Executive Compensation Workshop: Rethinking Pay for Performance

Attention: Legal and business writers and editors

Media contact: Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley School of Law, 510.642.6936, sgluss@law.berkeley.edu 

What: A half-day conference, “Executive Compensation Workshop: Rethinking Pay for Performance,” will explore new approaches to executive pay. In light of subprime market (and bank) meltdowns, the ability of bank CEO’s to take home large pay packages has attracted considerable criticism. Widely cited experts on executive compensation, including company directors, practitioners, academics and authors will address this issue by considering “out-of-the-box” ways to better tie CEO pay to performance.

When: Friday, September 26, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 
Where: UC Berkeley School of Law, Goldberg Room, at the corner of Bancroft Way at Piedmont Avenue. See campus map at: http://www.berkeley.edu/map/.

Who: Foremost experts on executive compensation, including:
David Chun, chief executive officer and founder, Equilar;
Ira Kay, director, compensation practice, Watson Wyatt Worldwide;
Jesse Fried, professor, Berkeley Law; co-author, Pay Without Performance: The Unfulfilled Promise of Executive Compensation;
James E. Kim, principal, Frederic Cook & Co.;
Graef “Bud” Crystal, consultant and author, In Search of Excess: The Overcompensation of American Executives;
Kevin Murphy, USC law and business professor; expert witness in high-profile compensation cases.

Details: The two-panel workshop is free and open to the media. Registration fee required by the general public; CLE credit is available. For more information, go to https://www.law.berkeley.edu/research/bclbe/exec_comp_workshop.html or contact Phyllis Martinez, pmartinezhaarz@law.berkeley.edu, 510-642-0532.

The Executive Compensation Workshop is sponsored by the Berkeley Center for Law and Business at UC Berkeley School of Law (https://www.law.berkeley.edu/).