Infill Planning Webinar, 12/9/14

WHAT: A webinar to discuss the CLEE’s new guidance report on infill planning.

The webinar is available for viewing here.

Local leaders looking for help planning for infill in their communities
should attended a webinar on best practices for
integrating infill-supportive policies into general plans.  The Center
for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE) at UC Berkeley Law hosted the free, web-based event on Dec. 9th from 10 to 11am.  The webinar will
covered CLEE’s new guidance report on infill planning, which reviews 20
infill-supportive policies with sample policy language, as well as
recommendations on financing, CEQA exemptions, and other infill
implementation measures.  This one-hour webinar introduced the
project, reviewed the guidance materials, and concluded with audience Q&A.

CLEE submitted this infill planning guidance document — the first of
its kind — to the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, for
eventual inclusion in the general plan guidelines update.  This guidance
provides best practices, resources, and sample policy language to help
local governments plan for infill development in their communities.
More infill will help the state accommodate population growth and reduce
pollution through improved development patterns, while revitalizing many
downtown environments and economies.