PLA Office Hours: How to Land a P-Side Summer Job

134 Law Building

Thinking about a future in plaintiffs' law? Join us for an informal Q&A with members of the Plaintiffs' Law Association (PLA)! Connect with experienced 2Ls and 3Ls who can answer […]

[LSAD] Lunch and Learn with Holland & Knight

132 Law Building

Join LSAD for a Lunch & Learn with Holland & Knight! RSVP Here. LSAD is excited to host attorneys from Holland & Knight for an informal lunch & learn. This […]

International Law Society: Study Break

297 Goldberg Room 225 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

International Law Society is excited for our final event of the semester! We know that it is a busy time and we just wanted to provide a space to relax. […]

De-Stress with IPLS

100 Law Building

Join IPLS for gingerbread house decorating to de-stress before finals! IPLS mentors will be available to offer 1Ls and LLMs exam prep advice, and review materials will be provided for […]

Energy Law Practitioner Panel

132 Law Building

Please join Clean Energy Leaders in Law (CELL) and the Berkeley Energy Resource Collaborative (BERC) on Wednesday, November 20 for a panel with various energy law practitioners! RSVP HERE When: […]

[Cancelled] Film Screening with NALSA: “Bad River”

100 Law Building

Join the Native American Law Students Association (NALSA) for a screening of "Bad River," a documentary film about the Wisconsin-based Bad River Band's ongoing fight for sovereignty and the protection […]

Last CAB Meeting + Study Hall

136 Law Building

As finals are coming up, we'll be having our last CAB meeting this Thursday! It'll be a little study session with worship music and brief ice-breakers! (Lunch provided, of course, […]

These events are open only to UC Berkeley Law students, faculty, and staff, unless otherwise noted.

Events are wheelchair accessible. For disability-related accommodations, contact the organizer of the event. Advance notice is kindly requested..

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