

AALL Online Legal Information Resources: U.S. States, the District of Columbus, and U.S. Territories

Compiles information for law librarians, legal information professionals, and members of the public to easily locate free online primary legal materials, such as session laws, codes, regulations, and case law.

ABA/Bloomberg Law Lawyers' Manual on Professional ConductBerkeley Law only

Available on Bloomberg Law, under "Legal Ethics" category. Detailed analyses of laws and rules that govern the practice of law, including state-by-state rulings. Access via law school-issued account (registration and individual password).

Academic Search CompleteUCB only

A multidisciplinary index to articles in more than 13,600 journals; full-text is available for over 9100 journals, pdf content back to 1887, and searchable cited references for 1400 journals.

Administrative Office of the United States Courts

A clearinghouse for information from and about the Judicial Branch of the U.S. Government.

African Journal ArchiveUCB only

The African Journal Archive is a retrospective digitisation project of full-text, multi-disciplinary journal articles published in Africa in the Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. Includes the Botswana Law Journal, the Comparative and International Journal of Southern Africa, and Law, Democracy and Development.

African Journals (Sabinet)UCB only

A full-text collection journals relating to South African and African law. It includes publications relating to fields of criminal law, estate planning, human rights law, tax and company law, and more.

AILALinkBerkeley Law only

Created by the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) and is intended to be a one-stop-shop for immigration law research. It contains electronic copies of most AILA publications, including Kurzban's Immigration Law Sourcebook, Business Immigration: Law and Practice, and AILA's Asylum Primer. The database also contains statutes, regulations, cases, and more. Only three users can access the database at any one time. If you get a message that access has been exceeded, please try again later. Be sure to sign off the database when done with your research.

Almanac of the Federal JudiciaryUCB only

The Almanac of the Federal Judiciary provides judicial profiles of every federal judge and all the key bankruptcy judges and magistrate judges in the U.S. Profiles include each judge's academic and professional background, experience on the bench, noteworthy rulings, media coverage and information based on interviews with lawyers who have argued cases before them. Important insights into each judge's style, demeanor, knowledge, and management of courtroom proceeding as well as commentary by lawyers based on first-hand experiences are often included.

American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899

United States government documents assembled and scanned from the Oklahoma Department of Libraries and identified from titles listed in Guide to American Indian Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 by Steven L. Johnson. The database provides free, online access to this historic content for the benefit of tribes, scholars, students and the public in general.

Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal TribunalsUCB only

Provides commentary on, and full text of, the most important decisions of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Rwanda (ICTR) and Timor-Leste, as well as The Special Court for Sierra Leone and the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Appeals to the Privy Council From The American Colonies: An Annotated Digital Catalogue

Focuses on all currently known colonial cases appealed to the Privy Council from the American colonies and provides links to original documents in England and the United states.  Also includes images of surviving briefs filed in 54 of these appeals. Preliminary lists of appeals from Canada and from the Caribbean also are included.

Arbitration Law Database (Juris)UCB only

A large collection of secondary sources on international and domestic arbitration and dispute resolution published by Juris Net. Includes many journals, monographs, practice guides and looseleaf publications in PDF format. The content can be searched by keyword, jurisdiction, etc. or the titles can be browsed.

Aspen Learning LibraryBerkeley Law only

Provides full-text access to several popular study aids series including Examples & Explanations, Emanuel Law Outlines, Glannon Guides, and Casenote Legal Briefs. Students must login with their CalNet IDs to access, and can create a personalized login in order to make notes, save bookmarks, and print. Android and iOS app available for mobile devices.


Beck-OnlineBerkeley Law only

Beck-Online provides access to German law, including statutes, cases, journal articles, commentaries, and eBooks. Available in German only.

Berkeley Municipal Code

City maintained website with general info on the municipal code, the complete municipal code and zoning ordinance, and ordinances pending codification.

Bill Information (California, 1999 - present)

Search each two-year session by bill number, keyword or author. Includes full text of all versions of bills, resolutions, and constitutional amendments. Also included are status, history, vote analyses, and veto messages. To find bills from 1993-2016, visit the Official California Legislative Information archival site at

Black Freedom Struggle in the United States

This free database from ProQuest is comprised of 2000 primary source documents including historical newspaper articles, pamphlets, diaries, correspondence and more that highlight the triumphs and resiliency of African Americans in the pursuit of equality through six periods of American history. These periods include the Civil War and Reconstruction Era, the Jim Crow Era, and the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements. Additional primary sources featured include important legislation, legislative histories and seminal court cases.

Bloomberg LawBerkeley Law only

Bloomberg Law provides subscription-based search technology, legal content, proprietary company information, and real-time news to lawyers and other legal professionals. Bloomberg Law services encompass legal databases and information resources that include: dockets, law reports, citations, and transactional information. All Bloomberg BNA content is now available exclusively on Bloomberg Law. View the training videos for help with searching, and see the topical course-related materials for course support (login req'd).

Requires individual password. NOTE: Browsers configured to use the proxy will give an error message such as "Proxy Server Refused Connection" or "This site cannot be reached" when you try to access a resource URL that starts with https (e.g., Bloomberg Law). If you encounter this error, access a different resource whose URL does NOT begin with https (such as HeinOnline). Open HeinOnline in a new tab, then continue to Bloomberg Law.

Brill Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-BooksUCB only

This collection from the publisher Brill/Nijhoff contains ebooks covering many areas of human rights and humanitarian law: Human Rights, Refugee Law, Immigration Law, Health Law, Children's Rights, Minority and Group Rights, Humanitarian Law, and International Criminal Law. Books published between 2016 and present are included.

Brill International Law E-Books UCB only

This collection from the publisher Brill/Nijhoff contains ebooks covering many areas of public international law: Public International Law, Law of the Sea, International Trade Law, International Labor Law, Environmental Law, European Law, International Relations, International Organizations, Terrorism, Legal History, and Islamic Law. Books published between 2016 and present are included.

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Includes information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government including data collected from the US Census, the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting program and National Incident-Based Reporting Systemas well as other Federal agencies such as the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the U.S. Sentencing Commission, and the Federal Bureau of Prison. Incoporates the Federal Justice Statistics Resource Center.

Business Source CompleteUCB only

This database offers a large index of peer-reviewed, scholarly business journals as well as industry trade publications. information in nearly every area of business including management, economics, finance, accounting, international business, and more. The database also includes other sources of full text information such as country economic reports from the EIU, Global Insight, ICON Group and CountryWatch and detailed company profiles for over 1 million of the world's public and private companies.


Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)Berkeley Law only

Already registered? Log in at to access over 1,000 interactive legal tutorials written by law professors for law students. Register using the instructions linked above (contains school's authorization codes) to create your own password.

California Ballot Measures

From the UC Law SF's law library, this database is "a comprehensive, searchable source of information on California ballot propositions and initiatives from 1911 to the present."  It includes the full text of individual ballot propositions and accompanying information contained in the ballot pamphlets.

California Climate Solutions

California Climate Policy Solutions serves as the hub for the "Climate Change & Business Research Initiative," a collaboration between Berkeley Law's Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment (CLEE) and UCLA Law's Emmett Institute on Climate Change & the Environment.

California Code of Regulations

This searchable database includes the full text of the current California Code of Regulations.

California Courts Policy & Administration

The policy and administration branch of the California courts which has policy-making authority over the state court system.

California Courts: The Judicial Branch of California

The homepage for the California court system links through to the self-help center, recent opinions, forms, court rules, and juror information.

California Governors' Executive Orders

California State Library's interactive tool to search for executive orders and proclamations from every governor since California became a state in 1850 through 2007.

California Law

California laws currently in effect, arranged by subject into 29 codes. Searchable by code name and keyword but not annotated.

California Law Revision Commission

The California Law Revision Commission is an independent state agency that assists the Legislature and Governor by examining California law and recommending needed reforms.The database includes active studies as well as recommendations.

California Legislative Document Archives (1850 - 2011)

Freely available from the California State Assembly Office of the Chief Clerk, a full text, electronic archive of the California statutes (session laws), final histories and indexes, 1881 - 2011, Assembly and Senate Journals, 1850 - 2011. All documents downloadable in pdf format.

California Legislative Publications 1850 - 2009

HathiTrust's Special Collection of California Legislative publications including the full text of Senate and Assembly bills from 1911-1988, and of California Statutes and Senate and Assembly Journals from 1849-2009. Site also provides a link to Google Docs spreadsheet ( listing all bills by year, with links to the full text of each bill.

California Local Ballot Measure Election Results

Election results from city, county, school district, and local ballot measure elections. The reports are completed in July of each year and include local election results from the previous calendar year. 1995 to date. Includes the text of ballot measures.  A joint project of the Center for California Studies and Institute for Social Research of California State University, Sacramento, and the Secretary of State.

California Local Codes and Charters

Via IGS web site. The IGS Library maintains a large depository collection of local ordinance codes and charters issued by California cities and counties and this page provides a list of currently available codes and charters issued in loose-leaf format. Links are provided to electronic versions of these documents, when available.

California Regulatory Notice Register

The Notice Register Index covers the past 12 months and is sorted by agency name and also includes archival material - check database for current extent of archival holdings.

California Senate Office of Research

The Senate Office of Research (SOR) is a nonpartisan office responsible for tracking emerging state and federal issues and acting as a liaison with think tanks and academic institutions. The site includes pdfs of both research reports and studies commissioned by SOR.

California State Assembly

Official website of the California State Assembly.

California State Senate

Official website of the California State Senate.

Cambridge CoreUCB only

Cambridge Core is the platform for Cambridge University Press's academic content. It replaces the Cambridge Books Online platform. This constantly growing collection of ebooks published by Cambridge University Press includes a substantial collection of law books as well as a full array of other subject areas.

Cambridge Journals: Law UCB only

Search and browse Cambridge University Press law journals. To search all law journals, use the search box on the website and the post-search filters to refine the search.

Carswell eReference LibraryBerkeley Law only

Canadian database containing The Law of Privacy in Canada; Aboriginal & Treaty Rights Practice; The Canadian Charter of Rights; Law of Confidential Business Information.

Caselaw Access Project

Caselaw Access Project (CAP), a project of Harvard Law School, provides free, full text access to all U.S. state and federal official book published court cases from 1658 - 2018. Available headnotes are included through 1922. CAP digitized 40,000 bound volumes from the Harvard Law School Library. CAP includes a search engine and and open source API. Users may register for a free account to access CAP's metadata, do full-text searching, or access individual cases.

