BCLT Events

BCLT’s conferences bring together law firm attorneys, in-house counsel, judges, academics and others to explore the latest in patent law, privacy, life sciences, AI and other rapidly developing areas of technology law. Panels at our annual symposia present the diverse perspectives of government officials, advocates and academics.

Most past events are still available for CLE credit on B-CLE.

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28th Annual BTLJ-BCLT Spring Symposium: AI Governance at the Crossroads

Feb 27-28,

registration open button

Location: Residence Inn, Berkeley
Keynote Speaker: Tino Cuéllar, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

This symposium will begin with a half-day tutorial on Feb. 27 for those not yet acquainted with major initiatives such as the California legislature’s SB 1047. On Feb. 28, speakers will present a range of perspectives on these initiatives and others, considering various types of governance tools that regulators may deploy, and offering assessments of which are more and less likely to be effective in promoting artificial intelligence systems for the public good and ensuring safe and trustworthy development of such systems.

2nd Annual BCLT Cybersecurity Lecture

March 6,

registration open button

Speaker:  Nico Van Eijk, Prof. of Media and Telecommunications Law and Director of the Institute for Information Law (IViR), Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam

Maintaining a proper balance between the interests of national security and the protection of fundamental rights is essential. An improved system of checks and balances requires a more normative approach where greater operational flexibility is counterbalanced by real-time and binding oversight. Drawing upon years of oversight of two of the most capable continental intelligence agencies, Nico van Eijk explains the effort to find such an improved system.

BCLT Privacy Law: Life Sciences

Spring 2025

Location: B-CLE
Key Speakers: TBA

This two-day, online format conference will explore key issues at the interface of life sciences technologies and privacy and cybersecurity legal regimes.

10th Annual Berkeley Law Sports & Entertainment Conference

April 11,

Location: Online/Virtual
Key Speakers: TBA

Bringing together leading executives, management professionals, attorneys, athletes, talent, and students to discuss leading topics in sports, entertainment, law, and business.

3rd BCLT Advanced Life Sciences Institute

April 16-17,

Location: Virtual/Online
Key Speakers: TBA

The rapid advancement in life sciences technologies has made keeping up with legal implications more important than ever. At this institute, you will learn from the experts about cutting-edge issues impacting your life sciences practice.

Trade Secret Litigation & Protection Forum

June 10,

Location: Online/Virtual
Key Speakers: TBA

Trade secret protection is among the fastest-growing areas of IP Law. Whether you are working with employee issues, collaborators, or competitors, trade secret protection and theft should always be top of mind. The processes for litigating trade secrets are nuanced and heavily jurisdiction-dependent. This forum brings together the nation’s leading experts to discuss these nuances and the trends in various jurisdictions.

Certified Summer Institute of U.S. IP and Technology Law

July 7-27,

Location: Online/Virtual
Key Speakers: UC Berkeley + Zoom (Two weeks in-person + One week Zoom)

This certified program is tailored for Asian corporate legal professionals and attorneys seeking a comprehensive understanding of the US IP and technology law. Taught by Berkeley Law faculty, retired judges, litigators, and in-house counsels from top technology companies, the curriculum offers in-depth insights into the U.S. legal system, legal practices, and dispute resolution methods. 

Recent Past Events

Most past events are still available for CLE credit for approximately 18 months after the event. Go to B-CLE to explore our catalog of courses.

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Human Creativity, Generative AI, and Intellectual Property

Feb 5, 2025


B-CLE Webcast
Key Speakers: Chris Mammen, Womble Bond Dickinson

What is the future of content creators in the age of AI? Will IP laws offer any protection, or will IP laws aid in the replacement of human content creators with their AI counterparts? Using a global perspective, this interesting program analyzes the future of AI content creation and AI-assisted content creation. Join us as we explore Dr. Chris Mammen’s research during his recent sabbatical.

Baker McKenzie Webcast Series

Feb 4, 2025


B-CLE Webcast
Session 3: Stocked Based Compensation (SBC) Managing Unforeseen Foreign Tax Issues
Key Speakers: Himali Patel, Baker McKenzie; Gene Tien, Baker McKenzie Consulting LLC

Tech companies face significant cross-border tax issues due to stock based compensation. Employee mobility and significant use of international operations have escalated the urgency of addressing these tax issues sooner rather than later. Typical corporate events, including IPOs, M&A, and share buybacks, threaten tech companies with significant, unnecessary taxes without proper planning. This program addresses hot topics in SBC compensation.


Technological Developments & Tools in the Criminal Legal System

Jan 23, 2025

Location: Online/Zoom
Key Speakers: Colleen Chien, BCLT; Catherine Crump, BCLT; Andrea Roth, BCLT; Rebecca Wexler, BCLT; Chesa Boudin, Criminal Law & Justice Center

Leigh Steinberg Series for the Protection of Student Athletes


Recordings now available for viewing online!
Key Speakers: Ksenia Maiorova, Green & Spiegel
Through five distinct sessions, this series highlights the unique challenges faced by international student-athletes and offers practical, legally sound solutions for navigating this evolving landscape

25th Annual Berkeley-Stanford Advanced Patent Law Institute

Dec 5-6,

Location: Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Two days of in-depth discussions on patent law with panels of leading experts.


