The Advanced Patent Law Institute offers a results-oriented, in-depth look at the latest developments in patent law and practice. Co-organized by BCLT and Stanford Law School, it presents a roster of judges, academics, litigators, patent prosecutors, and senior IP counsel from major corporations.
The 2018 APLI featured keynotes by Undersecretary Andrei Iancu, head of the US Patent and Trademark Office, and by Makan Delrahim, Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Antitrust Division. Panels covered the full range of patent law issues, including the impact of recent Supreme Court decisions, still evolving interpretations of patentable subject matter, damages, venue, claim construction, PTAB strategy and much more.
The two day institute provided 14 hours of CLE credit, including 1 hour ethics and 1 hour elimination of bias.
This year, we were very pleased to offer all members of the Association of Corporate Counsel a 50% discount off the normal admission price.