CasetextBerkeley Law only

Casetext is a research tool that uses AI to analyze and mine documents for other relevant legal authority. The service is free to Berkeley Law students who can sign up for an account at:

Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP)

The CGP is a finding tool for records of electronic, microfiche, and print publications from the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the U.S. federal government. It includes descriptive information for historical and current publications as well as direct links to the full document, when available. Users can search by authoring agency, title, subject, and general keywords. The CGP is produced by the U.S. Government Publishing Office, a federal agency which provides free access to federal government publications through the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). Check the Main Library's U.S. Government Information at UC Berkeley research guide for additional information.

CEB AccessLawBerkeley Law only

CEB’s AccessLaw Program gives students access to a suite of California-focused legal research resources, including CEB practice guides, CEB’s Practitioner platform (which contains how-to guides, forms, and other practical legal resources) and customizable news updates. To register for a CEB AccessLaw account using a Berkeley Law specific code, follow the directions here.

CEIC Global DatabaseUCB only

Macroeconomic, industrial, and financial data for countries world wide. Provides detailed macroeconomic data with more than one million time series for 121 countries, including National Accounts, Balance of Payments, Production, Sales,& Inventory, Banking, Construction, Interest and Foreign Exchange Rates, Government Finance, Investment, Demographics and Labor Markets, Economic & Household Surveys, Tourism, Inflation, Transport and Telecommunication, and Domestic & International Trade. Sources include International Organizations and National Statistics Offices. Click Guest Access for immediate access. Registration is free for UC Berkeley students staff and faculty and offers enhanced features.

Center for Art LawBerkeley Law only

Website art and law database of articles, case law, art law library, educational courses, books, films, artists’ assistance, and bar associations. Case Law collection has summaries of recent and ongoing art law litigation. The site contains over 1,000 articles and dozens of resource pages.

CheckpointUCB only

Comprehensive tax and accounting research database covering tax and accounting laws and news at the international, federal, state and local levels.  Provides access to cases, rulings, journals, news and analysis.  Includes RIA Worldwide Tax Laws which provides English translations of tax and commercial laws from jurisdictions around the world. If you are trying to access this database off-campus, be sure to use the VPN and do not rely on the proxy service.

Chicago Manual of StyleUCB only

Full text of the Chicago Manual of Style, covering editorial style, publishing best practices and citation recommendations for both the humanities style (notes and bibliography) and the author-date system. Includes some information on legal publications.

China LawInfo ( only

English language translations of laws, regulations, and cases from the People's Republic of China. Other legal news and information from China is available. The site is also available in Chinese which is more extensive than the English version.

Chinese Judicial Files Database (Jiangjin Part) UCB only

This database includes full images of judicial files from Jiangjin county, Chongqing City between 1911-1949. These judicial files are sorted into a number of categories, including debt, tenancy, theft, trade dispute, family disturbance, marriage, damage, robbery, homicide, injury, corruption, violation of tax laws, forgery, drug using, fraud, other criminal cases and other civil cases. Abstract for each file in English, complete judicial files in Chinese.

CIS LegislationBerkeley Law only

Access to legislation from 11 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine. Many laws have unofficial English translations as well as access to laws in the vernacular. Note: The license is for two simultaneous users. Therefore, if three or more users enter the system at the same time, you will receive a message that all licenses are in use. If that happens, please try back later.

CISG Database

Database on the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) maintained by the Institute of International Commercial Law, Pace University Law School.  Includes text of the treaty, its legislative history, case annotations and scholarly writing.

CITRIS Policy Lab Section 230 Legislative Database

The CITRIS Policy Lab, in partnership with the UC Berkeley Schools of Information, Journalism, Law, and Public Policy and the Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society, maintains a database that tracks federal legislation focused on Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Section 230 provides immunity to online platforms from civil liability based on third-party content. The database tracks all US federal legislation seeking to amend, repeal, or reform Section 230. It is updated monthly.

Code Library (American Legal Publishing Corporation)

City codes and municipal ordinances for about 35 states and counting.

Code of Federal Regulations (Annual Edition)

Annual editions from 1996 to current available at FDsys, the portal of the United States Government Printing Office's Federal Digital System.

Code Publishing.Inc

Compilation of municipal codes for some states.

Commentaries on World Trade Law OnlineUCB only

Commentaries on World Trade Law Online is a comprehensive reference work on the law of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The Commentaries explain the provisions of the WTO Agreements article by article, setting out the interpretation of each article in the case law, in practice, and in scholarly writing. New volumes will be added when published.

Competition Policy InternationalUCB only

CPI provides news and commentary on competition and antitrust issues around the world. Also provides access to CPI Journal and Antitrust Chronicle.

Compilation of Presidential Documents (1992 - )

The Compilation of Presidential Documents collection consists of the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents and the Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents which are the official publications of materials released by the White House Press Secretary. The Compilation of Presidential Documents is published by the Office of the Federal Register (OFR), National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

Official website for U.S. federal legislative information. The site provides access to accurate, timely, and complete legislative information. It is produced by the Library of Congress (LOC). It includes Legislation from the 101st Congress (1989) to the present as well as member profiles from 1929 to the present and information on judicial nominations and treaties.

CQ AlmanacUCB only

From 1946 forward the CQ Almanac "offers original narrative accounts of every major piece of legislation that lawmakers considered during a congressional session." It is arranged by topic and "organizes, distills, and cross-indexes for permanent reference the full year in Congress and in national politics"

CQ MagazineUCB only

Source for expert coverage of the U.S. Congress: status of bills, votes and amendments, floor and committee activity, and backroom maneuvering. Current archives go back to 1983 but see database for most current info.

CQ Press Congress CollectionUCB only

Provides an historical analysis of members of Congress, their legislative voting behavior, interest group ratings, public policy legislation, current committees, background information and definitions, and chronology related to US Congress.

CQ ResearcherUCB only

CQ Researcher is the perfect answer for people who need a place to begin research on current topics. This weekly publication covers the most current and controversial issues of the day with complete summaries, insight into all sides of the issues, bibliographies and more. Users may browse through articles in the current issue or search for past articles using words, dates or other criteria. Coverage includes 1923 -present.


Daily Labor Report (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

Provides up-to-the-minute news about the day's labor and employment-related developments. Covers congress, court cases, the Department of Labor, NLRB, EEOC, other government agencies, state and local laws and actions, immigration, employment discrimination, union organizing, and economic news. Registration and individual password required.

Dalloz.frBerkeley Law only

French database providing access to legal materials published by Dalloz - codes, jurisprudence (case law), journals, and legal encyclopedias. All materials are searchable in French only. Access is one user at a time, so if you cannot access the database immediately, try again later.

DeGruyter Electronic BooksUCB only

This electronic book collection contains law and law-related content published by DeGruyter and other publishers. The ebooks are mostly available in English, so not all DeGruyter publications are available from this database. Search the Law Library catalog for individual titles of books to determine if the Law Library has a specific book in print or electronic form.

DeJureUCB only

Italian law collection including legislation, cases, codes, regional laws, and legal doctrine and literature.

Digital Library on American Slavery

Hosted by the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, the Digital Library on American Slavery is an expanding resource compiling various independent online collections focused upon race and slavery in the American South, including court petitions, runaway slave advertisements, slave deeds, and slavery era insurance registries made searchable through a single interface.

Docket NavigatorBerkeley Law only

Docket Navigator began as a patent litigation intelligence platform used by judges, lawyers, and other legal professionals. It's expanded coverage includes trademark, copyright, and antitrust litigation. It provides full-text access to cases and court filings. It claims to report every significant event, in every case, every day. Academic access for law school faculty and students is free with registration. To register for a free account, faculty must send their first and last names and university email address to Students must send their projected date of graduation along with their first and last names and university email address to

Documentary History of the Ratification of the ConstitutionUCB only

Digital edition of a landmark work in historical and legal scholarship that draws upon thousands of sources to trace the Constitution's progress through each of the thirteen states' conventions. Includes primary documentary sources dealing with the debate over the ratification of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights between 1787 and 1791. Over 60,000 documents have been digitized including convention and legislative records, private papers, newspapers, broadsides, and pamphlets.

Docuseek2UCB only

Docuseek2 is a streaming video service providing access to documentary films covering a broad array of subjects including law, legal history, the criminal justice system, LGBT Studies and civil rights. Docuseek2 features films from independent distributors, including Bullfrog Films, Icarus Films, National Film Board of Canada, and Fanlight. To view a list limited to titles owned by Berkeley, click the "My Movies" link at the top of the page.


E&E PublishingUCB only

Environment & Energy Publishing's five daily current awareness tools - E&E Daily (federal environmental legislation and policy), ClimateWire (domestic and international climate policy), EnergyWire (broad coverage of business, environmental, and political issues related to the energy industry), Greenwire (major energy and environmental actions), and E&E News PM - give comprehensive, daily coverage of environmental and energy policy developments, including federal legislation and regulations, international and U.S. climate policy, and global energy resources and markets.

e-CFR (Electronic Code of Federal Regulations)

The eCFR is a daily updated, unofficial editorial compilation of CFR material and Federal Register amendments produced by the National Archives and Records Administration's Office of the Federal Register (OFR) and the Government Printing Office.

Economist Intelligence Unit ( only

Economist Intelligence Unit indepth global analysis and specific country analysis including Country Reports, Country Commerce, Country Finance, Country Navigation by Topic,, and Which MBA online.

EEBO (Early English Books Online)UCB only

Indexes over 125,000 volumes of early works printed in England or in English. These works constitute a significant portion of items included in the English Short Title Catalogue. It contains most of the works indexed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640), Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700) and the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661) collection.

Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)UCB only

Contains over 180,000 fully searchable items published in Great Britain and its colonies, including those in North America, during the 18th Century. This database complements the materials found in Early English Books Online (EEBO), which covers 1475-1700. The resource is thus a rich source of information about the American and French Revolution, scientific and medical advances, literature, law, religion, industry, and all aspects of life in the 18th century.

Elgar Advanced Introductions: LawUCB only

The Advanced Introductions series covers a variety of topics under major subjects: international law, comparative law, private law, and public law. These books are designed to be "accessible yet rigorous" and are written by legal scholars. Some titles are also available in print, search the Law Library catalog to locate the print titles.

Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative LawUCB only

This encyclopedia aims to provide a comprehensive look at comparative law. Topics as well as individual countries are covered from a comparative law perspective. Topics include: abortion, comity, labor law, the rule of law, and more. When complete, it will include over 225 authors from 50 countries. Check back for new content.

Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental LawUCB only

Envisioned to be a 12-volume set providing comprehensive coverage of environmental law, including national, regional, and international law. Volume 1 covers climate change and other volumes will cover water, energy, international treaties, trade and the environment, and more.

Elgar Encyclopedia of Human RightsUCB only

This encyclopedia is an extensive reference work in the field of international human rights law and protection. Comprising over 340 entries, presented alphabetically, the Encyclopedia addresses the full range of themes associated with the study and practice of human rights in the modern world. The topics range from substantive human rights to the relevant institutions, legal documents, conceptual and procedural issues of international law, and a wide variety of subject entries.

Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic LawUCB only

This 4-part encyclopedia is a comprehensive resource on international economic law. It covers public international law, private international law, national and regional law.

ElgaronlineUCB only

E-book collection from Edward Elgar Publishing. This collection focuses on the law titles, including research monographs, handbooks, and reference works. It excludes textbooks and journal reprint collections. The collection includes titles from 2007 forward, plus some pre-2007 titles.

EMIS DatabaseUCB only

EMIS provides company, industry, macroeconomic, and stock market information for dozens of developing countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. Full-text news and reports are available in English and local languages. This database includes financials for foreign public companies.

Encyclopedia of Human RightsUCB only

This encyclopedia offers comprehensive coverage of all aspects of human rights theory, practice, law, and history. Coverage includes development of the movement, historical cases of abuse, the key figures, major organizations, and a range of other issues in economics, government, religion, and journalism that touch on human rights theory and practice.  A print version of this set is also available. 

Encyclopedia of Law and EconomicsUCB only

A major reference work in the field of law and economics. The Encyclopedia provides coverage of the major domain in law and economics, including: criminal law, regulation, property law, contract law, tort law, labor and employment law, antitrust law, procedural law, and the production of legal rules. Also available in print.

Encyclopedia of Private International LawUCB only

The entries cover a wide-range of topics within private international law from a comparative perspective. The set also includes national reports that describe the private international law regime of selected countries. A collection of legal instruments (codifications) are included, some with English translations, is included in the set.

Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia Online Berkeley Law only

This encyclopedia provides a detailed description of the practice and implementation of international law in various Asian jurisdictions. Each jurisdiction included in the Encyclopedia follows a standard structure: Country Snapshot (Date of Independence, Date of Admission to the United Nations, Geographical Size, Population, Demographic Information, Form of Government, System of Law), followed by a State Report Overview (Executive summary of state report, Key highlights of unique state practice).

English ReportsUCB only

Via vLexJustis.  Electronic version of the complete English Reports (KD270 1220 .E5) - cases decided in English courts from 1220 to 1873. Search over 100,000 cases and view as PDFs. To search, select the "More filters" option from the left side of the page.

Environment & Energy (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

News and information from around the world on energy and climate change issues, legislative and regulatory developments, court and administrative decisions, compliance news, state and federal government policies, international developments, emissions trading, and market information. Registration and individual password required.


The EUR-Lex web site provides comprehensive and authoritative information on EU law. It offers multilingual full-text coverage of a wide range of legal materials and provides access to the founding treaties, as well as to legislation and case law of the European Court of Justice.


FactivaUCB only

Business news and information from thousands of sources in 28 languages, including influential local, national and international newspapers, leading business magazines, trade publications, and newswires. Exclusive combination of The Wall Street Journal (1979-present), Financial Times, Dow Jones, and Reuters and Associated Press newswires, as well as Reuters Fundamentals, and Bureau van Dijk company profiles.

Federal Judicial Center

The research and education agency of the federal judicial system. Basic history of the federal courts and judges on the federal bench since 1789. Includes Federal Judges Biographical Database, Courts of the Federal Judiciary, Landmark Judicial Legislation, and Educational Programs and Materials.

Federal RegisterUCB only

Via HeinOnline. Search or browse issues from volume 1 (1936) to present. View or download PDFs. Federal Register indexes, accessible from the same HOL library, can be separately searched.

Federal Register (GPO)

Via Govinfo, the United States Government Publishing Office's site for free electronic access to the official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government. Search issues from 1936 to date.

Financial Accounting News (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

Guidance on emerging, evolving, and complex issues relating to accounting rules and principles, financial statements and disclosures, management control and analysis, auditing principles and standards, and accounting practice and responsibility. Registration and individual password required.

Findlaw: California Supreme Court and Appellate Court Cases

Via Opinions of the California Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal from 1934 to the present. Includes the official citation and page numbers.

Findlaw: Cases and Codes

Via FindLaw, includes cases and codes at both the state and federal level, although coverage varies. Good collection of resources for all states, including official state web sites.

Foreign & International Law Resources DatabaseUCB only

Via HeinOnline. This collection contains the full-text of many international law yearbooks and journals. It also contains U.S. international law practice digests, publications from international courts and tribunals, and other materials related to international and foreign law. The collection may be browsed or searched.

Foreign Law GuideUCB only

Provides brief introductory information on the legal systems of about 190 jurisdictions.  Also includes information primary law for these countries, laws by subject, and selected secondary sources.  Very useful for foreign and comparative legal research.

If you experience problems with Cookies when using Safari, try access the database via the VPN.


Gale Directory LibraryUCB only

Full text collection of authoritative directories on companies, publishers, associations and more. Includes the Encyclopedia of Associations (including International Organizations), the National Directory of Nonprofit Organizations, National Faculty Directory, Government Research Directory and Statistics Sources.

General Code

Provides access to local codes for selected locations.

Global Arbitration Review (GAR)UCB only

Practice-oriented international arbitration journal with a global focus. The website also includes news updates, regional arbitration guides, and other kinds of surveys and practice-oriented guides. Print materials are also available. The "Primary Sources" section of this website includes awards, court judgments and filings, and reports. Access to the primary sources is not available through off-campus access.

Global Financial DataUCB only

Extremely long runs of historical data on stock prices, stock indices, and macroeconomic data for the U.S. and foreign countries. Our subscription includes the full service and these sub-sets: Long-term Financial, Interest Rate, United States Daily Stock Market, Global Stock Market, Total Return, Annual Data, and Dow Jones Industrial Average Intraday. Academic users can login one of two ways. If you login anonymously, you can search the database, access individual data series and graph individual series. If you login with your username and password, you can also access your personalized home page, which helps you to customize your access, and download multiple series into a single worksheet. You must use your university email address in creating the account.

Global RegulationUCB only

Search regulatory and statutory law for over 61 jurisdictions. Includes other kinds of regulatory search tools: impact statements from selected countries, regulatory case studies, and about 500 empirical regulatory case studies. Coverage of topics and jurisdictions varies. Many laws are translated into English. is the U.S. Government Publishing Office's website providing free online access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government including the Federal Register, CFR, U.S. Code, the Federal Budget, the Congressional Record, and a growing collection of judicial opinions.

Guide to Law Online (Library of Congress)

Provided by the Law Library of Congress, this site provides legal links and general resources to International and Multinational Law, Foreign Law, US Federal Law and US States and Territories including the constitutions and other historical documents of each state; the Governor, Attorney General, and Election Commission of each state; judiciary opinions of each state's Supreme Court and Court of Appeals; and the code of laws, acts, and bills of each state.


Hague Academy Collected Courses OnlineUCB only

Electronic version of the print version of the Collected Courses (also known as Recueil des Cours). The courses provide thorough examinations of international relations and law issues.

Hart Publishing (Bloomsbury) UCB only

The Law Library provides access to ebooks from Hart Publishing, part of Bloomsbury Publishing. Hart publishes legal scholarship in almost all areas of U.S. and international law including textbooks, scholarly monographs and works for practitioners and spans the entirety of legal scholarship. Access will include all titles published by Hart beginning in 2020. Titles will be added to this database as they are released.


A digital repository providing long-term preservation and access services for public domain and in-copyright content. This cooperative system contains millions of books scanned from UC and other major research libraries, including those digitized by Google and the Internet Archive. Search on information about the book (such as author or title), or words in the text. Full text is available for items that are not protected by copyright. Anyone can view public domain materials, but you must log in with your CalnetID/password to download a pdf to a laptop or flash drive.

Hein Online's Water Rights and Resources

Water Rights & Resources is a comprehensive collection dedicated to aiding the understanding of state and federal laws that govern all aspects of water in society, from municipal use to restoring its pristine condition. It includes congressional documents, books, legislative histories, and Supreme Court briefs on related cases. This database touches on a wide range of water issues, including irrigation, hydropower, riparian rights, water conservation, drinking water quality, and tribal water rights across the United States.

HeinOnlineUCB only

Comprehensive legal research tool including access to the pdf full-text of complete runs  of many legal journals,  US statutes, codes, and congressional and executive documents, Supreme Court Library, state session laws and state statutes, the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals, and many historical and international legal resources. Database is continually adding resources and expanding existing resources.

HeinOnline's Civil Rights and Social Justice DatabaseUCB only

HeinOnline's Civil Rights database brings together a diverse offering of publications covering civil rights in the United States as their legal protections and definitions are expanded to cover more and more Americans including disabled Americans and those identifying as LGBTQ. Containing hearings and committee prints, legislative histories on the landmark legislations, CRS and GAO reports, briefs from major Supreme Court cases, and publications from the Commission on Civil Rights, this database allows users to educate themselves on the ways our civil rights have been strengthened and expanded over time, as well as how these legal protections can go further still. A curated list of scholarly articles, a varied collection of books on many civil rights topics, and a list of prominent civil rights organizations help take the research beyond HeinOnline.

HeinOnline's LGBTQ+ RightsUCB only

HeinOnline's LGBTQ+ Rights database charts the gay rights movement in America, showing the civil rights codified into law in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as the inequalities that still exist today. Titles in the collection are divided into six areas - Marriage and Family, Employment Discrimination, Military Service, AIDS and Health Care, and Public Spaces and Accommodations, and Historical Attitudes and Analysis. Also included is a curated list of scholarly articles and a bibliography including titles outside of HeinOnline and an interactive timeline.

HeinOnline's Voting Rights & Election Law

This database features thousands of books, treatises, reports, legislative histories, congressional hearings, and curated scholarly articles on the U.S. electoral process at the federal, state, and local levels. Subjects covered include Absentee Voting, Ballots, Campaign Finance, Election Administration, Election Integrity, Election Outcomes, Election Reform, Electoral College, Federal Election Commission, Gerrymandering, Legislative Redistricting, Political Campaigns, Suffrage, Voter Identification, Voter Registration, and Voting Rights. Includes content on historical as well as recent elections and some content on elections in foreign countries.

HeinOnline’s Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: History, Culture & Law UCB only

HeinOnline’s Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: History, Culture & Law contains an expansive archive of historic materials of nearly 4,000 titles and more than 2.3 million total pages. Included in the database are hundreds of treaties, treaty-related publications, tribal codes, constitutions, federal case law, government reports, scholarly works, books and pamphlets, and the entirety of Title 25 (Indians) of the U.S. Code and Code of Federal Regulations.


IBFD (International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation)UCB only

A comprehensive collection of world-wide taxation laws and information. Includes tax treaties, individual and corporate taxation information, tax caselaw, and commentary on taxation and investment issues. E-books and journals are also included. To access, select "Search."

