It is the policy of BerkeleyLaw Library to provide equal access to library resources and services for all of our primary patrons. In addition to the services described below, users are encouraged to become familiar with the core library services available to them as undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, visiting scholars or public patrons
Users with physical and learning disabilities who need special assistance are urged to make arrangements in advance. The library staff is committed to serving all patrons as effectively as possible and we may need some advance notice for service requests. To arrange your individual service needs, please contact the library,
BerkeleyLaw students with disabilities should also see the Law School’s page regarding students with disabilities.
The other libraries on campus also provide services to users with physical and learning disabilities to facilitate their use of the library and collections. If you have a disability that limits your independent use of a campus library, you will find a list of Library Contacts for Users With Disabilities.
For other related campus services, UC Berkeley students may contact the Disabled Students’ Program (DSP) at 260 Cesar Chavez Student Center, by phone at (510) 642-0518, or by TTY at (510) 642-6376.
Evenings, Weekends, Holidays: Wheelchair Access for non-Boalt Affiliated Patrons
From Bancroft Way, take the wheelchair ramp located west of the staircase at the BerkeleyLaw sign, onto the East Courtyard. Go across the courtyard and enter the building through the door on the north side. Turn left and follow the corridor to the sign pointing towards the library. Cross into the South Addition and take the elevator to LL1.
Finding and Using Library Materials
All library users are responsible for complying with due dates and other library borrowing rules for all materials checked out in their name. Library staff can assist you with services such as:
- Facilitating use of the the Law Library and UC Library Search catalogs
- Paging books from stacks and shelf areas (may be on a delayed basis)
- Extending loan periods or modifying other rules (when possible)
- Accepting telephone requests to confirm that a book is available
- Calling another library to confirm the availability of books and periodicals
- Assisting with scanning or printing of a limited number of pages from library books and journals. Public patrons may use the self-service scanning and printing services located within the library.
If library staff is busy or the assistance you need will take some time, a library staff member may ask you to return later. Service priority is given to BerkeleyLaw students, faculty and staff.
Reference Assistance
The ability to provide reference assistance may vary depending on the high use or level of staffing of the Reference Desk at the particular time that a request is made. You are encouraged to contact the library, to arrange for reference services such as:
- Explanation and description of library resources
- Instruction using specialized library resources
- Help with extensive bibliographic citations
- Connecting to the library catalogs and electronic resources from off campus
- Determining library holdings and locations from extensive bibliographies
- Reading call numbers or providing oral or written directions to help locate library materials.
Proxy Borrower Cards
If you are a BerkeleyLaw student, faculty, or staff member with a physical disability, you may be eligible to obtain a proxy borrower card for a specified friend or attendant to borrow Law Library materials for you. Please email .
Assistive Technology
The Law Library has a wheelchair-accessible computer terminal and adjustable desk in the Main Reading Room along with a print enlarger machine (a CCTV) for use by all library patrons located in the law library computer lab.
Campus Resources
The Disabled Students’ Program (DSP), 260 Cesar Chavez Student Center, (510) 642-0518, or (510) 642-6376 (TTY).
DSP offers a wide range of services for UC Berkeley students with disabilities that are individually designed, and based on the specific needs of each student as identified by Disability Specialists.
Assistive Technology Teaching and Learning Center (ATTLC), 22 Wheeler Hall, (510) 643-7591.
ATTLC offers DSP students software for literacy, speech recognition, organizing, and visual assistance, as well as a Braille embosser and media to convert textbooks into accessible formats on demand. Contact Lucy Greco, (510) 643-7591,, for additional information.
Educational Technology Services has loop or headphone style Infrared (IR) transmitters and receivers for the hearing impaired available for checkout.
DSP’s Campus Access page has resources to help you access the campus’ buildings, programs and services.