2022 |
2021 |
2020 |
4th Annual Berkeley-Tsinghua Conference on Transnational IP Litigation
June 13, 15, & 16
Day 1 (Chinese only)
Statistics and Case Review
Overview of New Trends in Judicial Practices
Day 2
Chinese portion takes place during the E-commerce and Design Protection panel from 32:24 to 42:30.
E-commerce and Design Protection
Antitrust & IP Misuse in the US and China
Day 3
Chinese portions take place during the Non-Patent Licensing panel from 2:15 to 52:00 and during the High Tech Patent Licensing panel from 14:30 to 29:30.
Non-Patent Licensing: Licensing of all types of copyright, computer games, personality rights, merchandising rights and other IP rights
High Tech Patent Licensing: Automobile/SEP licensing, Patent Pool licensing
26th Annual BCLT/BTLJ Symposium: The Emergent Right to Repair
April 22-29
Day 2
Opening Keynote
Legislative Approaches
Repair in International Contexts
Closing Remarks
Day 1
IP Issues
Competition Issues
Consumer Protection Issues
BCLT Advanced Life Sciences Institute
April 22
- Protecting and Licensing AI Inventions in the Life Sciences
- Facilitating Collaboration in the Life Sciences – Funding, Licensing, and International Collaboration
- Life Sciences Case Management: The Judicial Perspective
- Protecting IP and Litigating into Uncertainty: Challenges from Sections 101 and 112 in the Life Sciences
- Carving Out Induced Infringement: Strategy for Skinny Labels
- Antitrust Considerations in Structuring Pharmaceutical Settlements and Deals
Protecting IP and Litigating into Uncertainty: Update on Application of Section 11
April 14
Carving out Induced Infringement: Update on Skinny Labels
April 6
10th Annual BCLT Privacy Law Forum
February 24
International Data Transfers – the Splintering of Adequacy
Cybersecurity Law Developments
Privacy Award – Anita Allen
Privacy Award – Tim Tobin
Practitioner Panel (Partial)
Toward a Deeper Understanding: Berkeley Asia IP SEP Talk Series
Talk IV: The 5G+/IoT Challenges
December 14
Book Talk: Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Cleantech: A Pathway for Developing Countries
December 6
14th Annual BCLT Privacy Lecture: Policing Families
October 28
Annual Privacy Law Forum: Virtual Series, Day 1
October 21
Session 1: Census Use of Differential Privacy
Session 2: The Epic-Apple Decision
Toward a Deeper Understanding: Berkeley Asia IP SEP Talk Series
Talk III: The Role of Antitrust
October 15
China Stakes Out Its Place in Plant Variety Protection
October 13
Note that the discussion around grace periods in the recording failed to mention relevant regulations regarding grace periods for plant varieties, notably Article 14 of the Plant Variety Regulations:
Article 14 Any plant variety in respect of which variety rights are granted shall have the characteristic of novelty. Novelty means that the propagating material of the new plant variety in respect of which variety rights are applied for has not been sold prior to the filing date of the application, or has not been for sale, with the consent of the breeder, for more than one year within the territory of China; the propagating material of vines, forest trees, fruit trees and ornamental plants must not have been for sale for more than six years, or the propagating material of other plant varieties for more than four years, in a foreign territory.
As always please consult counsel for specific legal advice.
Book Talk: Intellectual Property Law in China, 2nd Ed.
September 23
Toward A Deeper Understanding: Berkeley Asia IP SEP Talk Series 2021
Talk II – Concurrent Litigation and Jurisdictional Competition
August 30
Responses in Chinese:
15:35 – 25:32
35:34 – 41:38
01:06:38 – 01:12:25
01:21:46 – 01:24:53
China: A Patent Linkage Update
July 15
Van Buren at the Supreme Court: A Legal Frontiers in Digital Media Bonus Session
June 15
Toward A Deeper Understanding: Berkeley Asia IP SEP Talk Series 2021
Talk I – FRAND Methodologies
May 27
Angela Huyue Zhang Book Talk – “Chinese Antitrust Exceptionalism: How the Rise of China Challenges Global Regulation”
May 13
Quantum Leap: Developments in China IP Law Over the Past Two Years
May 6
Tech, Trade and China: Post – Luncheon Discussion on Self Strengthening
April 27
Tech, Trade and China: Session III: Finding a Common Denominator with China – Science and Technology Collaboration in Climate Change and Public Health
April 27
Keynote – Jerry Brown, former Governor of California
Opening Remarks – Rob Merges and Dean Erwin Chemerinsky
Tech, Trade and China: Session II: Export Controls, Investment Restrictions and Cyber Security
April 27
Tech, Trade and China: Session I: The Role of the WTO and International Organizations in IP and Technology
April 27
Tech, Trade and China: Scene Setter-China’s Plans for the Future
April 27
Tech, Trade and China: Welcoming Comments
April 27
Google v. Oracle: An Initial Appraisal
April 20
BCLT/BTLJ Design Patents Symposium: Navigating and Rectifying the Design Patent Muddle
Presentation: Design Patent Law’s Identity Crisis
Academic Panel
Practitioner/Comparative Law Panel
Tsinghua Conference on Transnational IP Litigation (Day 4: Transnational IP Litigation and a Changing Trade Environment)
January 29
