Nuri Nusrat is dedicated to working with people whose lives are affected by the criminal legal system. For the past two years, she collaborated with communities across California to implement pre-charge restorative justice diversion programs. These programs attend to victim-identified needs and support young people arrested for crimes through processes that upholds the humanity and dignity of all affected. nusrat travels throughout California to offer trainings on facilitating restorative community conferences and circle process. Prior to this, at the Federal Public Defender Death Penalty Project, nusrat assisted attorneys’ presentations of their clients’ life histories. In the past, she also worked on cases regarding people denied disability benefits, people facing removal from the U.S., and on record expungement. In recent years, she has been learning about community responses to child sexual abuse. nusrat’s family history inspires her to empathize with and support people harmed and people who have done harm. nusrat holds a J.D. from American University and an M.A. in ethnic studies from San Francisco State University.
Nuri Nusrat is not teaching any Law courses in Spring 2025.