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January 31-February 1, 2025
About the Workshop
In 2025 BCPLT will host the eleventh annual North American Workshop on Private Law Theory (NAWPLT). NAWPLT is a yearly conference that gathers dozens of American-based private law scholars to discuss works-in-progress. Papers will address topics within private law including contracts, equity, property, restitution, remedies, and torts, and are selected to reflect a diversity of perspectives and methodologies.
The program features 6 sessions in which we will discuss 6 papers dedicating 90 minutes to each. The discussion will begin with the commentator who will have 15 minutes to speak, followed by a brief response (5 to 10 minutes) by the author and then an open discussion. We obviously encourage all participants to read the papers in advance to facilitate discussion during the conference.
Thursday, January 30, 2025 – Faculty Club
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm: The John G. Fleming Lecture
Presenter: Ernest Weinrib, Theology in Vincent v. Lake Erie
6:30 pm – 8:15 pm: Dinner, Heyns Room
Day 1 – Friday, January 31 – Warren Room, 295
8:30 am – 9:00 am: Breakfast
9:00 am – 9:15 am
Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:15 am – 10:45 am
Presenter: Sam Bray: Why Equity Changes
Commenter: Henry Smith
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Presenter: Danielle D’Onfro: Revisiting Tortious Interference with Contract
Commentator: Jennifer Nadler
12:20 pm – 2:00 pm: Lunch
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Presenter: Catherine Valcke: Taking Legal Difference Seriously: Objective and Subjective Contractual Consent
Commentor: Sadie Blanchard
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Presenter: James Toomey: Fiduciary Standards
Commentator: Lionel Smith
6:00 pm: Dinner – Faculty Club, Heyns Room
Day 2 – Saturday, February 1
8:30 am – 9:00 am: Continental Breakfast
9:00 am – 10:30 am
Presenter: Shyamkrishna Balganesh: The Eunomics of Intellectual Property
Commentator: Courtney Cox
10:45 am – 12:15 pm
Presenter: Samuel Beswick: The Defense of Public Necessity
Commentator: Seth Davis
12:15 pm: Lunch and Departures
Yuval Abrams (Michigan State)
José Argueta Funes (Berkeley)
Gilat Bachar (Temple)
Aditi Bagchi (Fordham)
Shyam Balganesh (Columbia)
Samuel Beswick (British Columbia)
Brian Bix (Minnesota)
Sadie Blanchard
Debadatta Bose (Berkeley)
Andrew Botterell (Western)
Andrew Bradt (Berkeley)
Erika Chamberlain (Western)
Thomas Christiano (Arizona)
Courtney Cox (Fordham)
Danielle D’Onfro (WashU)
Hanoch Dagan (Berkeley)
William Darwall (Berkeley)
Seth Davis (Berkeley)
Melvin Eisenberg (Berkeley)
Chris Essert (Toronto)
Brittany Farr (NYU)
Mark Gergen
Matthew Hamilton (Berkeley)
Adam Hofri-Winogradow (British Columbia)f
Pinchas Huberman (Berkeley)
Robin Kar (Illinois)
Chris Kutz (Berkeley)
Samuel L. Bray (Notre Dame)
Ela Leshem (Fordham)
Jed Lewinsohn (Pittsburgh)
Isabella Luisa Mariani (Berkeley)
Crescente Molina (Rutgers)
Jennifer Nadler (Osgoode)
Jason Neyers (Western)
John Oberdiek (Rutgers)
Alberto Pino-Emhart (Adolfo Ibanez)
Michael Pressman (Harvard)
Cosim Sayid (Rutgers)
Lauren Scholz (FSU)
Daimeon Shanks-Dumont (Berkeley)
Seana Shiffrin (UCLA)
Kenneth Simons (Irvine)
Zoë Sinel (Western)
Henry Smith (Harvard)
Lionel Smith (Oxford)
Martin Stone (Cardozo)
Gregg Strauss (Virginia)
Jean Thomas (Queen’s)
James Toomey (Iowa)
Catherine Valcke (Toronto)
Molly Van Houweling (Berkeley)
Daniel Viehoff (Berkeley)
Konstanze von Schütz (McGill)
Jordan Wallace-Wolf (Little Rock)
Ernest Weinrib (Toronto)
Stav Zeitouni (Berkeley)
Organizing Committee
Aditi Bagchi
Professor of Law
Fordham Law
Molly Brady
Louis D. Brandeis Professor of Law
Harvard Law
Andrew Gold
Professor of Law
Brooklyn Law
John Goldberg
Interim Dean and Carter Professor of General Jurisprudence
Harvard Law
Felipe Jiménez
Associate Professor of Law and Philosophy
USC Gould School of Law
Larissa Katz
Professor and Canada Research Chair in Private Law Theory and Associate Dean of Graduate Programs
University of Toronto
Paul Miller
Professor of the Practice and Co-Chair for Global Politics and Security Senior Fellow, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security
Georgetown University
Rebecca Stone
Professor of Law
Zoë Sinel
Associate Professor
Western Law
Henry Smith
Fessenden Professor of Law and Director of the Project on the Foundations of Private Law
Harvard Law
Conference Papers
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