Berkeley Boosts | Coffee Break with Irene Liu: Conversation with Jon Palmer


Coffee Break with Irene Liu is a Berkeley Boosts webinar series from Berkeley Law Executive Education featuring interviews with influential leaders on impactful events in their careers, lives, and organizations. Conversations will explore lessons learned and what listeners can take away from the guests’ experiences. In this episode, Irene will speak with Jon Palmer, Microsoft, […]

CLEE Lunch & Learn: California’s Climate Adaptation and Resilience Landscape – Policy Report Release

Online - Zoom

Climate change poses significant risks to California’s communities, economy, and infrastructure. While climate adaptation and resilience efforts are expensive, the costs of inaction are far higher. California’s adaptation funding portfolio is well-positioned to support critical resilience-building efforts, but it faces challenges related to program oversubscription, funding instability, and landscape complexity, which limit effective implementation. Join […]

PLA Office Hours: How to Land a P-Side Summer Job

134 Law Building

Thinking about a future in plaintiffs' law? Join us for an informal Q&A with members of the Plaintiffs' Law Association (PLA)! Connect with experienced 2Ls and 3Ls who can answer all your burning questions about landing a summer job at a plaintiff-side firm. Learn valuable tips on researching firms, submitting strong applications, and preparing for […]

[LSAD] Lunch and Learn with Holland & Knight

132 Law Building

Join LSAD for a Lunch & Learn with Holland & Knight! RSVP Here. LSAD is excited to host attorneys from Holland & Knight for an informal lunch & learn. This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with legal professionals, demystify the pre-recruiting and on-campus interview process, and gain insights into the Big Law experience. The […]

International Law Society: Study Break

297 Goldberg Room 225 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

International Law Society is excited for our final event of the semester! We know that it is a busy time and we just wanted to provide a space to relax. Feel free to stop by or drop-in the Goldberg Room for a treat on Wednesday, November 20th at 1pm.  RSVP here.

De-Stress with IPLS

100 Law Building

Join IPLS for gingerbread house decorating to de-stress before finals! IPLS mentors will be available to offer 1Ls and LLMs exam prep advice, and review materials will be provided for 2Ls and 3Ls taking Intro to IP. Please RSVP by Sunday (11/17) for a meal and gingerbread house!

Energy Law Practitioner Panel

132 Law Building

Please join Clean Energy Leaders in Law (CELL) and the Berkeley Energy Resource Collaborative (BERC) on Wednesday, November 20 for a panel with various energy law practitioners! RSVP HERE When: Wednesday, Nov. 20 from 6-7pm. (Followed by a happy hour at Freehouse, which will include networking and complimentary appetizers and drinks, provided by Kaplan, Kirsch & […]

[Cancelled] Film Screening with NALSA: “Bad River”

100 Law Building

Join the Native American Law Students Association (NALSA) for a screening of "Bad River," a documentary film about the Wisconsin-based Bad River Band's ongoing fight for sovereignty and the protection of Lake Superior, the largest freshwater resource in the nation. This story unfolds through a series of shocking revelations, devastating losses, and a powerful legacy […]

JSP Student Research Forum: Cristina Violante, “Reviving Dynamic Statutory Interpretation”

Philip Selznick Seminar Room 2240 Piedmont Ave, Berkeley, CA, United States

JSP Forum is a workshop series in which students in the Jurisprudence and Social Policy PhD program present works in progress. All are invited and welcome to attend.  On Thursday, November 21, Cristina Violante will present a draft dissertation prospectus, “"Reviving Dynamic Statutory Interpretation"” with faculty discussant Seth Davis and JSP doctoral candidate Haley Anderson […]

Last CAB Meeting + Study Hall

136 Law Building

As finals are coming up, we'll be having our last CAB meeting this Thursday! It'll be a little study session with worship music and brief ice-breakers! (Lunch provided, of course, we'll be getting Panda Express!).  Please RSVP here so we know how much food and snacks to get!

These events are open only to UC Berkeley Law students, faculty, and staff, unless otherwise noted.

Events are wheelchair accessible. For disability-related accommodations, contact the organizer of the event. Advance notice is kindly requested..

If you have any photos or video from your event that you’d like to share with Berkeley Law for possible use in our digital and print marketing, please email

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