Our work focuses on three main areas: protecting civil liberties, promoting balanced intellectual property laws and access to information policies, and ensuring a fair criminal legal system. We look for strategic opportunities in litigation, regulatory and legislative processes, and policy analysis.

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Amicus Brief in Sedlik v. Von Drachenberg

On behalf of Professor Pamela Samuelson, the Samuelson Clinic drafted and filed an amicus brief in a case requiring the Ninth Circuit to interpret and apply the Supreme Court's recent fair use decisions in Google LLC v. Oracle America, Inc. and Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts v. Goldsmith. The brief argues that 1) juries can properly decide fair uses cases, 2) Warhol instructs courts and parties to focus on the specific use at issue, and 3) Warhol recognizes many valid justifications for borrowing beyond targeting the original work.
Dec 23, 2024

Amicus Brief in Hachette v. Internet Archive

On behalf of three nonprofit organizations, the Samuelson Clinic drafted and filed an amicus brief highlighting the importance of preserving long-standing reader privacy protections in the digital age. Reader privacy, critical to democratic participation, has long been safeguarded by libraries but is under threat by commercial e-book vendors’ intensive tracking of readers’ habits.
Dec 10, 2024

Exemption to Section 1201 Liability for Text and Data Mining

On behalf of Authors Alliance, the Clinic successfully petitioned the Copyright Office for exemptions to Section 1201 liability for researchers engaging in text and data mining of literary works and films. As part of a triennial proceeding, the Clinic drafted a petition, responded to opponents, and appeared before the Copyright Office to make the case for such research. The Copyright Office largely granted the proposed exemption in October 2021. When the exemption was up for renewal in 2024, the Clinic submitted comments and made the case for an expansion of the exemption, much of which the Copyright Office granted.
Oct 28, 2024