Tsinghua Conference on Transnational IP Litigation (Day 4: Transnational IP Litigation and a Changing Trade Environment)
January 29
Part 4: Legal Ethics in Transborder IP Practice
Speaker: Professor Mark Cohen
Tsinghua Conference on Transnational IP Litigation (Day 4: Transnational IP Litigation and a Changing Trade Environment)
January 29
Part 3: Facilitating Global Dispute Settlement
Speakers: Susan Finder & Judge Jeremy Fogel
Tsinghua Conference on Transnational IP Litigation (Day 4: Transnational IP Litigation and a Changing Trade Environment)
January 29
Part 2: Counterfeits: Customs/On-Line
Speakers: Howard Hogan and Soji John
Tsinghua Conference on Transnational IP Litigation (Day 4: Transnational IP Litigation and a Changing Trade Environment)
January 29
Part 1: Pharma
Speakers: Judge CHENG Yongshun & Karen Guo
Tsinghua Conference on Transnational IP Litigation (Day 3: Developments in Trade Secret Law and Litigation)
January 28
Part 3: Practitioner
Speaker: HONG Yan
Tsinghua Conference on Transnational IP Litigation (Day 3: Developments in Trade Secret Law and Litigation)
January 28
Part 2: Judges and Government
Speakers: Senior Judge SONG Jian, Judge Kent Jordan, Professor HUANG Wushuang, and Evan Williams
Tsinghua Conference on Transnational IP Litigation (Day 3: Developments in Trade Secret Law and Litigation)
January 28
Part 1: Practitioners
Speakers: Zhang Xiaoxia, Jerry Xia, and Tim Bickham
Tsinghua Conference on Transnational IP Litigation (Day 2: SEPs/FRAND/Licensing: Global Developments and Impact on US-China Trade)
January 22
Part 2: Practitioners and In-House Counsel, Concluding Comments, Moderators (for entire session)
Speakers: Stuart Chemtob, David Kappos, Johnson Li, ZHAO Ye, ZHANG Hongbin, Professor Vivienne Bath, Professor HAO Yuan, and Professor Robert Merges
Tsinghua Conference on Transnational IP Litigation (Day 2: SEPs/FRAND/Licensing: Global Developments and Impact on US-China Trade)
January 22
Part 1: Judges’ Panel
Speakers: Judge Andrew Guilford, Chief Judge Randall Rader, Judge SU Zhifu, Judge ZHU Jianjun
Tsinghua Conference on Transnational IP Litigation (Day 1: Overview, Litigation, Enforcement, Legislation)
January 21
Part 2: Data Review/Cases and Legislative Developments
Speakers: Matthew Chervenak, Larry Lian, PU Xiang, Melissa Schneider, John Wiora, Tom Chia, and Dr. GAO Lulin
Tsinghua Conference on Transnational IP Litigation (Day 1: Overview, Litigation, Enforcement, Legislation)
January 21
Part 1: Introduction, Opening Remarks, IP Litigation in a Time of Trade Tension/Global Enforcement of IP
Speakers: Professor Mark Cohen, Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean SHEN Weixing, Judge Ray Chen, and Professor ZHANG Yuejiao
BTLJ-BCLT Symposium: Technology Law as a Vehicle for Anti-Racism (Day 2)
November 13
Expanding Access to the Intellectual Property Ecosystem: 00:00:28
The Criminal Justice System: 01:13:23
Remarks by the Dean of Berkeley Law: 02:44:14
Keynote – Congressman Ro Khanna: 03:00:00
The Potential Conception of Privacy as a Civil Right: 03:57:09
Surveillance, Law Enforcement, and Race: 05:10:31
BTLJ-BCLT Symposium: Technology Law as a Vehicle for Anti-Racism (Day 1)
November 12
Algorithmic Bias and Its Consequences for People of Color: 00:01:23
Net Neutrality, Communications Policy, and Their Impact
on Minority Populations: 01:12:35
Student Careers Panel: 02:40:48
Keynote – Commissioner Mignon Clyburn: 03:55:04
Online Speech, Online Harassment, and Section 230: 04:55:58
6th Annual Berkeley Law Sports & Entertainment Conference, Day 2
November 6
A Year in Review: Amateur and Professional Sports: 00:02:34
Keynote: Advancing Racial Justice in Sports: 01:09:06
Best Practices for Getting Stories Made and Streamed: 02:13:50
The Evolution of Corporate Citizenship: 03:20:42
Establishing an MLS Team During a Pandemic: 04:22:32
Keynote: State of the Music Industry: 05:28:35
6th Annual Berkeley Law Sports & Entertainment Conference, Day 1
November 5
Women on the Rise: 00:02:00
The Business of Esports: 01:13:27
China Law, Trade and IP 2020 Series, Session 7: The Future of IP and Tech Collaboration in China
July 15
China Law, Trade and IP 2020 Series, Session 6: Copyright Commercialization, Protection, and Reform
July 8
China Law, Trade and IP 2020 Series, Session 5: Abusive Trademark Registrations
June 24
China Law, Trade and IP 2020 Series Session 4:
Section 101 Comes to China: Is China Turning the Unpatentable into the Patentable?
June 17
China Law, Trade and IP 2020 Series, Session 3: Trade Secret Protection
June 10
China Law, Trade and IP 2020 Series, Session 2: Licensing and Antitrust
June 3
China Law, Trade and IP 2020 Series, Session 1: Pharmaceutical IP Issues
May 27
Following the Data: What the Latest Research Says about China’s Legal and IP Environment
May 20
Book warming: The Scientist and the Spy: A True Story of China, the FBI, and Industrial Espionage
May 13
The Phase 1 Agreement and its Implementation
May 6
China: Law, Economy & Trade in 2020
April 22
Content Moderation and the Coronavirus
April 15
Most videos include closed captions. For those videos not captioned, transcripts can be provided upon request. Please email communications@law.berkeley.edu to request this accommodation.