Baker McKenzie Webcast Series

Fall 2024

Recordings Available on B-CLE
Session 1: Minority Interest, Major Impact: Considerations When Non-US Investors Invest in US Companies
Monday, Nov. 25, 2024
Key Speakers: Aarthi Belani, Baker McKenzie; Rod Hunter, Baker McKenzie
Join us to hear from a fascinating pair of lawyers—one from the corporate side and one from the national security side.

Session 2: Removing the Mask: Understanding and Regulating Deepfakes
Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2024
Key Speakers: Cynthia Cole, Baker McKenzie; Inez Asante, Baker McKenzie
Whether you are protecting commercial brands or individuals, this session provides you with an overview of where we are at with deepfake regulation.


FCC Enforcement: The intersection of privacy, data protection, and national security

Dec. 3,

Recording Available on B-CLE
Key Speakers: Hunter Deeley, FCC; Chris Hoofnagle, Berkeley Law, BCLT
Join us to hear directly from the FCC in a fascinating discussion about the effort to protect our communications infrastructure and secure our national-security interests.  For anyone in the data-privacy space, understanding the FCC’s approach is now a part of your practice.


BCLT 1L Tech Law Recruiting Fair

Nov 13,

Location: International House, Chevron Auditorium

This annual signature recruiting fair provides a unique opportunity for Berkeley Law 1L students to meet and mingle with representatives from top law firms nationwide with a Bay Area presence. Because this program is linked to entry-level positions, it is reserved for 1L students considering a summer-associate position in either of their 1L or 2L summers.

17th Annual BCLT Privacy Lecture: Data Privacy on Trial

Oct 31,

International House, Chevron Auditorium
Guest Speaker: Prof. Dr. Indra Spiecker genannt Doehmann, LL.M.
(Georgetown Univ.), Chair Law of Digitalization, Institute for
Digitization, University of Cologne
Commentators: Sari Mazzurco, Dedman School of Law, Southern Methodist University; Margot E. Kaminski, University of Colorado Law School

UPC & Global Patent Litigation Forum

Oct 23,

Location: Domenico Winery, San Carlos, CA
Key Speakers: Steve Carlson, Robins Kaplan; Li Zhu, Robins Kaplan; Hon. Camille Lignieres, Paris Local Division Unified Patent Court
With the growth in international patent litigation, US attorneys and companies need to understand the realities they face when litigating outside the US. This forum brings together leading attorneys worldwide to discuss the hottest topics and the nuances in local practices.

Formal Sitting of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit


Location: UC Berkeley School of Law (sittings will take place at various locations)
As part of its nationwide jurisdiction, the Federal Circuit occasionally hears arguments outside of Washington, D.C. This year, the Court will formally hear cases at Berkeley Law.

6th Berkeley-Tsinghua Transnational IP Litigation Conference

Oct 3,

Location: Faculty Club, UC Berkeley
This signature event plays a pivotal role in fostering collaboration between the U.S. and China IP communities. It serves as a crucial platform where legal scholars, judges, practitioners, policymakers, and industry leaders from both nations come together to address the complexities of transnational IP litigation.

5th Annual BTLJ-BCLT Fall Race & Tech Symposium

Sept 27,

B-CLE Webcast
Virtual, B-CLE Webcast
Key Speaker: Kevin J. Greene, Southwestern Law School
This symposium will dive into the historical treatment of minority creators in copyright law, unpack the racial disparities in patent law and innovation, and discuss the challenges and opportunities for diversity in content moderation on social media platforms.

24th Annual Intellectual Property Scholars Conference (IPSC)

Aug 8-9,

Location: Residence Inn, Downtown Berkeley
The IPSC brings together intellectual property scholars to present their works-in-progress to benefit from the critique of colleagues.

Workplace Disruption – the changing job market responding to AI, automation and digitalisation

August 6,

Available for viewing on B-CLE
Virtual, B-CLE Webcast
Key Speakers: Nathalie Devernay, Bird & Bird; Catharina Klumpp, Bird & Bird; Miguel Pastur, Bird & Bird
To provide a view into what is happening in AI and Europe, we are joined by three partners from Bird & Bird: Catharina Klumpp based in Düsseldorf, Germany; Nathalie Devernay in Lyon, France; and Miguel Pastur in Madrid, Spain.

The Senate’s AI Roadmap—Where will it take us?

July 23,

Available for viewing on B-CLE
Virtual, B-CLE Webcast
Key Speakers: Colleen Chien, BCLT; Karen Silvermen, The Cantellus Group
After testimony from 150 experts, the Bipartisan Senate Working Group released its Roadmap for AI policy and governance. Will it be influential? And where will it take us? Join two of the nation’s leading experts, Professor Colleen Chien and Karen Silverman for a discussion about this Roadmap and its relevance.