ICC Dispute Resolution LibraryBerkeley Law only

A searchable online service provided by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the International Court of Arbitration containing relevant documents and publications relating to international commercial arbitration. The collection includes awards, articles, reports, and other publications. When you access the database, you will be taken to the Jus Mundi platform. From here, you can search or you can use the "Products" button at the top of the page to access "ICC DRL" (ICC Dispute Resolution Library).

ICLR (Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England & Wales)

The database provides access to UK Law Reports, case law, and legislation. ICLR is a not-for-profit organization that was established in 1865 as the publisher of the official series of The Law Reports for the Superior and Appellate Courts of England and Wales.

ICSID ReportsUCB only

The International Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Reports ("ICSID Reports"). This collection provides comprehensive coverage of arbitral awards and decisions under ICSID or pursuant to other multilateral or bilateral investment treaties, including in particular the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT). Coverage is from volume 1 (1993) to present.

IMF eLibraryUCB only

Full text of reports, books, and journals from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). (International Monetary Fund eLibrary) [1975 - ] less... Includes books, departmental papers, policy discussion papers, IMF staff country reports, working and occasional papers, pamphlets, and seminar volumes. Easy access to IMF data and statistical publications is also included. Earliest content dates back to the 1970s.

Immigration Law & Policy in the U.S.UCB only

Immgration Law & Policy in the U.S. is available from Hein Online. It includes current US code sections and regulations dealing with immigration, legislative histories, Board of Immigration Appeals decisions, treatises, scholarly articles, and extradition treaties among other sources.

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (1985-)UCB only

Via HeinOnline. The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP) database indexes articles as well as book reviews from more than 500 legal journals published worldwide, including journals, essay collections, festschrifts, and congress reports.  Access to full-text articles is available for more than 100 journals.

Index to Legal Periodicals and BooksUCB only

Index to Legal Periodicals and Books (1981 - present) and Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective (1918-1981) The Index to Legal Periodicals and Books indexes over 1000 leading legal journals, yearbooks, institutes, bar association journals, university publications and law reviews, and government publications from the United States, Puerto Rico, Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The database also indexes some 1,400 monographs per year. In addition there is the Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective that indexes over 500 legal periodicals back to 1918.

Intellectual Property Law News (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

Formerly Patent Trademark & Copyright Journal. Provides comprehensive news and analysis of the most important intellectual property cases, statutes, trends, and other key developments and their possible impact on the legal and business communities. Includes World Intellectual Property Report. Also known as IP Law News. Individual password and registration required.

Intellectual Property Patents & Trade Secrets Practice Center (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

Provides the full text of all decisions reported in United States Patents Quarterly from 1929 to the present. . Provides news, analysis, finding aids, treatises, laws and regulations regarding patents. Includes access to selected international agreements and treaties. Registration and individual password required.

Intellectual Property Watch (IP Watch)UCB only

Selected, non-subscriber content available on this non-profit, independent news service which reports on the interests and behind-the-scenes dynamics that influence the design and implementation of international intellectual property policies.

International Cultural Property Ownership and Export Legislation and Case Law and StatutesUCB only

These two collections -- International Cultural Property Ownership and Export Legislation (ICPOEL) and Case Law and Statutes (CLS) -- provide access to legislation and case law regarding the acquisition and ownership of artworks. ICPOEL contains legislation governing the export and ownership of cultural property from dozens of countries. The legislation is presented in both summary form and as complete text; the latter in the original language and in translation. Selected historical legislation is also included. CLS contains an extensive body of primarily U.S. case law, including both litigated cases and out-of-court settlements.

International Encyclopaedia of LawsUCB only

Encyclopedia covers foreign and international laws in the following area of law: Civil Procedure, Commercial and Economic Law, Competition Law, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Corporations and Partnerships, Criminal Law, Cyber Law, Energy law, Environmental Law, Family and Succession Law, Insurance Law, Intellectual Property, Intergovernmental Organizations, Labour Law, Media Law, Medical Law, Migration Law, Private International Law, Property and Trust Law, Religion Law, Social Security Law, Sports Law, Tort Law, and Transport Law.

International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law OnlineUCB only

The online version of the International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, a 17-volume print encyclopedia. It incorporates detailed descriptions of the legal systems of more than 150 countries and provides a comparative analysis of the main issues in civil and commercial law and related issues. Please note that this encyclopedia is not updated, but much of the content provides a basic level of information for comparative purposes. The print version of the encyclopedia is located in the Law Library's collection.

International Encyclopedia of EthicsUCB only

Electronic version of the authoritative 9 volume print encyclopedia. Includes over 700 peer-reviewed entries written by international subject experts covering all major philosophical, legal and religious traditions.

International Law Reports (ILR) from Cambridge University Press UCB only

Covers significant cases dealing with public international law issues, in English, from international courts and arbitrators as well as judgments of national courts. Current and some archival coverage of the International Law Reports is available from 1956 (volume 17) to present.

International Law Reports (ILR) from vLex/JustisUCB only

Via vLexJustis. Covers significant cases dealing with public international law issues, in English, from international courts and arbitrators as well as judgments of national courts.  Coverage is from 1919 to present. A note about coverage: sometimes, the most recent cases are not available from the vLexJustis database. Therefore, try searching the International Law Reports from Cambridge University Press (see the entry on this list for access). To search International Law Reports, select the "More filters" option from the left side of the page.

International Trade News (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

Tracks the progress of multilateral trade negotiations, negotiating positions of parties, policy decisions, dispute settlement activities, accession of new members, and reactions of countries to major developments. Covers evolving rules for trade administered by the WTO. Monitors the progress of all major cases taken to the WTO. Individual registration and password required.

International Trade Practice Center (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

The Bloomberg Law International Trade Practice Center provides coverage of import and export requirements, international trade news, relevant cases, dockets, statutes, and regulations, practical guidance, as well as practice tools such as country chart builders. Registration and individual password required.

Internet Archive: eBooks and Texts

The Internet Archive : eBooks and Texts contains over 11,000,000 titles covering a wide range of fiction, popular books, children's books, historical texts and academic books.

IntersentiaUCB only

Intersentia provides access to ebooks related to private and public law, criminal law of different jurisdictions, European Union law, comparative law, international law, and human rights. Access to these titles is through the Cambridge Core website. Includes books published from 2017 to the present.

Investment Arbitration ReporterUCB only

Investment Arbitration Reporter (IAReporter) is a database tracking international investment arbitrations between foreign investors and their host states. The site investigates and reports on public and non-public claims; digests and analyzes jurisprudence and awards (both public and non-public); and offers a dataset for empirical international law research.

Investor-State LawGuideUCB only

ISLG is a collection of tools for researching international investment treaty law. The scope of ISLG's document collection includes all publicly available decisions and awards where the subject of the claim is an investment treaty. Currently, NAFTA and ICSID awards and decisions are the most complete. The collection also includes investment treaties, including bilateral investment treaties, and rules. To access, click on "Member Login" at the top of the page. The database is best viewed using Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher and Adobe Reader or Professional 9.0 or higher.



Reliable archive of important scholarly journal literature from a variety of disciplines including a good number of law journals.  Includes a growing collection of ebooks, primary sources and pamphlets.


A freely available franocophone database that compiles the most recent supreme court decisions from 42 countries.

Jus MundiUCB only

Jus Mundi is a "search engine for international law and arbitration." The focus is on treaties (mostly multilateral) and international cases. Arbitration cases are covered more extensively than other international courts and tribunals. Arbitrator analytics are also provided. All documents are available on other websites and platforms, but this database is providing improved search technology. This collection also includes access to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Dispute Resolution Library. To access the ICC content, use the search option or use the "Products" button at the top of the page to access "ICC DRL" (ICC Dispute Resolution Library).

Juta's Law JournalsUCB only

Juta publishes legal journals that focus on African law. Subjects include: comparative law, constitutional law, intellectual property, criminal justice, and more.


KanopyUCB only

Kanopy is an on-demand streaming video service which provides access to more than 26,000 films. It includes titles from PBS, BBC, Criterion Collection, Media Education Foundation and more covering a broad range of topics from business, law and crime, sports, to LGBT issues and human rights. Selected movies and TV series as well as documentaries are available.

Kluwer ArbitrationUCB only

Covers international commercial arbitration, including conventions, national legislation and case law, model laws rules of international and regional institutions, commentary, and information on bilateral investment treaties as well as books. Most information is full-text, but in some cases only summaries or citations are available.

Kluwer CompetitionUCB only

An online resource for EU and comparative competition law research. It contains commentary from expert authors (books and journals), an extensive collection of primary source materials (legislation and cases), and a practice tool.

Kluwer IP LawUCB only

A comprehensive platform for researching intellectual property (copyrights, patents, trademarks). Covers IP information for 200 countries, including cases, legislation and treaties. Also includes books, journals, and practice tools. Includes the electronic version of the "Brown Book" (The Manual for the handling of applications for patents, designs and trade marks throughout the world).

Kluwer Law Online: JournalsUCB only

Access to many law journals published by Kluwer Law. Most of these titles relate to international, foreign and comparative law. We have access to all titles that have a green flag next to the title. If this link does not work, please try the retro site.


Labor & Employment Law Practice Center (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

A comprehensive resource for cases, guidance, and news in all major areas of labor and employment: fair employment practices, individual employment rights, Americans with disabilities, wages and hours, labor-management relations, collective bargaining, and labor arbitration. Individual registration and password required.

Law.ComUCB only provides timely legal news and analysis to stories from American Lawyer Media's national and regional publications including The Recorder, the American Lawyer, and the National Law Journal. Register for an account with off-campus access and to set up email alerts. Click on the "Subscribe to ALM Legal Publications Newsletters", link at the bottom of the page to subscribe to individual publications.

Law360UCB only

Law360 is a current awareness tool and legal news source covering many topics, such as banking, commercial contracts, environment, intellectual property, mergers and acquisitions, and more. It also provides real-time case tracking and reports on 10,000+ companies, firms and industries as well as research tools to find cases and companies. Some docket information is available and access to selected documents from PACER.

Le Monde DiplomatiqueUCB only

Fully searchable archive of all articles published in the original French edition of Le Monde Diplomatique back to the first issue in 1954 and back to 1996 for the English edition. To access English scroll to the bottom of the page and click on English Edition.

Leadership ConnectBerkeley Law only

Leadership Connect provides contact information for, and intelligence about leaders across the public and private sectors to support advocacy, career development and services. Users can connect with influential alumni, find internships and clerkships, and connect with suitable high-level executives for strategic initiatives. Allows users to create lists based on biographical or organizational details.

Legal Education Statistics (ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar)

Numerous resources for research and statistics about lawyers and the legal profession from ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar.

