“My first semester of law school, I joined a SLP, the Reproductive Justice Project as a student researcher. I also co-led the SLP with my wonderful partners Anna, Brooke O., and Mackenzie last year. Of course, when I started this work in 2020, Roe v. Wade was still standing and abortion as a basic form of healthcare was constitutionally protected. We advocated for bodily autonomy and the right to choose whether and under what circumstances people have and raise children by supporting local, national, and international reproductive justice non-profits with legal research. This work will necessarily change in light of Dobbs, a decision that not only gutted the right to abortion for people with the capacity for pregnancy but also signals a potential attack on other reproductive and LGTBQ rights.
During my 1L year, I also participated in a remote BLAST trip helping the Georgia Asylum Immigration Network by conducting intake calls with potential clients seeking asylum or T visas and monitored social media for election-related voter misinformation for Common Cause. Currently my pro bono work includes research for Berkeley’s multidisciplinary Human Rights Center and small claims court observations for OneJustice.
My Dad taught me from a young age that if my life were to be of any meaning, it had to be in the service of others. Based on his example and acknowledging that my legal education is a privilege, I came to law school knowing that pro bono was not an option for myself but a requirement. This past February, my Dad passed away after a battle with cancer. All of my pro bono work is now done not only from his inspiration but also in his honor. I am thankful for Berkeley Law’s Pro Bono Program and the many opportunities I’ve had to give back to my community.”
Brooke D’Amore Bradley, JD ‘23
Brooke D’Amore Bradley was also recently featured on Berkeley Law’s The Power of Pro Bono Photo Essay. Click the link to read more.
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