges about all things judging.

If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.) to fully participate in this event, please contact Justin Tri Do at with as much advance notice as possible and at least 7 business days in advance of the event.


Event Archive

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