This will be the first year of BLAST’s Los Angeles service trip! This trip will focus on providing legal services to the homeless population in Los Angeles.
We will be partnering with two local legal, non-profit organizations: Inner City Law Center and Bet Tzedek. Students can expect to do substantive legal work and interact with members of the homelessness services community. We will be working closely with attorneys to understand and address the issues that the Los Angeles homeless population faces. In addition, members will have the opportunity to meet renowned community leaders and gain hands-on experience through community service. We expect members to be enthusiastic to work with and assist individuals experiencing homelessness.
We expect members to complete assigned readings before each meeting and contribute to group conversations. On occasion, we may have guest speakers who will provide more insight on the week’s topic.
Our goal is to ensure that members feel prepared to tackle pressing legal issues with enthusiasm, creativity, and sensitivity. Prior to the trip, members will have the opportunity to bond and become familiar with one another through our various social events. We will also do our part to share our love of Los Angeles!
Time Commitment: In addition to the entirety of Spring Break 2019, we anticipate that trip participants will have monthly trainings / meetings with some social events throughout the school year. Trainings will likely be once a month in the 12:45-2:00 lunch slot. Students will be expected to participate in fundraising (events, online, and others) but there is no required minimum amount that they have to raise.
For more information, please contact the student leaders at