Anne Bloom has a distinguished record of accomplishment in both academia and public interest law. Before becoming the Executive Director of the Civil Justice Research Initiative, she was the Director of Public Programs for Equal Justice Works in Washington, D.C. and Associate Director of the Civil Justice Program at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. Prior to that, she was Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Law at McGeorge Law School where she taught courses in litigation, law and politics, and public interest law. Before becoming a professor, Anne was a staff attorney at Public Justice in Washington, D.C. She holds both a J.D. and a Ph.D. in political science and has authored many articles on civil justice-related subjects. Her recent publications include “Injury and Injustice,” in the Annual Review of Law and Social Science (2020) and “The Future of Injury: Tort Law in the Wake of Covid,” DePaul Law Review (Clifford Symposium Issue), forthcoming (2022).
Anne Bloom is teaching the following course in Spring 2025:
244.62 sec. 001 - Litigating Class Actions
Timely Business-Related Offerings Among Berkeley Law’s Deep Reservoir of New Courses
A whopping 18 courses are available to Berkeley Law students for the first time this semester, including 3 focused on emerging areas in the corporate sector.
Saving the Civil Jury System: New Report Offers Ways to Revive an ‘Essential Bulwark of Justice’
A new report from Berkeley Law’s Civil Justice Research Initiative outlines the decline of the nation’s civil jury system — and offers research-based solutions.
When It Comes to Diversity in MDL Leadership, Judges Aren’t Just Listening
A discussion of debate amongst judges concerning multidistrict litigation – and who gets leadership appointments in them – was a highlight in a webinar hosted by the Civil Justice Research Initiative
Cover to Cover: Another Prolific Year of Books from Berkeley Law Faculty
Dean Erwin Chemerinsky emceed the annual gathering to celebrate books written by the school’s prolific faculty over the past year.