Legal Information Institute (LII) State Sources

The LII collection of state legal materials gathers, state by state, Internet-accessible sources of the constitutions, statutes, judicial opinions, and regulations for the fifty states, plus D.C., and the U.S. territories and affiliated jurisdictions.

Legal Information Reference CenterUCB only

Legal forms and full text of over 310 legal reference publications, including Nolo titles, written for the general public.

Legal Profession Statistics (ABA)

Links to statistics and research about lawyers and the legal profession.

LegalTracUCB only

Starting in 1980, LegalTrac indexes all major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty law publications, bar association journals and thousands of law-related articles from general interest publications. LegalTrac also includes selective full text.

Legislative Analyst's Office (California)

The LAO is a nonpartisan office that provides fiscal and policy analysis to the California Legislature.

Legislative Histories of Selected U.S. Laws on the Internet

Provided by the Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C.

Lex MachinaBerkeley Law only

Lex Machina, a LexisNexis company, is a data mining and legal analytics research tool used in the legal market. It captures data by crawling PACER, the International Trade Commission's Electronic Document Information System (EDIS), the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and state court data every 24 hours. Lex Machina provides analytics about judges, motions, attorneys, parties, and venues, along with a timeline linking briefs, motions, orders, opinions, and other filings for every case. Access Lex Machina by signing into your Lexis account, click on Go to Lexis+, click on the product switcher

, on the top left of the screen and select Lex Machina.

Lexis ChinaUCB only

Comprehensive bilingual database (Chinese and English) including legislation, case law, administrative decisions, national standards, and legal commentary for the PRC and Hong Kong SAR. Please note that many cases and other content may not be translated into English. To access the database in English, change the language preference (see upper right corner of the webpage. Then click on "Go to Lexis China" to access the database.

LexisNexis (Lexis Advance)Berkeley Law only

Comprehensive legal research system. Requires individual password. LexisNexis and Nexis Uni cannot be accessed via the same browser session, even if you have closed out of Nexis Uni. If you attempt to reach LexisNexis and receive the message "We are unable to sign you into the Law School Home Page " or reach the start page for Nexis Uni instead, either switch to a different browser to use LexisNexis, or quit out of all sessions of your browser and restart the browser to use LexisNexis.

LexisNexis Digital LibraryBerkeley Law only

The LexisNexis Digital Library provides electronic access to over 200 treatises on California and national law as well as to deskbooks and statutes. Study aids including Lexis's Understanding Series and Questions and Answers Series are also available, as well as over 100 titles published by Carolina Academic Press. Log in with your Calnet ID and passphrase to check out titles. Register for an account to download the full text of any book to your laptop, eReader, pad or smart phone to access offline, or download the LexisNexis Digital Library app from either the Google Play store or Apple Store, use library code: berkeley.

LexisNexis® U.S. Voting Laws & Legislation Center

LexisNexis U.S. Voting Laws & Legislation Center is a free voting law tool developed by the LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation providing free access to the most comprehensive collection of US federal and state voting laws, legislative developments, and news.​


Lexology is a free web-based service that publishes legal updates, insights, and analyses from over 900 law firms worldwide across 50 work areas in 25 languages. This current awareness tool allows users to register and customize daily updates in specific legal areas and jurisdictions.

LLMC DigitalUCB only

LLMC - Digital provides full-text access to a vast collection of law and law-related literature courtesy of the Law Library Microform Consortium (LLMC), a non-profit library cooperative. The collection includes U.S. Federal and state documents, Anglo- American documents, listed foreign jurisdictions and international law materials. The emphasis is primarily on historical documents.


Making of Modern Law: American Civil Liberties Union Papers, 1912-1990UCB only

American Civil Liberties Union Papers, 1912-1990, part of the Making of Modern Law collection, draws from ACLU records focusing on civil rights, race, gender, immigration, discrimination, workers' rights and issues relating to the U.S. Supreme Court. This full text, archival collection offers researchers a unique view of the inner workings of the ACLU and the hundreds of groups with which it interacted.

Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970UCB only

A fully searchable collection of primary materials (statutes, regulations, session laws, journals, codes and commentaries) from northern, central, and eastern European jurisdictions. 

Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative and International Law, 1600-1926UCB only

A fully searchable collection of treatises (including commentaries, encyclopedias, textbooks, monographs, or festschriften) on foreign, comparative and international law.

Making of Modern Law: Landmark Records and Briefs of the U.S. Courts of AppealsUCB only

Access provided by The Thomas J. and Martha H. MacBride Faculty Library Fund, Landmark Records and Briefs of the U.S. Courts of Appeals focuses on the first ninety years of the federal appellate court system's history, from 1891-1980. This collection provides access to nearly two million pages of briefs selected from circuit court cases that remain among the most heavily cited in the legal literature. It includes appellant and appellee replies, amicus briefs, memoranda, petitions, statements, transcripts, and more.

Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800 - 1926UCB only

A fully searchable collection of 19th and 20th century legal treatises, casebooks, local practice manuals, form books, pamphlets, letters, speeches, and other historical legal works, covering a wide range of topics of US and British law. Includes approximately 10 million pages of over 21,000 works.

Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources 1620-1926; 1763-1979UCB only

Fully searchable digital archive containing constitutional conventions and compilations (reports, journals, proceedings, debates, manuals, rules of order, and information for the use of delegates); city charters (the texts of enacted and proposed charters and ordinances in American jurisdictions); law dictionaries; and early U.S. state codes. Primary Sources will also include colonial records from the Primary Source Microfilm collection Published Records of the American Colonies

Making of Modern Law: Trials, 1600-1926UCB only

A fully searchable database containing books and pamphlets, official and unofficial trial documents and materials, legal transcripts, administrative proceedings, and arbitrations. The collection covers trials from all countries and languages, although the great majority are English-language and published in the U.S. or Great Britain.

Making of Modern Law: US Supreme Court Records and Briefs, 1832-1978UCB only

A fully searchable collection of briefs and other documents related to cases brought before the U.S. Supreme Court. It contains over 150,000 cases and 350,000 documents. Search results are linked to the actual full-text PDF documents.

Making of the Modern World: The Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic LiteratureUCB only

A digital collection of more than 67,000 books from the period 1460-1914, and a selected pre-1906 serials. Focuses on economics but includes political science, history, sociology, and special collections on banking, finance, transportation and manufacturing. Combines the Goldsmiths' Library of Economic Literature at the University of London Library, and the Kress Library of Business and Economics at the Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration along with supplementary materials from the Seligman Collection in the Butler Library at Columbia University and from the libraries of Yale.

Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional LawUCB only

This encyclopedia provides analytical coverage of constitutional law topics in a comparative context. It complements the collections of constitutional law texts contained in Oxford Constitutions of the World and US Constitutional Law.

Max Planck Encyclopedias of International LawUCB only

Comprehensive reference work on international law. Includes two encyclopedias: the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law and the Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law.

Municode Library

Municipal codes of select cities from all fifty states.


National Consumer Law Center Digital LibraryUCB only

The National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) is a non-profit organization established in 1969 and dedicated to helping consumers and advocates use the powerful and complex array of consumer laws available to them. The NCLC publishes 20 consumer law treatises written by legal experts, available in print in the Law Library stacks and electronically on the NCLC website. The treatises cover a board range of consumer law topics and issues including Fair Debt Collection Practice, Consumer Bankruptcy, Student Loan Law, Unfair and Deceptive Acts and Practices, Collection Actions and Credit Discrimination. The electronic treatises are fully searchable and sections can be downloaded. Other tools available on the site include the Advanced Pleadings Search and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Case Connector.

National Survey of State LawsUCB only

Database version of the National Survey of State Laws allows users to make basic state-by-state comparisons of current state laws. Users can compare the same laws as they existed in 2005, 2008 and 2015. All print editions are included in HeinOnline's platform.

New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics OnlineUCB only

A leading reference work for economists in all spheres of the discipline. Contains the full text of the 2008 print edition with ongoing updates and also includes an archive of the 1987 edition.

New York Legal Research LibraryUCB only

Via HeinOnline. Contains a variety of legal materials from the state of New York including cases, attorney general opinions, historic and contemporary statutes, bar journals and treatises.

New York TimesBerkeley Law only

The Berkeley Law Library provides access to the New York Times for Berkeley Law students, faculty and staff. Please click on the link above and register using your Berkeley Law email ( or If you have questions about setting up an account, please contact

Nexis UniUCB only

Provides full-text access to U.S. federal and state statutes, regulations, court cases, administrative agency decisions, law reviews, to selected court briefs and pleadings, and legal news sources. Also includes international, national, local newspapers, and wire services, as well as radio and television transcripts. Business, medical, industry, and legislative magazines, journals, and newsletters and various directories are also available. Wide geographic coverage and translations from foreign-language sources, as well as news services like the Associated Press, Agence France Press, El Pais. Nexis Uni and LexisNexis (Lexis Advance) cannot be accessed via the same browser session. If you attempt to reach Nexis Uni and reach the start page for LexisNexis instead, either switch to a different browser to use Nexis Uni, or log out of all sessions of your browser and restart the browser to use Nexis Uni.


OECD iLibraryUCB only

Full-text publications and statistical data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), including country studies, forecasting publications, reports, and socioeconomic datasets. The statistics section includes data in the areas of international trade, telecommunications, foreign aid, migration, and many other categories. Includes certain historical data as well and coverage is expanding.

Official California Legislative Information 1993-2016

The archival site for California legislative from 1993-2016. Search each two-year session by bill number, keyword, or author. Includes full text of all versions of bills, resolutions, and constitutional amendments. Also included are status, history, vote analyses, and veto messages. For current information, 1999-present, visit the California Legislative Information site at

Official Document System of the United Nations (ODS)

This database provides access to all types of official United Nations documentation, beginning in 1993. Since older UN documents are added to the system on a daily basis, be sure to search the collection. ODS also provides access to the resolutions of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship Council from 1946 onwards. The system does not contain press releases, UN sales publications, the United Nations Treaty Series or information brochures issued by the Department of Public Information. For more information, consult our United Nations Research Guide.

OnLaw (CEB)UCB only

Online, searchable access to over 100 practice guides and action guides by CEB, a leading publisher of California legal commentary and analysis. Includes links to cited California statutes and cases.

Online eCode360 Library (General Code)

Provides access to a growing list of state municipal codes with the ability to view data in various formats.


Key criminal justice indicators from the California Dep't of Justice, with in-depth analysis, integration of other publicly available datasets, and user-friendly interactive visualization tools. Includes an Open Data Portal that publishes data from CA DOJ's statewide repository of criminal justice datasets in an open-source and downloadable form.

