There are plenty of housing options in the Bay Area! Some students like to be close to the law school; others enjoy putting the day of classes behind them by taking BART home to San Francisco. Some like to live alone, others prefer roommates, and some prefer roommates who are (or are not) law students. If you choose to live off-campus, the most important thing to know before beginning your search is that housing turnover in the Bay Area is very fast – which means apartments ready for occupancy in May will likely not be listed until April, at the earliest. While we do recommend browsing this site and others to get a good idea of the rental market, you should not expect to see listings for the summer until one month or even a few weeks before.
Students must have their 8-digit Student Identification Number, and CalNet account in order to access the application portal:
Please note that campus housing is available for move-in on May 22, 2016. First summer students who begin the program on May 18, 2016 will need to find a local hotel or an AirBnB until campus housing is available. For questions about summer housing please contact (510) 642-5796 or email UC Berkeley Summer Housing Facebook Page:
Important Notice:
Quarter 1 of the LL.M. professional track program begins on May 18, 2016 but official UC Berkeley Summer Session housing does not open until May 22. If you wish to live in University housing, you will need to take interim housing between May 18 and 22.
Top House-Hunting Tips for Students
- Most landlords and buildings in California prohibit smoking. Cigarette smoking is very rare in California, and prohibited in many buildings (including Berkeley campus). If you smoke, you must confirm with your landlord that it is permitted in your building. If your apartment is non-smoking, do not break that rule! The smell of the cigarette smoke will linger and the landlord will know that you have smoked in the unit. They may refuse to return your security deposit.
- Shared housing is the most affordable housing and the easiest to secure. Shared housing is where you get your own room in a shared apartment or house (usually with other students). A similar category is Room Rentals. If you’re on an especially tight budget, consider a Work Exchange, which is usually a room rental in exchange for approximately 10 to 15 hours a week of work such as child care, gardening, manuscript typing, etc.
- Rental with 3 or more bedrooms are harder to find. If you have your heart set on finding a rental that has 3 or more bedrooms, be aware that local rental housing consists primarily of small units with two bedrooms or fewer. Be prepared for a longer search and consider communities outside of Berkeley if you can. If you are looking with a group of people, be sure to read “Seeking with Friends.”
- Beware of housing scams. Be careful about checking for fraudulent listings. View some of our tips on the off-campus housing page. Craigslist is a popular but totally unmonitored site; Cal Rentals works to vet their listings for legitimacy but sometimes determined scam artists will get through.
- Be accessible by phone or email. You will be leaving lots of messages with landlords. If you aren’t available, landlords simply will go to the next prospective tenant on their list. A local mobile number is best if you have one.
- Script a short, positive statement about yourself that you can leave as a message to landlords to encourage a response. When calling, repeat your name and telephone number slowly and clearly. Express an eagerness to see the rental. Offer to accept a collect call if the landlord must call you back long-distance.
- Show up on time for your housing appointments and dress neatly. You don’t need to wear a suit, but dress well. When you rent, you are entering into a business contract with your landlord, so you want to look responsible. If you can’t show up for your appointment, please call the landlord and explain what happened. This is simply common courtesy.
- Look for safety features, such as working smoke detectors and deadbolt locks on exterior doors, and do not rent a place if you feel it is unsafe. However, cosmetic defects such as a stain on the carpet or minor problems such as a drippy faucet are best left for discussion with the landlord after you have been offered the place and have signed a rental agreement. Requests for repairs should always be dated and in writing, and be sure to keep copies of any correspondence with your landlord.
- Prepare a tenant resume, such as the form offered in the Cal Rentals website. This will demonstrate to a landlord where your income is coming from and how you will be responsible for the rent. Make several copies and bring them with you when you look at housing.
- Visit the Cal Rentals website for more information for new graduate/law students.