
This list provides quick access to many ebook collections available from the Law Library. For information about non-law ebook collections, see eBooks at Berkeley.

ABA eBooksUCB only

The American Bar Association publishes over 700 books written by lawyers, for lawyers on everything from general practice to niche specialties. Access to these ebooks is provided through the LexisNexis Digital Library.

Arbitration Law Database (Juris)UCB only

A large collection of secondary sources on international and domestic arbitration and dispute resolution published by Juris Net. Includes many journals, monographs, practice guides and looseleaf publications in PDF format. The content can be searched by keyword, jurisdiction, etc. or the titles can be browsed.

Aspen Learning LibraryBerkeley Law only

Provides full-text access to several popular study aids series including Examples & Explanations, Emanuel Law Outlines, Glannon Guides, and Casenote Legal Briefs. Students must login with their CalNet IDs to access, and can create a personalized login in order to make notes, save bookmarks, and print. Android and iOS app available for mobile devices.

Beck-OnlineBerkeley Law only

Beck-Online provides access to German law, including statutes, cases, journal articles, commentaries, and eBooks. Available in German only.

Brill Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-BooksUCB only

This collection from the publisher Brill/Nijhoff contains ebooks covering many areas of human rights and humanitarian law: Human Rights, Refugee Law, Immigration Law, Health Law, Children's Rights, Minority and Group Rights, Humanitarian Law, and International Criminal Law. Books published between 2016 and present are included.

Brill International Law E-Books UCB only

This collection from the publisher Brill/Nijhoff contains ebooks covering many areas of public international law: Public International Law, Law of the Sea, International Trade Law, International Labor Law, Environmental Law, European Law, International Relations, International Organizations, Terrorism, Legal History, and Islamic Law. Books published between 2016 and present are included.

Cambridge CoreUCB only

Cambridge Core is the platform for Cambridge University Press's academic content. It replaces the Cambridge Books Online platform. This constantly growing collection of ebooks published by Cambridge University Press includes a substantial collection of law books as well as a full array of other subject areas.

Carswell eReference LibraryBerkeley Law only

Canadian database containing The Law of Privacy in Canada; Aboriginal & Treaty Rights Practice; The Canadian Charter of Rights; Law of Confidential Business Information.

CheckpointUCB only

Comprehensive tax and accounting research database covering tax and accounting laws and news at the international, federal, state and local levels.  Provides access to cases, rulings, journals, news and analysis.  Includes RIA Worldwide Tax Laws which provides English translations of tax and commercial laws from jurisdictions around the world. If you are trying to access this database off-campus, be sure to use the VPN and do not rely on the proxy service.

DeGruyter Electronic BooksUCB only

This electronic book collection contains law and law-related content published by DeGruyter and other publishers. The ebooks are mostly available in English, so not all DeGruyter publications are available from this database. Search the Law Library catalog for individual titles of books to determine if the Law Library has a specific book in print or electronic form.

EEBO (Early English Books Online)UCB only

Indexes over 125,000 volumes of early works printed in England or in English. These works constitute a significant portion of items included in the English Short Title Catalogue. It contains most of the works indexed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640), Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700) and the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661) collection.

Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)UCB only

Contains over 180,000 fully searchable items published in Great Britain and its colonies, including those in North America, during the 18th Century. This database complements the materials found in Early English Books Online (EEBO), which covers 1475-1700. The resource is thus a rich source of information about the American and French Revolution, scientific and medical advances, literature, law, religion, industry, and all aspects of life in the 18th century.

ElgaronlineUCB only

E-book collection from Edward Elgar Publishing. This collection focuses on the law titles, including research monographs, handbooks, and reference works. It excludes textbooks and journal reprint collections. The collection includes titles from 2007 forward, plus some pre-2007 titles.

Hart Publishing (Bloomsbury) UCB only

The Law Library provides access to ebooks from Hart Publishing, part of Bloomsbury Publishing. Hart publishes legal scholarship in almost all areas of U.S. and international law including textbooks, scholarly monographs and works for practitioners and spans the entirety of legal scholarship. Access will include all titles published by Hart beginning in 2020. Titles will be added to this database as they are released.


A digital repository providing long-term preservation and access services for public domain and in-copyright content. This cooperative system contains millions of books scanned from UC and other major research libraries, including those digitized by Google and the Internet Archive. Search on information about the book (such as author or title), or words in the text. Full text is available for items that are not protected by copyright. Anyone can view public domain materials, but you must log in with your CalnetID/password to download a pdf to a laptop or flash drive.