Open States

Open States, a project of the Sunlight Foundation, is a collection of tools that make it possible to track not only what is happening in your own state's legislature but in the legislatures of all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. Research bills, review voting records, contact elected officials and more. The site is free and includes video trainings and tutorials.

Oxford Academic Books: LawUCB only

A searchable, full text collection of law books from variouis university presses including Oxford Scholarship Online, Fordham Scholarship Online, Cairo Scholarship Online, Florida Scholarship Online, Hong Kong Scholarship Online, and Kentucky Scholarship Online.  Topics include: comparative law, criminal law, human rights, legal history, private and public international law, and more.

Oxford Academic Journals: LawUCB only

Search and browse Oxford academic journals. You can also search a specific journal by selecting the title of the journal.

Oxford Bibliographies: International LawUCB only

Provides access to carefully selected encyclopedic-like entries on various subjects within international law as well as annotated bibliographies of sources for further research. New subjects within international law are added periodically.

Oxford Competition LawUCB only

This service focuses on EU competititon law and includes the major Oxford commentaries on this topic (Bellamy & Child, Faull & Nikpay, Whish & Bailey).  It also includes EU source materials (treaties, legislation, cases) and domestic court decisions from EU Member States.

Oxford Constitutions of the WorldUCB only

Contains the full text of constitutions from over 203 countries, including English translations and introductory and comparative notes that review recent amendments and provide historical and political information. This database is the electronic version of the print source Constitutions of the Countries of the World. Access to constitutions for states, dependencies and territories is also available.

Oxford Encyclopedia of American Political and Legal HistoryUCB only

The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Political and Legal History provides comprehensive coverage of political and legal history in the United States, covering key events, historical actors, presidential elections, court cases, and larger political and legal trends throughout American history. Entries capture the unique nature of the nation's founding principles embodied in the Constitution.From presidents and Supreme Court judges to critical legislation and party formation, this work demonstrates how U.S. politics and law have evolved since the colonial era.

Oxford Encyclopedia of EU LawUCB only

The Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law provides original analysis of European Union (EU) law. Articles address a range of subjects that seek to provide the best coverage of the essence, character, development, and history of EU law. The articles will define and cover the basis and foundations of EU law, as well as analyzing and explaining legal concepts.

Oxford Handbooks Online: LawUCB only

Electronic access to a growing collection of Oxford Handbooks on law. Each title contains a set of scholarly essays on a specific legal topic. Titles include comparative law, international environmental law, comparative constitutional law, and more. Print versions of these handbooks can be located by searching the Law Library catalog.

Oxford Historical TreatiesUCB only

Provides access to the full text of The Consolidated Treaty Series (CTS), a comprehensive collection of treaties of all nations concluded between 1648 through 1919. This collection includes both bilateral and multilateral treaties, available in the original language and translated into English or French. CTS is also available in print in the Law Library's collection.

Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal HistoryUCB only

This encyclopedia of law provides both historical and contemporary comparisons of the world legal systems and covers legal history from ancient to modern times.  Major categories of law include: private law (contract, tort, civil procedure), public law (statutory, criminal, etc.), and higher or constitutional law.  This set is also available in print at the Reference Desk.

Oxford International Encyclopedia of PeaceUCB only

This encyclopedia charts the interdisciplinary field of Peace Studies and offers a comprehensive survey of historical, political, theoretical and philosophical issues relating to peace and conflict. Each entry is signed by a leading scholar in the field, contains a bibliography for further reading, and is cross-referenced with other useful points of interest within the encyclopedia. In addition to A-to-Z entries, the Encyclopedia also includes a peace chronology, key documents and appendices. Key subjects covered include world leaders, major events, organizations, theories and current events.

Oxford International Organizations (OXIO)UCB only

Oxford International Organizations (OXIO) contains a collection of annotated documents pertaining to the law of international organizations. The database includes acts and practices of, and occasionally about, international organizations. The focus is inter-governmental organizations (IGOs) and not non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Within OXIO, "international organization" refers to an intergovernmental organization established between states or other international legal actors by a treaty or other instrument possessing at least some permanence of structure.

Oxford Legal Research Library: Financial and Banking LawUCB only

A collection of key reference works in the area of banking and finance law. It includes titles covering the field of financial law including banking law, financial regulation and enforcement, financial litigation, capital markets and funds.

Oxford Legal Research Library: International Commercial ArbitrationUCB only

Collection includes treatises that cover key arbitral bodies and jurisdictions as well as key reference works looking at specific areas of international arbitration practice.  All titles are Oxford texts and treatises. Links to other Oxford databases, such as International Commercial Law. 

Oxford Legal Research Library: International Commercial LawUCB only

Collection brings together the leading works in the field for scholars and practitioners researching the law of sale and contract. All titles are Oxford texts and treatises. Links to other Oxford databases, such as International Commercial Law.

Oxford Legal Research Library: Private International LawUCB only

Key reference works collection in the field of private international law.  Includes areas such as choice of law and choice of courts. 

Oxford Reference Online: LawUCB only

Reference sources from Oxford University Press, including legal dictionaries (Dictionary of Law, Dictionary of Law Enforcement, Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law) and several encyclopedias, guides and companions to legal topics in American, international and foreign law. Search sources collectively or search within an individual title

Oxford Reports on International Law (ORIL)UCB only

International law jurisprudence from a variety of international courts and tribunals, includes: International Law in Domestic Courts, International Courts of General Jurisdiction, International Criminal Law, and International Human Rights Law.

Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International LawUCB only

Contains full-text online editions of leading books on international law and related topics. These books include: Oppenheim, Oxford Handbooks in international law, and the Oxford Commentaries on International Law. Books are fully searchable. 

Oyez Project: US Supreme Court Multimedia Database

The Oyez Project, maintained by the Chicago Kent School of Law includes many hours of oral arguments (in real audio) as well as transcripts. Other resources includes biographical information about Supreme Court Justices.


Pacer: Public Access to Court Electronic Records

An electronic public access service that allows users to obtain case and docket information from Federal Appellate, District and Bankruptcy court. This service does require users to register and there are fees involved.

Parry and Grant Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International LawUCB only

A concise reference tool containing definitions of international terms, concepts, acronyms, and important events in international law.  Topics include diplomatic law, criminal law, human rights, treaty law, and more.  Provides references for further research including cases, treaties, journal articles, and websites. This is the third edition and is also available in print at the Reference Desk. 

Periodicals Archive OnlineUCB only

An online periodical archive that provides access to over 700 digitized journals in the humanities and social sciences . A sister database, Periodicals Index Online, provides additional indexing for articles in over 6,000 periodicals. Items are constantly being added to both collections.

Periodicals Index OnlineUCB only

A database of millions of article citations published in the arts, humanities and social sciences, across more than 300 years. A sister database, Periodicals Archive Online, provides access to over 700 journals. Items are constantly being added to both collections.


PLI PLUS provides online access to the Practising Law Institute's comprehensive library of treatises, Course Handbooks, Answer Books and journals as well as legal and professional education programs in a variety of formats. PLI is a non profit organization with a volunteer faculty of more than 4,000 prominent lawyers, judges, investment bankers, accountants, corporate counsel, and U.S. and international government regulators. You can create an individual account to highlight, save and share research. A mobile app is also available.

POLITICOPro's CaliforniaUCB only

POLITICOPro's California provides up-to-date news specifically about California politics and government. In addition to news articles, the Datapoint and Documents modules contain current primary source information and info-graphics used in Politico's reporting for California and the nation. Reporting is provided by subject-matter experts in a wide variety of fields. Coverage also includes the U.S. federal government. Topics covered include agriculture, budget and appropriations, campaigns, cybersecurity, defense, education, e-health, energy, health care, employment and immigration, taxes, technology, trade, and transportation. Note: Individual logins and customized email alerts are not available.

PowerNotesBerkeley Law only

PowerNotes is a tool for gathering, organizing, annotating, and saving legal research resources. To register for a PowerNotes account, follow the instructions here.

Practical LawBerkeley Law only

Practical Law, available on Westlaw, provides practitioner-oriented content in all major practice areas including document clauses, checklists, current awareness sources, and more. Practical Law is a popular resource in many law firms. Click on Practical Law in the gray toolbar at the top of the Westlaw screen after logging in. Requires individual password.

Privacy & Data Security Practice Center (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

Provides authoritative legal analysis, and practice tools addressing important issues in privacy and information security, in combination with full text of the statutes, regulations, agency documents and case law. Practitioner-authored treatises, Insights articles, and checklists and forms offer practical, in-depth analysis. Includes Privacy & Data Security Law News. Individual registration and password required.

Project MuseUCB only

Project Muse is a leading provider of digital humanities and social science content for the scholarly community with complete, full-text versions of scholarly journals from many of the world's leading university presses and scholarly societies, with over 120 publishers currently participating. Additional journals added periodically.

Project Muse BooksUCB only

The University Press Content Consortium (UPCC) Books on Project MUSE provides access to hundreds of law and law-related peer-reviewed digital books from major university presses and scholarly publishers.

ProQuestUCB only

Indexes over 3,000 scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines, trade publications and other periodicals covering a broad range of subjects including law, business, education, health, international, military, psychology, social sciences and women's studies.  Many articles are available in full text.

ProQuest Civil Rights and the Black Freedom StruggleUCB only

From Proquest History Vault, Civil Rights and the Black Freedom Struggle offers the opportunity to study the most well-known and also unheralded events of the Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century from the perspective of the men, women, and sometimes even children who waged one of the most inspiring social movements in American history. This category consists of the NAACP Papers and federal government records, organizational records, and personal papers regarding the Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century.

ProQuest Congressional PublicationsUCB only

Indexes congressional and executive branch publications back to 1789.  Provides the full text of Congressional Hearings 1824-present, Committee Prints 1830-present, Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations 1789-present and Executive Branch Documents 1789-1932.  Includes Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports from 1916-present as well as legislative histories from 1970-present.

ProQuest Dissertations & ThesesUCB only

Indexes graduate dissertations from over 1,000 North American, and selected European, graduate schools and universities. Dissertations published since 1980, and master's theses since 1988, include brief abstracts written by the authors. Offers full text of most of the dissertations added since 1997.

ProQuest Ebook Central (formerly ebrary)UCB only

Nearly 40,000 books (and constantly growing), from both academic and popular publishers, in a wide range of subject areas, including law, the sciences, social sciences, technology, the humanities, and more.  in order to download content, the user will be prompted to create a personal id. Downloading may require first creating a personal account with Ebook Central.

