Law Schedule of Classes

NOTE: Course offerings change. Classes offered this semester may not be offered in future semesters.

206.51S sec. 001 - Advanced Writing Project (Summer 2025)

Instructor: Daniel Farber  (view instructor's teaching evaluations - degree students only | profile)
View all teaching evaluations for this course - degree students only

Units: 2
Grading Designation: Credit Only
Mode of Instruction: In-Person


TuTh 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Location: Law 123
From June 03, 2025
To July 17, 2025

W 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Location: Law 123
On 2025-06-18

Session: Session 1, Session 2

Enrollment info:
Enrolled: 3
Waitlisted: 0
Enroll Limit: 12
As of: 03/14 01:14 AM

The course is primarily designed for remote + summer students and 1S students with a U.S. or Canadian J.D. (common law course of study) to take in conjunction with the capstone workshop in the fall. Other students interested in scholarly writing are encouraged to apply but must receive approval from Professor Farber to enroll. The course emphasizes high-level research and analysis. Paper topics are selected by the students with guidance from the instructor. Students will prepare written work typical of legal scholarship, involving sophisticated analysis of legal and related materials, and they will receive written and oral feedback from the Instructor. Written work will include a complete draft of an academic paper. For students in the Remote + Summer program, this paper will serve as the first draft of the Capstone Project that they will complete in the Fall semester Capstone Writing Workshop.

Final papers are due on August 8th.

Students who are not remote + summer or entering 1S students with a Canadian or US JD are encouraged to apply for enrollment by emailing Professor Farber.

Dan Farber is the Sho Sato Professor of Law at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also the Faculty Director of the Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment. Professor Farber is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a Life Member of the American Law Institute.

Professor Farber is a graduate of the University of Illinois, where he earned his B.A., M.A., and J.D. degrees. He graduated, summa cum laude, from the College of Law, where he was the class valedictorian and served as editor-in-chief of the University of Illinois Law Review. After law school, he was a law clerk for Judge Philip W. Tone of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and then for Justice John Paul Stevens of the U.S. Supreme Court. Professor Farber practiced law with Sidley & Austin, where he primarily worked on energy issues, before returning to the University of Illinois as a faculty member in 1978. He taught at the University of Minnesota Law School faculty from 1981 to 2002, where he was the McKnight Presidential Professor of Public Law. He also has been a visiting professor at the Stanford Law School, Harvard Law School, and the University of Chicago Law School.

His most recent book is Contested Ground: How to Understand the Limits on Presidential Power (UC Press 2021). His earlier books include Research Handbook on Public Choice and Public Law (Elgar 2010) (with A. O’Connell); Judgment Calls: Politics and Principle in Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2008) (with S. Sherry); Retained by the People: The “Silent” Ninth Amendment and the Rights Americans Don’t Know They Have (Basic Books 2007); Lincoln’s Constitution (University of Chicago Press 2003); and Eco-Pragmatism: How to Make Sensible Environmental Decisions in an Uncertain World (University of Chicago Press 1999).

Course Category: General Courses

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