After graduating from the University of Manchester, Michael Levy spent a year teaching English at Fudan University in Shanghai. He received a master’s degree in politics writing his thesis on the cult of personality of North Korean leader, Kim Il Sung. In 1994 after earning his M.L.I.S., he joined the Berkeley Law library as the electronic services librarian. In 2006, he was appointed associate director of the law library. Levy manages the library’s electronic resources, including the computer labs, as well as the patron services operations.
Levy has co-taught Advanced Legal Research with Professors Robert Berring and Kathleen Vanden Heuvel since 1994. He has written numerous book reviews and an article entitled “The Electronic Monitoring of Workers: Privacy in the Age of the Electronic Sweatshop” in Legal References Services Quarterly. He contributes to the monthly current awareness service, Current Cites, and was also an assistant editor at Legal Reference Services Quarterly from 1994 to 1999.
B.A., Manchester University (1985)
M.A., York University (1990)
M.L.I.S., UC Berkeley (1993)
Michael E Levy is not teaching any Law courses in Spring 2025.