BigLaw Disorientation: What Role do Corporate Attorneys Play in Our Global Capitalist Political Economy?

170 Law Building

LPE at Berkeley Law and the Plaintiffs’ Law Association welcome Columbia Law Professor Katharina Pistor, author of The Code of Capital, for a discussion about the role of high-value lawyers in creating, claiming, and protecting wealth. After most Berkeley Law students graduate, they work at a national “BigLaw” firm doing work that we’ve learned to […]

17th Annual BCLT Privacy Lecture: Data Privacy on Trial

Chevron Auditorium, International House 2299 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley, CA, United States

Event Website Prof. Dr. iur. Indra Spiecker genannt Döhmann, LL.M. (Georgetown Univ.) will give this year's signature BCLT Annual Privacy Lecture on the topic of Data Privacy on Trial – […]

Miller Institute Receives Global Citizen Award November 3 – RSVP by 3pm Nov. 1 to Help Celebrate!

381 Law Bldg 381 Law Bldg, Berkeley, CA, United States

Laurels for the Miller Institute:  The Honorable G. William and Ariadna Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law has been selected from more than 100 nominees as a winner of one of the East Bay Chapter of the United Nations Association’s 19th Annual Global Citizen Awards! Join Berkeley Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and Miller’s Co-Faculty Directors, Prof. Laurel E. Fletcher and Prof. Katerina […]

Kadish Workshop in Law, Philosophy, and Political Theory: Genevieve Lakier, The University of Chicago Law School

141 Law Building

The Student Protests and the Failed Promise of Free Speech Maximalism on Campus Over the past decade or so, universities across the country have expended considerable symbolic and sometimes economic resources to affirm their commitment to a libertarian or speech-maximizing view of the campus as an expressive domain. They have insisted that, as educational institutions, […]

Modeling Shared Society in Israel

297 Goldberg Room 225 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

Friday, November 1, 12:30–2 pm, 297 Goldberg Room, Berkeley Law Building Register:    Mohammad Darawshe is a leading expert on Jewish-Arab relations in Israel. He has devoted much of his personal and professional life to building a model of respectful and sustainable shared society. The events of October 7 and the Israel-Hamas War have […]

Center for Indigenous Law and Justice: EPA Officials Lunchtime Talk

Hybrid: Warren Room & Zoom

Join the Center for Indigenous Law and Justice for a lunchtime event where EPA officials will discuss career opportunities & current issues in environmental law & justice and work with federal agencies & Native Nations. Don’t miss this chance to engage with experts and learn more about the intersection of environmental advocacy and Indigenous peoples!  […]

Registration Deadline Today 2PM:

This event is open to UC Berkeley students, faculty, and staff. Registration and photo ID at door required. Registration closes 2:00PM, Tues. November 12. Q&A lunch talk featuring Lisa Holder, Esq., the president of Equal Justice Society and Governor Gavin Newsom's appointee to the historic California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for […]

ALDF Animal Sanctuary Visit

Class of 1914 Fountain (in front of the Law School!)

ALDF is hitting the road to One Living Sanctuary in Martinez. We will have a tour of the animal sanctuary, where we will meet chickens, pigeons, pigs, ducks, geese, turkeys, goats, cows and horses who have escaped the animal agriculture industry. We’ll hear these animals’ stories and learn about the sanctuary’s mission and vision to integrate […]

Miller Institute Receives Global Citizen Award November 3 – RSVP to Help Celebrate!

Chevron Auditorium, International House 2299 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley, CA, United States

Laurels for the Miller Institute:  The Honorable G. William and Ariadna Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law has been selected from more than 100 nominees as a winner of one of the East Bay Chapter of the United Nations Association’s 19th Annual Global Citizen Awards! Join Berkeley Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and Miller's Co-Faculty Directors, […]

Event Series Mindful Monday

Mindful Monday

Morrison Foerster Room, 298 Simon

Join us in the Morrison Foerster Room (298 Simon) for a conversation on mindfulness. Mindful Monday is a space for anyone in the law school community who is interested and open-minded about the benefits mindfulness can bring. These can include an improved ability to cope with stress, faster and more complete recovery from stressful events, […]

These events are open only to UC Berkeley Law students, faculty, and staff, unless otherwise noted.

Events are wheelchair accessible. For disability-related accommodations, contact the organizer of the event. Advance notice is kindly requested..

If you have any photos or video from your event that you’d like to share with Berkeley Law for possible use in our digital and print marketing, please email

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