ProQuest Executive Branch DocumentsUCB only

Part of ProQuest Congressional, Executive Branch Documents 1789-1932 targets the entire range of executive branch publications listed in the "Checklist of United States Public Documents, 1789-1909" created in 1911 by the U.S. Superintendent of Documents, it is the only systematic effort to provide a complete listing of all documents published by the U.S. government in its first 120 years. Executive Branch Documents 1789-1932 includes nearly all of the 200,000+ executive branch titles listed in the 1909 Checklist that were not included in the U.S. Serial Set, as well as an additional 200,000 titles from 1910-1932. Covers business and industry, foreign trade, navigation, immigration and population, health, causes of death, religious affiliations, military operations, weather conditions, and more. From the ProQuest Congressional homepage, chose Advanced Search, then select Executive Branch Documents.

ProQuest History Vault: NAACP Papers: Major Campaigns: Scottsboro, Anti-Lynching, Criminal JusticeUCB only

This full text database includes the NAACP's papers from the Scottsboro case, it's anti-lynching investigative and legislative files, and records documenting discrimination in the criminal justice system.

ProQuest History Vault: American Indians and the American WestUCB only

Large variety of collections from the U.S. National Archives, a series of collections from the Chicago History Museum, as well as selected first-hand accounts on Indian Wars and westward migration. Focuses on American Indians in the first half of the 20th Century, including two major collections from the Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and records from the Major Council Meetings of American Indian Tribes. Collections on American Indians in the 19th Century, with a focus on the interaction among white settlers, the U.S. federal government, and Indian tribes are also included.

ProQuest History Vault: NAACP's Papers:Education, Voting, Housing, EmploymentUCB only

The documents in this full text, searchable database provide an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at the NAACP's efforts to end school seregration, to gain voting rights and equal employment opportunities among other campaigns for equal rights.  Covers campaigns beginning in 1914.

ProQuest History Vault: Slavery and the LawUCB only

Slavery and the Law features petitions on race, slavery, and free blacks that were submitted to state legislatures and county courthouses between 1775 and 1867. Collected from hundreds of courthouses and historical societies in 10 states and the District of Columbia, these petitions document the realities of slavery at the most immediate local level. Also included is the State Slavery Statutes collection, a comprehensive record of the laws governing American slavery from 1789-1865.

ProQuest History Vault: Women's Studies Manuscript CollectionsUCB only

The full text, fully searchable Woman's Suffrage Collection from Radcliffe College's Schlesinger Library's contains documents from the library's extensive holdings on women's rights.  Personal correspondence, writings, speeches, and biographical material document the evolution of the the women's suffrage movement beginning in the mid 19th century.

ProQuest History Vault:Law and Society Since the Civil WarUCB only

Full text, seachable database of a broad range of American legal manuscripts and papers from Harvard Law Library.  Includes the papers of Felix Frankfurter, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Roscoe Pounds, Louis Brandeis, and the Sacco-Vanzetti Case Papers, among many other legal documents. 

ProQuest Indian Claims InsightUCB only

Indian Claims Insight includes the full text of decisions, transcripts, docket books, journals of the Indian Claims Commission (a judicial panel for relations between the U.S. Government and Native American tribes), and related statutes, maps and congressional publications. It allows researchers to search the full text of documents related to Native American migration and resettlement throughout U.S. history, as well as U.S. Government Indian removal policies and subsequent actions to address Native American claims.

ProQuest Legislative InsightUCB only

A federal legislative history service comprised of fully searchable full-text PDFs of publications generated in the course of congressional lawmaking. These include the full text of public laws, all versions of related bills, law-specific Congressional Record excerpts, committee hearings, reports, and prints. Also included are Presidential signing statements, CRS reports, and miscellaneous congressional publications that provide background material to aid in the understanding of issues related to the making of the law.

ProQuest Regulatory InsightUCB only

Regulatory Insight provides U.S. federal administrative law histories organized by federal statute and Executive Order. Regulatory histories for 2001-2015 are currently available. RI is being continually updated, ultimately coverage will run from 1936 to date. Find compilations of Federal Register notices, proposed rules, and rules representing the complete rulemaking process associated with specific Public Laws. Also includes a research tool to facilitate regulatory research organized by Federal Agency.

ProQuest Regulatory Insight Guidance and Policy

Regulatory Insight Guidance and Policy offers Federal agency administrative guidance and policy documents harvested from government agency websites. To search, select "Guidance and Policy Documents" from the content type menu in ProQuest Regulatory Insight advanced search.

ProQuest Statistical Abstracts of the WorldUCB only

Authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of over 40 countries.  Statistics are generally issued by the national statistical offices of foreign governments and are searchable through a single-search interface.

ProQuest Supreme Court InsightUCB only

United States Supreme Court materials, 1897-present for heard cases (including in forma pauperis cases and cases decided per curiam) - includes dockets, petitions for writ of certiorari, petitioner and respondent briefs, joint appendices and amicus briefs, plus oral argument transcripts dating back to 1955. Material for cert. denied cases also available for 1975-2017.


ProView provides ebook access to many of the treatises published by Thomson Reuters, formerly West and owner of Westlaw. Covering virtually all areas of law and both federal and California jurisdictions, ProView also includes access to all of the Rutter Group practice guides. Use your Westlaw ID and password to log in with the link above or by logging into your Westlaw account and clicking through to ProView. Download the ProView App to access on most mobile devices. ProView allows you to download ebooks to use offline, to annotate, highlight and share with others. Online training and support are available.


Quality Code Publishing

Provides access to many California municipal codes as well as selected municipal codes for other western states including Oregon, Wyoming and Hawaii.

QuimbeeBerkeley Law only

As of December 18, we are no longer able to provide institutional access to Quimbee. Currently enrolled 1L students and LLM students will have access until May 15, 2025. For more information, please see our FAQ sheet


On this U.S. Government Web site you can find, view and comment on regulations for all Federal agencies.

Rise of American Law: Digital Archive of 19th and 20th Century Legal TextsBerkeley Law only

Via Westlaw (personal password required). A collection of over 1,700 out-of-print treatises and other legal materials published between 1840 and 1970. Comprehensive searching is available in Rise of American Law (ROAL-All) which combines the following six databases: International (ROAL-INT); Jurisprudence and Encyclopedias (ROAL-JUR); Practice Guides (ROAL-PRACGD); Treatises, Casebooks and Instructional Materials (ROAL-TREA); Legal History, including Commentaries and Speeches (ROAL-LEGHIST); and Dictionaries and Words and Phrases (ROAL-DICT).

Rules of Court (California)

California Rules of Court are organized by category, each of which is provided in two formats, Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) and HTML. The history legend of each rule specifies its effective date.


SCC OnlineUCB only

Collection contains the law of India, including cases (Supreme Court of India, High Courts, tribunals and commission), statutory law, rules and regulations, and some secondary sources.  Some foreign law is also available (Constitutional Court of South Africa, West African Court of Appeal, Bangladesh Legal Decisions, Supreme Court of Canada, and Supreme Court of Pakistan). Using the IP Login tab under the LOGIN option, enter your @law or @berkeley email address, and complete the User Registration form with your name and graduation year. Berkeley Law faculty: Enter 9999 for graduation year.

Securities Law News (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

Tracks legislative and regulatory proposals and actions affecting securities laws, futures regulation, accounting issues, and related matters. Comprehensive, up-to-date information on SEC and CFTC regulations and FASB actions. Individual registration and password required.

Slavery and Anti-SlaveryUCB only

Documents from the United States and Europe, newspaper collections and books published in the antebellum era. Database is comprised of over 1.5 million cross-searchable pages, 7,247 books, 80 serials, more than fifteen manuscript collections and court records. Also includes reference materials from Macmillan, Scribners, and Gale encyclopedias and material published through partnerships with the Amistad Research Center, Oberlin College, Oxford University, and other institutions.

Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & LawUCB only

A Hein Online Collection, Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law brings together all known legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world, as well as materials on free African-Americans in the colonies and the U.S. before 1870. Included are every statute passed by every state and colony, all federal statutes, all reported state and federal cases on slavery, and hundreds of books and pamphlets on the subject. In total, the collection contains more than 1,000 titles and nearly 850,000 pages.

Slavery, Abolition & Social JusticeUCB only

Slavery, Abolition & Social Justice brings together documents and collections covering the years 1490 through 2007, from libraries and archives across the Atlantic world. Close attention is given to the varieties of slavery, the legacy of slavery, the social-justice perspective and the continued existence of slavery today. Provides access to court records from selected states as well as slave codes and ordinances. Includes high-quality colour and greyscale images of many thousands of original manuscripts, pamphlets, books, paintings, maps and other documents not available elsewhere.

Social Science Research Network (SSRN)

SSRN hosts and distributes published scholarly works and working papers related to many academic and professional disciplines, including law via Legal Scholarship Network (LSN). Use Search or Advanced Search to find papers across all disciplines. SSRN will prompt you to sign in or create an account. If you prefer not to do so, look for the prompt to "Download Anonymously."

Springer LinkUCB only

Searchable database of over 4,000 electronic law books and over 50 legal journals.  Ebooks and journals from seveal other disciplines including business, education and environmental science are also available.  Coverage goes back over 100 years.

State Constitutions IllustratedUCB only

Hein Online's State Constitutions Illustrated is a collection of the constitutions of the 50 states of the United States, together with related documents and resources. Containing the text of every constitution that has been in force for every state with the original, consolidated and current texts and an extensive collection of documents from before statehood, State Constitutions Illustrated provides comprehensive coverage and allows researchers to compare multiple editions from multiple sources.

State Legislature Websites

Via Map of the United States with links to the official websites of all the States and Territories of the U.S. Also includes links to the Library of Congress's State Government Resources.

Statutes (California, 1993-present)

California laws arranged chronologically. Searchable by chapter number or keyword.

Subject Compilations of State LawsUCB only

Via HeinOnline. Lists surveys of state laws published since 1960 in articles, books, websites and other sources. Works are listed by topic, with a brief annotation describing coverage, depth and other details. You can browse the subject headings or search for keywords in annotations. Based on Cheryl Rae Nyberg's annual bibliographies of the same title (KF240 .F67 [Reference Desk]).

Supreme Court Database

Indespensible resource for anyone researching and analysing decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1791-2015.  This website for the database Harold J. Spaeth began compiling over two decades ago contains over two hundred pieces of information about each case including the identity of the court whose decision the Supreme Court reviewed, the parties to the suit, the legal issues considered, and the votes of the Justices.  Data can be downloaded.  Site includes tutorials.

Supreme Court Decisions (Cornell)

This archive contains all opinions of the court issued since May of 1990. In addition, there is a collection of 610 of the most important historical decisions of the Court.

Supreme Court Historical Society

Resources for pursuing a study of Supreme Court history and its operations, including information about individual Justices and major decisions during the tenure of each Chief Justice.

Supreme Court of the United States

The official website of the Supreme Court.


