Law Schedule of Classes

NOTE: Course offerings change. Classes offered this semester may not be offered in future semesters.

276.32 sec. 001 - Topics in Privacy and Security Law (Fall 2023)

Instructor: Paul M Schwartz  (view instructor's teaching evaluations - degree students only | profile)
View all teaching evaluations for this course - degree students only

Units: 3
Grading Designation: Graded
Mode of Instruction: In-Person


Tu 3:35 PM - 6:15 PM
Location: Law 244
From August 22, 2023
To November 21, 2023

Course Start: August 22, 2023
Course End: November 21, 2023
Class Number: 31967

Enrollment info:
Enrolled: 22
Waitlisted: 0
Enroll Limit: 24
As of: 02/07 02:03 PM

This course examines emerging issues in privacy and cybersecurity law. The law faces new challenges as technology develops, changes, and transforms daily life. Issues now arise regarding such areas as the security of our financial and health records; the ideal regulation of encryption technology; the interaction of different legal regimes for privacy and security in different countries; legal access to the global cloud; the use of biometric information; international transfers of personal information; and a host of other issues. This course will explore a series of different cutting-edge topics.

Requirements Satisfaction:

This is an Option 1 class; two Option 1 classes fulfill the J.D. writing requirement.

View teaching evaluations for this class - degree students only

Exam Notes: (P) Final paper  
(Subject to change by faculty member only through the first two weeks of instruction)
Course Category: Intellectual Property and Technology Law

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