

BLAST Mississippi is designed to respond to the complex issues at the intersection of housing and reentry. By researching the nuances of homelessness, jail/prison crowding, and recidivism in California and Mississippi, we seek to map out the strengths and pitfalls of different approaches to reentry housing.

BLAST Mississippi works closely with the MacArthur Justice Clinic and students at the University of Mississippi Law in Oxford, MS. In 2023-24, our trip will focus on experiencing the Mississippi landscape and culture, including visiting the Delta and other historical and cultural sites. We will also be doing comparative research at the intersection of prison reentry and housing.

Students can expect to build movement lawyering skills. Projects include research, policy analysis and proposals, and community outreach. We expect all students to enter Mississippi with humility and an eagerness to listen and learn.

Blast Mississippi Map

Students can expect to build movement lawyering skills. Projects include research, policy analysis and proposals, and community outreach. We expect all students to enter Mississippi with humility and an eagerness to listen and learn.


Time Commitment: If we are able to travel, this trip will take place primarily over Spring Break 2021. In addition, we anticipate that the trip participants will have bi-weekly trainings/meetings with some social events throughout the school year. Trainings will likely be every other week in the 12:45-2:00 lunch slot. You will be expected to participate in fundraising (events and online), but there is no required minimum amount to raise. 



For more information, please contact the student leaders at miss.blast@berkeley.edu.