A Conference on the Supreme Court of California

Attention: reporters covering the courts, legal issues, civil rights and social justice

Media contacts:
Susan Gluss, UC Berkeley School of Law, 510.642.6936, sgluss@law.berkeley.edu 
Lynn Holton, Judicial Council of California, 415.865.7726, Lynn.Holton@jud.ca.gov

What: This inaugural Conference on the Supreme Court of California will provide a unique forum for judges, government officials, scholars, and practitioners to discuss the work of the court and learn more about legal issues affecting the state’s judicial system. It will raise public awareness and understanding of the Court’s work and identify important legal and constitutional developments.

The Court’s associate justices will moderate a series of panel discussions.  Participants will examine issues involving the California Supreme Court’s recent 2007-08 term, the death penalty, private judging, and access to justice in family court. 

When: Friday, November 14, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Where: Clark Kerr Conference Center, University of California, Berkeley, 2601 Warring Street. 
Click here to view Clark Kerr Campus Map.

Who: Conference speakers and panelists include:

Ronald M. George, Chief Justice of California
Pete Wilson, former Governor of California; Bingham McCutchen, LLP
Chris Edley, Dean, UC Berkeley School of Law
Jesse Choper, Law Professor and former Dean, UC Berkeley School of Law
Kenneth W. Starr, Dean, Pepperdine University School of Law
Michael Laurence, Executive Director, Habeas Corpus Resource Center
Bonnie R. Hough, Managing Attorney, Center for Families, Children & the Courts; Administrative Office of the Courts

Participating Supreme Court of California Associate Justices include: Marvin R. Baxter, Kathryn M. Werdegar, Ming W. Chin, and Carol A. Corrigan.

Details: The program is free and open to the media. Paid registration required by the legal community, with discounts for government, academic and non-profit groups. Registration fee includes up to 6.0 MCLE credits.  To register or learn more, go to https://www.law.berkeley.edu/sccjc_conference/

Background: The California Constitution and the Supreme Court of California provide fertile ground for scholarly study.  Some 95 percent of all legal cases are handled by state courts, yet state judicial systems have not been studied to the same degree as our federal judicial system.  California is the nation’s most populous state, with the seventh largest economy in the world.  Its courts are often the first to be called upon to decide social, political, and legal issues of national importance. 

The conference is sponsored by UC Berkeley School of Law in cooperation with the Supreme Court of California.