Kadish Workshop in Law, Philosophy, and Political Theory: Deanna Kuhn, Columbia University
141 Law Building & VirtualIs Discourse the Way Out of Disagreement? Disagreement, both local and global, is at a record high. Communication between disagreeing parties is at a record low and likely not to […]
[KLC] ADA Compliance & Civil Rights Litigation with Christopher Whang
140 Law BuildingThe Korean Law Center invites everyone to join us for a speaker event "ADA Compliance & Civil Rights Litigation" featuring Christopher Whang, a dedicated civil rights litigation associate at Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP. With years of litigation experience, Christopher has worked on a wide range of cases that focus on defending the rights […]
AALJ Judges Meet and Greet: Asian Jurisprudence and Diversity
170 Law BuildingCome meet The Honorable Judge Sharon Cho and The Honorable Judge Victor Hwang for lunch and hear about their backgrounds and journeys to the bench! We hope that this event will spark networking and mentorship relationships between these judges and students like you. Please RSVP by 11/20 so we can accurately gauge how much food to get for […]
PWC Presents: Candlelight Yoga
Eshleman Hall, Room 240 2457 Bancroft Way; Practice and Performance Room 240, Berkeley, CA, United StatesPWC will be hosting a candlelight yoga night on 11/22 from 7:30-8:30 in Eshleman Hall, Room 240. We can provide mats if needed, we just ask that you fill out the google form to let us know how many to bring. The class will be a one hour, restorative yin yoga class, ending with a […]
1L Summer Jobs: Judicial Externships
105 Law BuildingInterested in applying for a judicial externship? Join the American Constitution Society at Berkeley Law for lunch and an opportunity to connect with students who have completed judicial externships. Students will gather in small groups to discuss the application process, share their experiences, and answer any questions you may have. Lunch will be provided on […]
PWC: Snack Break
134 Law BuildingPWC will be hosting a snack break for a little pre-finals boost in Room 134 this Monday, November 25th from 1-2PM. We'll have donuts, muffins, and some other goodies!
New Directions in the Study of Labor
UC Berkeley Social Science Matrix Social Sciences Building, 8th Floor, Berkeley, CA, United StatesREGISTER The Matrix “New Directions” event series features research by three current Berkeley PhD students: William Darwell (Jurisprudence and Social Policy), Kristy Kim (Economics), and Vera Parra (Sociology). The panel will be moderated by John Logan, Visiting Scholar at the UC Labor Center. In this panel, an interdisciplinary group of graduate students will explore the evolving dynamics of work, management, and labor […]
The Assault on Freedom of Communication in Israel following the October 7 Massacre and the Israel-Hamas War
297 Goldberg Room 225 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA, United StatesAmit Schejter, HDI Visiting Scholar and Professor of Communication Studies at Ben-Gurion University, will examine the two dramatic events that took place in Israel during 2023: a government attempt to change the constitutional order and a brutal terror attack that led to an elongated armed conflict with Hamas, the organization controlling the neighboring Gaza Strip. […]
OWLS Study Break
37 Law Building – Student Center Meeting RoomWe have all been so busy since we saw each other last - the time has truly *flown* by. It's just about time to recognize that hard work with a well-deserved study break. Monday, December 2, from 1-2pm, please join us in the newly reopened student center's room 37 (the fishbowl) for study break. The […]
BJCL De-Stress Lunch
12 Law BuildingJoin BJCL to ask questions about how to navigate finals, outlining, or simply de-stress with some delicious lunch.
These events are open only to UC Berkeley Law students, faculty, and staff, unless otherwise noted.
Events are wheelchair accessible. For disability-related accommodations, contact the organizer of the event. Advance notice is kindly requested..
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