Jesse Choper Classroom Campaign

Picture of Jesse Choper

For half a century, Professor Jesse Choper has been synonymous with Boalt Hall.  Indeed, to many, he will always be “Mr. Boalt.”  Now, after five decades of distinguished service to our law school, Jesse has retired.

To honor Jesse’s legacy, we have launched a campaign to raise $1 million to dedicate a classroom to him — adding Jesse to the pantheon of Boalt greats whose names grace our hallways, including Traynor, Prosser, and Warren. 

To kick-start this campaign, an anonymous donor has offered a $100,000 challenge grant.  Please do all you can to support this special opportunity to recognize Jesse and help us take advantage of this dollar-for-dollar match by clicking on the button below.

Give Online

Please note: To ensure that your online gift is used for the Choper Classroom Campaign, click the “I am giving in honor of someone” button and write in “Jesse Choper.” (Example below)


To make your gift some other way, or if you have questions, contact us at or 510-643-6542.

A little about Jesse

Jesse is a living legend in the American legal academy. Jesse obtained his LL.B. from the University of Pennsylvania, and clerked for Chief Justice Earl Warren. He joined the Berkeley Law faculty in 1965, after teaching at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Minnesota. He wasted little time making an indelible imprint on legal education. The 11th edition of his Constitutional Law textbook and 8th edition of his Corporations textbook—both staples among U.S. law schools—were recently published. Jesse is widely regarded one of the nation’s preeminent constitutional scholars.

In recognition of his scholarly distinction, Jesse has delivered 20 named lectures at major universities throughout the country. At Berkeley, Jesse taught generations of students. He was a beloved teacher of Constitutional Law and Corporate Law, whose rapid-fire use of the Socratic method is still remembered by many of our graduates. He also taught his incredibly popular Supreme Court Seminar, relying on his deep understanding of the Court.

Jesse has been a role model of institutional citizenship. He served as our dean for a decade, from 1982 to 1992. As dean, he launched the law school into the modern era of fundraising, by leading the first major capital campaign in the school’s history. While serving as dean, and after he stepped down, he worked tirelessly to raise the funds for the North Addition and Simon Hall. He also strengthened the school’s first-year writing program and substantially increased the number and prominence of judicial clerkships for graduates.

Anyone who has had the pleasure of seeing Jesse interact with alumni can attest to the affection and admiration with which he is regarded by them.