Tax Management Weekly Report (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

Provides timely information on federal legislative, regulatory, judicial, and policy developments from the Treasury Department, Internal Revenue Service, the courts, and Congress. International developments, as well as developments in the U. S. states, are also covered. The Report provides articles on new and emerging areas of taxation. Individual registration and password required.

Tax Practice Center (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

The Tax Practice Center offers a comprehensive array of analysis, news, primary sources, and practice tools covering federal, international, and state tax issues and financial accounting. Includes access to the Federal, state and international Tax Portfolios. Individual registration and password required.

Tax Practice Center:State (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

State tax codes, regulations and cases as well as analysis, news, tables, charts, forms and other practice tools including State Tax Portfolios.  Also provides financial accounting information. Individual registration and password required.

Taylor & Francis eBooksUCB only

This eBook collection contains many law and law-related titles from Taylor & Francis including their CRC Press and Routledge imprints. Many other publishers/imprints are included.

Tech & Telecom Practice Center (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

Provides relevant case law, dockets, news stories, and expert analysis surrounding noteworthy developments in communications Law, data privacy and security law, tech and internet Law and media law. Includes access to Tech & Telecom Law News for frequent updates on all related issues. Individual registration and password required.

Tech and Telecom Law News (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

Provides relevant case law, dockets, news stories, and expert analysis. Covers proposed and enacted changes in statutory and regulatory law. Registration and individual password required

Times (London) Digital Archive 1785 - 2010UCB only

Access to the complete digital edition of The (London) Times, with keyword searching to retrieve full facsimile images of either a specific article or a complete page. The entire newspaper is captured, with all the articles, advertisements and illustrations/photos divided into categories to facilitate searching.

Torrossa UCB only

Casalini Libri's full-text digital platform provides access to selected law ebooks from Italy and Spain. All books are in either Italian or Spanish only.


Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) is a data gathering, data research, and data distribution organization associated with Syracuse University. Transactional refers to data about individual activities. The Data is collected from the federal government, mostly under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), concerning enforcement, staffing, spending, and other matters.

TradeLawGuideUCB only

WTO database with jurisprudence on WTO provisions, including subsequent reports, awards and decisions citing those provisions. Includes procedural documents, Dispute Settlement Body minutes, and pending jurisprudence.

Trademarks & Copyright Practice Center (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

This practice center includes news, analysis and practical guidance on copyrights, trademark litigation, cybersquatting, and media law. Federal and state legislation is covered as are decisions of federal and state courts and agencies. Includes access to the US Patents Quarterly and trademark treatises and selected international agreements and treaties. Registration and individual password required. contains a comprehensive digest of principles and rules of transnational commercial law. The digest provides access to precedent-authorities needed to ascertain the disputed meaning of key legal terms in transnational disputes and provides thousands of full text references (arbitral awards, court decisions, law review articles, domestic laws, conventions, model laws, international restatements etc.). The database also contains a large bibliography on transnational commercial law. Searching is available and all information is free of charge.

Transnational Dispute Management (TDM)UCB only

TDM is a global transnational dispute management portal and it aims to provide updates on new developments, insights and comments, as well as national legislation and case law. The primary focus is international commercial arbitration. In particular, see the current newsletter (and complete archive) and the "Knowledgebank" which provides access to primary materials.

Treaties & Agreements LibraryUCB only

Via HeinOnline. Official and unofficial collections of treaties and other international legal instruments to which the US is a party, including Indian treaties. Supporting materials include historical books and periodicals relating to US treaty-making.

Treaties in Force (US State Department)

Treaties in Force is prepared and published annually by the Department of State for the purpose of providing information on treaties and other international agreements to which the United States has become a party and which are carried on the records of the Department of State as being in force as of its stated publication date.

Tribal Treaties Database

This open access database from Oklahoma State University includes agreements between tribal nations and the United States (1778-1886) published in the 1904 work “Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties” (Volume II), compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Links to Kappler’s original text and digitized treaties held at the National Archives can also be found throughout the site. A comprehensive index is also included.


U.S. Declassified Documents OnlineUCB only

Allows for searching of previously classified original government documents covering major international events from the Cold War to the Vietnam War. Allows for single source access to key information underpinning studies in international relations, American studies, United States foreign and domestic policy studies, and journalism.

U.S. Government Manual

The U.S. Government Manual provides comprehensive information on governmental agencies from all 3 branches of government.

UN Treaty Collection

Consists of several databases, the most important are: i. Status of Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General. This database lists signatories and parties to more than 517 multilateral treaties, provides links to their full text and includes declarations and reservations. It is updated daily.


United Nation Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) database providing free access to comprehensive statistical time series and indicators essential for the analysis of world trade, development, and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and durable development.

United Nations Digital Library

The United Nations Digital Library (UNDL) is the result of the successful collaboration between the Dag Hammarskjold Library at UN Headquarters in New York and the library at the UN Office in Geneva. The UNDL provides free access to mainly official UN documents, selected UN maps, speech and voting records. Content is organized into collections (by UN body, agency, and type of document) with a mobile friendly user interface. Users may register to save searches and sign up to receive alerts.

United Nations Internet Resources

This portal to UN research provides an extensive, annotated list of resources.  Includes databases, UN agency catalogs and Research Guides as well as a list arranged by subject - Global Issues, Human Rights, Treaties, etc.  From UC Berkeley's Main Library.

University of California eScholarship RepositoryUCB only

A project of the California Digital Library that stores and distribute academic research results and working papers authored or sponsored by faculty from the University of California. It includes working papers from many law and legal-related centers and departments in the UC system.

US Code from the Office of Law Revision Counsel

The most current online version of the United States Code continually updated and made freely available by the Office of Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House or Representatives. Locate laws by citation, popular name, search by topic or browse by USC title.  The code is also available for XML download.

US Congressional Serial SetUCB only

Primary materials from 1817- (15th Congress), including House and Senate reports, documents and journals; electronic access is through 1980 (96th Congress) at present, but content is being added. Also includes many important 19th century executive agency documents that were printed in congressional editions during the 19th century. Also includes American State Papers, materials originating from 1789 through 1838 but published in the mid 19th century.

US Constitutional LawUCB only

Comprehensive resource on the historical development of US federal and state constitutions.  Provides access to the full text of primary materials including current and historical state constitutions and expert commentary.  Includes the full text of the Oxford Commentaries on the State Constitutions, which offer article-by-article analysis on every state constitution and trace their historical development.  Part of Oxford Constitutional Law.

US Law Week (Bloomberg BNA)Berkeley Law only

Reports on the most significant cases, regulations and legislative developments across the United States. Includes access to Supreme Court Today. Individual registration and password required.

US Major DailiesUCB only

US Major Dailies provides access to five of the most respected US national and regional newspapers: The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune offering researchers thorough and timely coverage of local, regional, and world events with journalistic balance and perspective. Current content is available by 8 am each day. Archives go back as far as 1985. Register for a personal account to receive alerts and save research. This database is available on the ProQuest platform.

USC Shoah Foundation Visual History ArchiveUCB only

A ProQuest database, this repository of over 54,000 primary source video testimonies of the Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, the Guatemalan Genocide, the Nanjing Massacre, the Cambodian Genocide, the South Sudan Civil War, and more. Includes more than 54,500 video testimonies filmed in more than 63 countries, over 719,000 images, more than 900 German transcripts as well as English transcripts. Searchable by name, location, and group. Includes an index.


VitalLawUCB only

VitalLaw (formerly Cheetah) is a legal research platform from Wolters Kluwer that provides access to statutes, cases, administrative agency materials, as well as treatises, reporters, newsletters, and blogs. Practice areas covered include Antitrust, Banking & Consumer Finance, Intellectual Property, Labor Law, Securities, Taxation, and Corporate Law.

vLexJustisUCB only

This database provides access to primary materials (laws and cases) as well as some secondary materials (articles and forms) for 95 countries, including the U.S. and the European Union (EU). The amount of information varies for each country. Search or browse by individual country. Materials are in the language of the country. To see what content is available for each jurisdiction, click on Browse -> All Jurisdictions.

Voter Information Guides

The California Secretary of State maintains an archive of Ballot Pamphlets and Voter Information Guides from March 1996 to the present.


West Academic Study AidsBerkeley Law only

Over 500 study aids including Hornbooks, Nutshells, and Gilbert's and Blackletter Outlines, as well as guides to law school success and starting a legal career. Use on campus or remotely (with CalNet authentication); create individual account (must be done from UCB campus network such as eduroam or law library terminals) to access interactive features like highlighting, adding notes, downloading, etc. (after account is created, access from on campus or remotely).

West Tribal Law Cases and CodesBerkeley Law only

Access American tribal codes, cases and West's American Tribal Law Reporter by typing "tribal" into the Westlaw search box. Includes decisions of tribal law courts, as well as related cases from the U.S. Courts of Appeal and the U.S. Supreme Court. Requires individual password.

WestlawBerkeley Law only

Comprehensive legal research system. Requires individual password.

Women, Business and the Law

A World Bank Group resource. Women, Business and the Law is a collection of national legal provisions that impact women's economic status in 183 economies. The database facilitates comparative analysis of legislation, serves as a resource for research, and contributes to reforms that can enhance women's full economic participation.

World Bank e-LibraryUCB only

Includes more than 8,000 full-text World Bank publications. Includes all books published since the 1990s. Topics covered include: economics and finance, law, public policy, education, international development, technology, poverty, gender, the environment, and more.


World Constitutions IllustratedUCB only

Via HeinOnline. Database with current national constitutions in the original language and in English translation. Contains constitutional histories of selected countries including Brazil, Colombia, France and the United Kingdom, as well as full-text periodicals and books.

World Law

A global index and search engine for law including a country by country listing of legal resources sponsored by AustLII.

World Treaty Index (beta)

Currently, this website only contains information about treaties signed between 1945 and 1999. Remaining treaties are being added through 2010 and early 2011. Once fully complete, the World Treaty Index, will feature citations and information about every known international agreement in the 20th Century.

World Treaty LibraryUCB only

Via HeinOnline. More than 180,000 bilateral and multilateral treaties and international agreements from 1648 to present. Includes treaty indices (United Nations, World Treaty Index, Multilateral Treaty Calendar) plus the full-text treaties and agreements. Also includes related documents.

World TrialsUCB only

Via HeinOnline. Historical collection of books, trial transcripts, and other court documents from famous and important trials. Predominantly Anglo-American. Dispute Commentary ServiceUCB only

Dispute Settlement Commentaries (DSCs) provide detailed summaries of the legal findings and conclusions as well as commentaries on WTO Panel reports, WTO Appellate Body reports, WTO Arbitrations, and NAFTA Chapter 20 Panel reports. Each DSC contains information about the case, including a time line, references to other reports and materials, and expert analysis on many of the key issues in the report. Other useful tools include search mechanisms, a WTO Case Law Index, and statistical information.