Apart from their assigned mod courses, 1L students may only enroll in courses offered as 1L electives. A complete list of these courses can be found on the 1L Elective Listings page. 1L students must use the 1L class number listed on the course description when enrolling.
261.1 sec. 001 - International Business Transactions (Spring 2025)
Instructor: Reza Dibadj (view instructor's teaching evaluations - degree students only | profile)
View all teaching evaluations for this course - degree students only
Units: 3
Grading Designation: Graded
Mode of Instruction: In-Person
MW 11:20 AM - 12:35 PM
Location: Booth Auditorium
From January 13, 2025
To April 29, 2025
Course End: April 29, 2025
Class Number: 32909
Enrollment info:
Enrolled: 84
Waitlisted: 0
Enroll Limit: 85
As of: 02/15 11:55 PM
![Enrollment Graph (opens in a new window)](images/graph_icon.gif)
This course analyzes the contractual and regulatory issues that might arise when a business transaction involves international elements. Typical examples of such transactions include: concluding a supply deal with foreign providers, acquiring a foreign company, seeking financing from foreign investors, and financing a foreign company through the U.S. markets.
We will examine the background rules governing international business, including the extraterritorial application of domestic law and the role of international law in the US system. We will also study parties’ freedom in choice of law and dispute resolution fora, including both courts and arbitral tribunals. We will discuss common transaction structures, as well as regulatory approvals needed to complete transactions, such as approvals from antitrust authorities or privacy regulators. We will then assess the main risks associated with a cross-border transaction, including foreign torts and dealing with sovereigns, and discuss contractual devices used to limit these risks’ impact.
Submit teaching evaluations for this course between 14-APR-25 and 29-APR-25
Exam Notes: (TH) Take-home examination
(Subject to change by faculty member only through the first two weeks of instruction)
Exam Length: 3 hours
Course Category: Business Law
This course is listed in the following sub-categories:
International and Comparative Law
If you are the instructor or their FSU, you may add a file like a syllabus or a first assignment to this page.
No reader.
Required Books are in blue
- Transnational Business Problems
Vagts, Dodge, Buxbaum, and Koh
Edition: 7th (2024)
Publisher: West
ISBN: 9798892096898
e-Book Available: Unknown
Price: To Be Determined