2nd BCLT Advanced Life Sciences Institute

May 21-22,

Available for viewing on B-CLE
Virtual, B-CLE Webcast
The rapid advancement in life sciences technologies has made keeping up with legal implications more important than ever. At this institute, you will learn from the experts about cutting-edge issues impacting your life sciences practice.

Legal Frontiers in Digital Media 2024

May 14,

Location: Mission Bay Conference Center, San Francisco
This annual conference explores emerging legal issues surrounding digital content in today’s multi-platform world.

AI and Evidence in Civil Litigation: An Introduction and Discussion of the Issues

April 12,

Location: Goldberg Room, UC Berkeley School of Law
This program will provide an introduction to Artificial Intelligence followed by a discussion of some of the evidentiary challenges that it poses for civil litigation.


9th Annual Berkeley Law Sports and Entertainment Conference

April 5,

Location: Bancroft Hotel, Berkeley
Bringing together leading executives, management professionals, attorneys, athletes, talent, and students to discuss leading topics in sports, entertainment, law, and business.

1st Annual Cyber Security Lecture: Fancy Bear Goes Phishing

April 4,

Location: Bancroft Hotel, Berkeley
Key Speakers: Scott J. Shapiro,Yale University; Michael Rubin, Latham & Watkins; Josephine Wolff, Tufts University

BCLT’s first Cyber Cecurity signature lecture series presented by Scott Shapiro on “Fancy Bear Goes Phishing” where he will discuss how what makes is the internet so vulnerable, and how we can respond to related issues.

Angela Zhang Book Talk | High Wire: How China Regulates Big Tech and Governs Its Economy

April 1,

Location: 141 Law Building, Berkeley Law & Online (Zoom)
Guest Speaker: Angela Zhang, USC School of Law

A Conversation on AI Governance

March 22, 2024

Location: UC Berkeley
Key Speakers: Martha Minow, 300th Anniversary University Professor, Harvard University; DJ Patil, First U.S. Chief Data Scientist, and Jennifer Chayes, Dean of the UC Berkeley College of Computing, Data Science, and Society.

2024 David E. Nelson Memorial Lecture & Spring Tech 1L Careers Fair

March 20,

Location: University Club, California Memorial Stadium
Key Speakers: Colleen Chien, BCLT; Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, Berkeley Law; Director Kathi Vidal, USPTO
BCLT’s annual signature lecture with a reception and careers fair to connect BCLT sponsors and 1L Berkeley Law students for current and future hiring and networking.

12th Annual BCLT Privacy Law Forum

March 7, 2024

March 14, 2024

March 15, 2024

Location (hybrid): Bancroft Hotel, Berkeley and streaming

Location: Online/half-day

Location: Online/half-day

This multi-day, hybrid and online format conference brings together in-house counsel from leading tech companies, practicing lawyers, regulators, privacy advocates, and academics.

Chinese IP Law and Practice: Frontier Lectures

March 5,

Available for viewing on B-CLE
Speakers: Xiaoxia (Sarah) Zhang, King & Wood Mallesons

In this lecture, Ms. Xiaoxia (Sarah) Zhang from King & Wood Mallesons introduces the recent progress of trade secret enforcement in China with exemplary cases and statistics.

The Yuan Global Talks on Generative AI and Human Creativity

2024 Dates:
Jan 23
March 18
April 30

2025 Dates:
April TBD

Available for viewing on B-CLE
Speakers: Dr. Yuan Hao, BCLT

Developments in the Patent Courts

Feb 20, 2024

Available for viewing on B-CLE
Session 2: Let the UPC Games Begin—Jurisdictional Shenanigans or Innocent Growing Pain?
Speaker: Steve Carlson, Robins Kaplan LLP; Alexander Harguth, Preu Bohlig & Partners

UPC strategy depends on understanding the options and local preferences for evidence development.  While it is theoretically one court, national preferences and national practices still weigh heavily on UPC evidence issues.  This webcast explains the current options, preferences, and differences in key UPC jurisdictions.

Developments in the Patent Courts

Feb 6, 2024

Available for viewing on B-CLE
Session 1: UPC Developments: Seizures, evidence, and expert reports
Speaker: Steve Carlson, Robins Kaplan LLP; Konstantin Schallmoser, Preu Bohlig

UPC strategy depends on understanding the options and local preferences for evidence development.  While it is theoretically one court, national preferences and national practices still weigh heavily on UPC evidence issues.  This webcast explains the current options, preferences, and differences in key UPC jurisdictions.

Litigation Funding in the IP Space: What can we expect now?

Jan 23, 2024

Available for viewing on B-CLE
Speaker: Jonathan Stroud, Unified Patents

The impact of litigation funding in the IP space continues to grow.  As District Courts get more involved in identifying the sources of litigation funding and those actually controlling the litigation, interesting facts are coming to light.  But not all litigation funding is the same.  Jonathan Stroud from Unified Patents provides insight into some of the most prolific funders in the IP space.

If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.) to fully participate in an event, please contact Richard Fisk at rpfisk@berkeley.edu with as much advance notice as possible and at least 7 business days in advance of the event.

Past Event Archive  |  Event Recordings