George Woods, MD, L.A.P.A. is a practicing physician, specializing in neuropsychiatry. His private practice focuses on neurodevelopmental disorders, acquired neurocognitive disorders, cognitive impairments secondary to neuropsychiatric disorders, traumatic brain injury, ethnopsychopharmacology and workplace safety. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Woods consults with legal teams dealing with complex criminal and civil litigation.
He has worked with Vulcan Industries, Microsoft, Walmart, BetterManager, Defend Your Head, Forefront Telecare, and other companies to understand the role of neuroscience in business and to develop employment practices, ADA compliance, Artificial Intelligence, and security measures. Dr. Woods is currently a Senior Consultant to Crestwood Behavioral Health, Inc., a major provider of Behavioral Health services in California. Dr. Woods is also a member of the Governing Board of the Stanford University Medicare Shared Services Program (MSSP) University Health Alliance Accountable Care Organization, LLC.
Dr. Woods was appointed to the San Francisco District Attorney Post Conviction Unit Innocence Committee in August 2020. He is currently President-Elect of the International Academy of Law and Mental Health (IALMH). This is his second term in 6 years. He is the recipient of the 2018 Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Utah Medical Center, the first psychiatrist to garner the honor. Dr. Woods also received the Historical Prixe from the University of Milan in July 2019.
Dr. Woods has taught at the University of California, Davis, Morehouse School of Medicine, the University of Washington-Bothell, and California State University- Sacramento. For the last eight years, he has taught Mental Health and the Law at Berkeley Law, The University of California, Berkeley. He has taught a continuing education webinar with Jennifer Johnson, Esq., “Where Mental Health Meets the Law,” through Thomson Reuters-West Legal Education, and is a faculty member of the Practising Law Institute, based in New York.
George W Woods is not teaching any Law courses in Spring 2025.