Mindful Monday

Morrison Foerster Room, 298 Simon

Join us in the Morrison Foerster Room (298 Simon) for a conversation on mindfulness. Mindful Monday is a space for anyone in the law school community who is interested and open-minded about the benefits mindfulness can bring. These can include an improved ability to cope with stress, faster and more complete recovery from stressful events, […]

Protecting Our Drinking Water Regulations

Human Rights Center 2224 Piedmont Ave, Berkeley, CA, United States

A teach-in on the federal PFAS drinking water regulations and the movement to protect communities from "forever chemical" toxins in the United States. Lunch will be served. RSVP HERE. In person only.  Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), often referred to as “forever chemicals” are subject to federal standards passed by the EPA. Come learn about […]

The Future of the Supreme Court: A Conversation with Adam Liptak and Dean Chemerinsky

100 Law Building

Join Mass Media at Berkeley Law (MMaBL) and the American Constitution Society (ACS) for a conversation with Dean Chemerinsky and New York Times reporter Adam Liptak, who has been at the forefront of some of the biggest stories surrounding the Supreme Court. They will discuss how journalists have covered the Supreme Court in the past, how […]

WOBL x WOCC+ 1L Job Panel

132 Law Building

Curious about 1L summer jobs? Join WOBL and WOCC+ for a panel of 2Ls and 3Ls sharing their experiences. Learn about timelines, challenges, and tips to succeed in your job search. Please RSVP here for lunch!

Capturing Employers’ Interest: Telling Your Story Through Cover Letters for LL.M.s

140 Law Building

Cover letters are a key part of the job search toolbox, creating a powerful first impression with prospective employers. Join LL.M. advisors in a session on how to write compelling cover letters, with a focus on effectively communicating your story. Lunch will be served on a first-come, first-served basis. This session is intended for Berkeley […]

LSJP x LPE: Palestine and the Paradox of Settler Colonial Citizenship

140 Law Building (Moot Court Room)

Law Students for Justice in Palestine (LSJP) and Law and Political Economy (LPE) at Berkeley Law are delighted to welcome Areej Sabbagh-Khoury, a Palestinian sociologist and Associate Professor in the Sociology Department at UC Berkeley, to speak with us at the law school. Professor Sabbagh-Khoury is the author of Colonizing Palestine: The Zionist Left and […]

Jorde Symposium 2024: Polarization, Victimization, and Judicial Review

295 Law Building - Warren Room 2745 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, United States

Join us for the annual Jorde Symposium featuring Professor David Strauss.   In his lecture, Professor Strauss will consider how what once seemed like a stable way of understanding judicial review, rooted in the Carolene Products principle that the courts should intervene only when there is a defect in the political process, and specifically when […]

Event Series QC: Sapphic Movie Night

QC: Sapphic Movie Night

132 Law Building

Sapphic Movie Night at the Law School! An opportunity to hang with fellow law students and watch movies which de-center men and focus on relationships between women and non-binary people. Please RSVP here!

Veterans Day Follow-up – Native Veterans & Servicemembers: Advocacy Opportunities for Healing and Housing

Virtual (Zoom)

  Join the Veterans Law Practicum (VLP) the week after Veterans Day for an informative presentation on Native veterans' rights! The Berkeley Law community is warmly invited to virtually join VLP for a presentation on benefits available to and challenges faced by Native veterans. VLP presenters will be joined by the California Lawyers Association Litigation […]

These events are open only to UC Berkeley Law students, faculty, and staff, unless otherwise noted.

Events are wheelchair accessible. For disability-related accommodations, contact the organizer of the event. Advance notice is kindly requested..

If you have any photos or video from your event that you’d like to share with Berkeley Law for possible use in our digital and print marketing, please email communications@law.berkeley.edu.

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