HeinOnlineUCB only

Comprehensive legal research tool including access to the pdf full-text of complete runs  of many legal journals,  US statutes, codes, and congressional and executive documents, Supreme Court Library, state session laws and state statutes, the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals, and many historical and international legal resources. Database is continually adding resources and expanding existing resources.

Internet Archive: eBooks and Texts

The Internet Archive : eBooks and Texts contains over 11,000,000 titles covering a wide range of fiction, popular books, children's books, historical texts and academic books.

IntersentiaUCB only

Intersentia provides access to ebooks related to private and public law, criminal law of different jurisdictions, European Union law, comparative law, international law, and human rights. Access to these titles is through the Cambridge Core website. Includes books published from 2017 to the present.


Reliable archive of important scholarly journal literature from a variety of disciplines including a good number of law journals.  Includes a growing collection of ebooks, primary sources and pamphlets.

Kluwer ArbitrationUCB only

Covers international commercial arbitration, including conventions, national legislation and case law, model laws rules of international and regional institutions, commentary, and information on bilateral investment treaties as well as books. Most information is full-text, but in some cases only summaries or citations are available.

Kluwer CompetitionUCB only

An online resource for EU and comparative competition law research. It contains commentary from expert authors (books and journals), an extensive collection of primary source materials (legislation and cases), and a practice tool.

Kluwer IP LawUCB only

A comprehensive platform for researching intellectual property (copyrights, patents, trademarks). Covers IP information for 200 countries, including cases, legislation and treaties. Also includes books, journals, and practice tools. Includes the electronic version of the "Brown Book" (The Manual for the handling of applications for patents, designs and trade marks throughout the world).

Legal Information Reference CenterUCB only

Legal forms and full text of over 310 legal reference publications, including Nolo titles, written for the general public.

LexisNexis (Lexis Advance)Berkeley Law only

Comprehensive legal research system. Requires individual password. LexisNexis and Nexis Uni cannot be accessed via the same browser session, even if you have closed out of Nexis Uni. If you attempt to reach LexisNexis and receive the message "We are unable to sign you into the Law School Home Page " or reach the start page for Nexis Uni instead, either switch to a different browser to use LexisNexis, or quit out of all sessions of your browser and restart the browser to use LexisNexis.

LexisNexis Digital LibraryBerkeley Law only

The LexisNexis Digital Library provides electronic access to over 200 treatises on California and national law as well as to deskbooks and statutes. Study aids including Lexis's Understanding Series and Questions and Answers Series are also available, as well as over 100 titles published by Carolina Academic Press. Log in with your Calnet ID and passphrase to check out titles. Register for an account to download the full text of any book to your laptop, eReader, pad or smart phone to access offline, or download the LexisNexis Digital Library app from either the Google Play store or Apple Store, use library code: berkeley.

LLMC DigitalUCB only

LLMC - Digital provides full-text access to a vast collection of law and law-related literature courtesy of the Law Library Microform Consortium (LLMC), a non-profit library cooperative. The collection includes U.S. Federal and state documents, Anglo- American documents, listed foreign jurisdictions and international law materials. The emphasis is primarily on historical documents.

Making of Modern Law: American Civil Liberties Union Papers, 1912-1990UCB only

American Civil Liberties Union Papers, 1912-1990, part of the Making of Modern Law collection, draws from ACLU records focusing on civil rights, race, gender, immigration, discrimination, workers' rights and issues relating to the U.S. Supreme Court. This full text, archival collection offers researchers a unique view of the inner workings of the ACLU and the hundreds of groups with which it interacted.

Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970UCB only

A fully searchable collection of primary materials (statutes, regulations, session laws, journals, codes and commentaries) from northern, central, and eastern European jurisdictions. 

Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative and International Law, 1600-1926UCB only

A fully searchable collection of treatises (including commentaries, encyclopedias, textbooks, monographs, or festschriften) on foreign, comparative and international law.

Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800 - 1926UCB only

A fully searchable collection of 19th and 20th century legal treatises, casebooks, local practice manuals, form books, pamphlets, letters, speeches, and other historical legal works, covering a wide range of topics of US and British law. Includes approximately 10 million pages of over 21,000 works.

Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources 1620-1926; 1763-1979UCB only

Fully searchable digital archive containing constitutional conventions and compilations (reports, journals, proceedings, debates, manuals, rules of order, and information for the use of delegates); city charters (the texts of enacted and proposed charters and ordinances in American jurisdictions); law dictionaries; and early U.S. state codes. Primary Sources will also include colonial records from the Primary Source Microfilm collection Published Records of the American Colonies

Making of Modern Law: Trials, 1600-1926UCB only

A fully searchable database containing books and pamphlets, official and unofficial trial documents and materials, legal transcripts, administrative proceedings, and arbitrations. The collection covers trials from all countries and languages, although the great majority are English-language and published in the U.S. or Great Britain.

Making of the Modern World: The Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic LiteratureUCB only

A digital collection of more than 67,000 books from the period 1460-1914, and a selected pre-1906 serials. Focuses on economics but includes political science, history, sociology, and special collections on banking, finance, transportation and manufacturing. Combines the Goldsmiths' Library of Economic Literature at the University of London Library, and the Kress Library of Business and Economics at the Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration along with supplementary materials from the Seligman Collection in the Butler Library at Columbia University and from the libraries of Yale.

Manuscripts of the Robbins Collection

The Manuscripts of the Robbins Collection project is a web interface that allows users to explore the Robbins Collection manuscripts using specific criteria letting them explore relationships between manuscripts and see each one in its textual and historical context.

National Consumer Law Center Digital LibraryUCB only

The National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) is a non-profit organization established in 1969 and dedicated to helping consumers and advocates use the powerful and complex array of consumer laws available to them. The NCLC publishes 20 consumer law treatises written by legal experts, available in print in the Law Library stacks and electronically on the NCLC website. The treatises cover a board range of consumer law topics and issues including Fair Debt Collection Practice, Consumer Bankruptcy, Student Loan Law, Unfair and Deceptive Acts and Practices, Collection Actions and Credit Discrimination. The electronic treatises are fully searchable and sections can be downloaded. Other tools available on the site include the Advanced Pleadings Search and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Case Connector.

OnLaw (CEB)UCB only

Online, searchable access to over 100 practice guides and action guides by CEB, a leading publisher of California legal commentary and analysis. Includes links to cited California statutes and cases.

Oxford Academic Books: LawUCB only

A searchable, full text collection of law books from variouis university presses including Oxford Scholarship Online, Fordham Scholarship Online, Cairo Scholarship Online, Florida Scholarship Online, Hong Kong Scholarship Online, and Kentucky Scholarship Online.  Topics include: comparative law, criminal law, human rights, legal history, private and public international law, and more.

Oxford Competition LawUCB only

This service focuses on EU competititon law and includes the major Oxford commentaries on this topic (Bellamy & Child, Faull & Nikpay, Whish & Bailey).  It also includes EU source materials (treaties, legislation, cases) and domestic court decisions from EU Member States.

Oxford Handbooks Online: LawUCB only

Electronic access to a growing collection of Oxford Handbooks on law. Each title contains a set of scholarly essays on a specific legal topic. Titles include comparative law, international environmental law, comparative constitutional law, and more. Print versions of these handbooks can be located by searching the Law Library catalog.

Oxford Legal Research Library: Financial and Banking LawUCB only

A collection of key reference works in the area of banking and finance law. It includes titles covering the field of financial law including banking law, financial regulation and enforcement, financial litigation, capital markets and funds.

Oxford Legal Research Library: International Commercial ArbitrationUCB only

Collection includes treatises that cover key arbitral bodies and jurisdictions as well as key reference works looking at specific areas of international arbitration practice.  All titles are Oxford texts and treatises. Links to other Oxford databases, such as International Commercial Law. 

Oxford Legal Research Library: International Commercial LawUCB only

Collection brings together the leading works in the field for scholars and practitioners researching the law of sale and contract. All titles are Oxford texts and treatises. Links to other Oxford databases, such as International Commercial Law.

Oxford Legal Research Library: Private International LawUCB only

Key reference works collection in the field of private international law.  Includes areas such as choice of law and choice of courts. 

