3rd Berkeley-Tsinghua Conference on Transnational IP Litigation

Transnational IP Litigation at a Time of Trade Tension


Full series (4 sessions): $250.00
Single day: $75.00
Asia IP sponsors, academics, non-profit, government and students: complimentary

  • What impact have bilateral trade tensions had on private IP dispute settlement between the United States and China?
  • What practical strategies should rightsholders consider?
Hear from a distinguished group of judges, officials, practitioners and academics from the United States and China, discussing such issues as SEP’s, trade secrets, patent linkage for pharmaceuticals, on-line enforcement, and trans-border legal ethics.  Among the US judges that have already confirmed are:
  • Hon. Ray Chen, Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
  • Hon. Jeremy Fogel, Exec Director, Berkeley Judicial Institute; former Director, Federal Judicial Center; former District Judge, ND Cal
  • Hon. Andrew Guilford, former District Judge, CD Cal
  • Hon. Kent Jordan, Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
  • Hon. Randall Rader, former Chief Judge, Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 
They will be joined by a star-studded cast of colleagues from the US and China, including judges, in-house counsel, law firm practitioners and academics.

This conference will be online.

Day 1: January 21, 2021 4:30 to 6:30 P.M. (PST) 
Day 2: January 22, 2021 4:30 to 6:30 P.M. (PST) 
Day 3: January 28, 2021 4:30 to 6:00 P.M. (PST) 
Day 4: January 29, 2021 4:30 to 6:30 P.M. (PST) 

CLE credit will be offered to paid attendees and BCLT sponsors.
Day 1: Overview: Litigation, Enforcement, Legislation
Part 1: Introduction, Opening Remarks, IP Litigation in a Time of Trade Tension/Global Enforcement of IP (Speakers: Professor Mark Cohen, Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean SHEN Weixing, Judge Ray Chen, and Professor Zhang Yuejiao)
(Speakers: Matthew Chervenak, Larry Lian, PU Xiang, Melissa Schneider, John Wiora, Tom Chia, and Dr GAO Lulin)
Day 2: SEPs/FRAND/Licensing: Global Developments and Impact on US-China Trade
(Speakers: Judge Andrew Guilford, Chief Judge Randall Rader, Judge SU Zhifu, and Judge ZHU Jianjun)
(Speakers: Stuart Chemtob, David Kappos, Johnson Li, ZHAO Ye, ZHANG Hongbin, Professor Vivienne Bath, Professor HAO Yuan, and Professor Robert Merges)
Day 3: Developments in Trade Secret Law and Litigation
(Speakers: Zhang Xiaoxia, Jerry Xia, and Tim Bickham)
(Speakers: Senior Judge, SONG Jian, Judge Kent Jordan, Professor HUANG Wushuang, and Evan Williams)
(Speaker: HONG Yan)
Day 4: Transnational IP Litigation and a Changing Trade Environment
(Speakers: Judge CHENG Yongshun and Karen Guo)
(Speakers: Howard Hogan and Soji John)
(Speakers: Susan Finder and Judge Jeremy Fogel)
(Speakers: Professor Mark Cohen)
(Speakers: Professor Mark Cohen and Professor CUI Guobin)

The goal of the program is to foster a deeper understanding among practitioners, judges and policy makers of the increasingly important role of cross-border litigation, especially for Chinese and American companies. The program is an outgrowth of collaboration between Berkeley Law and Tsinghua Law.  It is produced by the Asia IP and Technology Law Project of the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology and is co-sponsored by the Berkeley Judicial Institute.
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If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.) to fully participate in this event, please contact Nathalie Coletta at natcoletta@berkeley.edu or 510-643-5518 with as much advance notice as possible and at least 7-10 business days in advance of the event.