Oxford Reference Online: LawUCB only

Reference sources from Oxford University Press, including legal dictionaries (Dictionary of Law, Dictionary of Law Enforcement, Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law) and several encyclopedias, guides and companions to legal topics in American, international and foreign law. Search sources collectively or search within an individual title

Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International LawUCB only

Contains full-text online editions of leading books on international law and related topics. These books include: Oppenheim, Oxford Handbooks in international law, and the Oxford Commentaries on International Law. Books are fully searchable. 


PLI PLUS provides online access to the Practising Law Institute's comprehensive library of treatises, Course Handbooks, Answer Books and journals as well as legal and professional education programs in a variety of formats. PLI is a non profit organization with a volunteer faculty of more than 4,000 prominent lawyers, judges, investment bankers, accountants, corporate counsel, and U.S. and international government regulators. You can create an individual account to highlight, save and share research. A mobile app is also available.

Project Muse BooksUCB only

The University Press Content Consortium (UPCC) Books on Project MUSE provides access to hundreds of law and law-related peer-reviewed digital books from major university presses and scholarly publishers.

ProQuest Ebook Central (formerly ebrary)UCB only

Nearly 40,000 books (and constantly growing), from both academic and popular publishers, in a wide range of subject areas, including law, the sciences, social sciences, technology, the humanities, and more.  in order to download content, the user will be prompted to create a personal id. Downloading may require first creating a personal account with Ebook Central.


ProView provides ebook access to many of the treatises published by Thomson Reuters, formerly West and owner of Westlaw. Covering virtually all areas of law and both federal and California jurisdictions, ProView also includes access to all of the Rutter Group practice guides. Use your Westlaw ID and password to log in with the link above or by logging into your Westlaw account and clicking through to ProView. Download the ProView App to access on most mobile devices. ProView allows you to download ebooks to use offline, to annotate, highlight and share with others. Online training and support are available.

Rise of American Law: Digital Archive of 19th and 20th Century Legal TextsBerkeley Law only

Via Westlaw (personal password required). A collection of over 1,700 out-of-print treatises and other legal materials published between 1840 and 1970. Comprehensive searching is available in Rise of American Law (ROAL-All) which combines the following six databases: International (ROAL-INT); Jurisprudence and Encyclopedias (ROAL-JUR); Practice Guides (ROAL-PRACGD); Treatises, Casebooks and Instructional Materials (ROAL-TREA); Legal History, including Commentaries and Speeches (ROAL-LEGHIST); and Dictionaries and Words and Phrases (ROAL-DICT).

Slavery and Anti-SlaveryUCB only

Documents from the United States and Europe, newspaper collections and books published in the antebellum era. Database is comprised of over 1.5 million cross-searchable pages, 7,247 books, 80 serials, more than fifteen manuscript collections and court records. Also includes reference materials from Macmillan, Scribners, and Gale encyclopedias and material published through partnerships with the Amistad Research Center, Oberlin College, Oxford University, and other institutions.

Springer LinkUCB only

Searchable database of over 4,000 electronic law books and over 50 legal journals.  Ebooks and journals from seveal other disciplines including business, education and environmental science are also available.  Coverage goes back over 100 years.

Taylor & Francis eBooksUCB only

This eBook collection contains many law and law-related titles from Taylor & Francis including their CRC Press and Routledge imprints. Many other publishers/imprints are included.

Torrossa UCB only

Casalini Libri's full-text digital platform provides access to selected law ebooks from Italy and Spain. All books are in either Italian or Spanish only.

VitalLawUCB only

VitalLaw (formerly Cheetah) is a legal research platform from Wolters Kluwer that provides access to statutes, cases, administrative agency materials, as well as treatises, reporters, newsletters, and blogs. Practice areas covered include Antitrust, Banking & Consumer Finance, Intellectual Property, Labor Law, Securities, Taxation, and Corporate Law.

West Academic Study AidsBerkeley Law only

Over 500 study aids including Hornbooks, Nutshells, and Gilbert's and Blackletter Outlines, as well as guides to law school success and starting a legal career. Use on campus or remotely (with CalNet authentication); create individual account (must be done from UCB campus network such as eduroam or law library terminals) to access interactive features like highlighting, adding notes, downloading, etc. (after account is created, access from on campus or remotely).

WestlawBerkeley Law only

Comprehensive legal research system. Requires individual password.

World Bank e-LibraryUCB only

Includes more than 8,000 full-text World Bank publications. Includes all books published since the 1990s. Topics covered include: economics and finance, law, public policy, education, international development, technology, poverty, gender, the environment, and more.