How to Tax Wealth, Inheritance, and Exit: A Global Perspective on the Moore Case and the U.S. Expatriation Tax

215-B Law Building (Dean’s Seminar Room)

In a time when public trust in governments is declining in several countries, it's worth asking whether this trust can be restored without addressing growing inequality. Financial assets are increasingly concentrated at the top and across generations, with corporate savings and booming share prices reflecting more capital accruing to a few shareholders (households). Meanwhile, the […]

AALJ 1L Boba Social

Heyman Terrace

It's been a crazy past couple of months for us - you deserve a break. To beat away the Sunday (Monday actually) scarys, your 1L reps are hosting a boba social hang time for us to vibe, hang, celebrate our progress, commiserate in our collective despair, and ultimately, support each other in our first semesters. […]

The 2024 Berkeley Forum on Corporate Governance

Convene 100 Stockton St, San Francisco, CA, United States

Please join us for the ninth annual Berkeley Forum on Corporate Governance! This hybrid event will be held at Convene in San Francisco on November 12-13, 2024, and will feature discussions on cutting-edge topics such as AI's role in regulation, deal-making and governance, climate governance on corporate boards, board refreshment, the impact of the 2024 […]

Exploring the Impact of Drug Courts in Criminal Justice Reform

297 Goldberg Room 225 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA, United States

The Criminal Law & Justice Center cordially invites you to a thought-provoking seminar on Adult Drug Courts and their role in reshaping our approach to substance use disorders within the criminal justice system. Distinguished Panel Join us for an insightful discussion featuring: Federal District Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley Melanie Kushnir, Director, Collaborative Justice Programs Superior Court of California, San […]

BGLJ General Body Meeting

170 Law Building

Are you interested in intersectional legal feminism? Would you like to discuss it during your lunch hour with other law students just as interested in the topic as you are? BGLJ’s second general body meeting will be held 11/12 at 12:50 in Room 170. Lunch will be provided. Hope to see you there!

Native American Law Students Association – November General Body Meeting

Native Community Center Anthony Hall, Eshleman Rd, Berkeley, CA, United States

Join the Native American Law Students Association for our third last full general body meeting of the semester! 1Ls especially encouraged to attend since we will be electing our 1L Representatives. We will recap our wonderful community and professional development events thus far  and looking forward to an overview of Spring Semester programs. Lunch provided!

[CDO] Network & Learn with Environmental Law Firm Attorneys

134 Law Building

Interested in learning more about practicing Environmental Law? Attorneys from the San Francisco Bar Association’s Environmental Law Section will host small group discussions over lunch between practicing environmental attorneys and law students interested in learning more about this area of law. Attorneys Attending Include: John Epperson, Buchalter Linda Sobczynski Gilleran, Farella Braun + Martel Sean […]

Q&A: Affirmative Litigation in the Second Trump Administration

132 Law Building

California has some of the most progressive and innovative city and county attorneys in the country. With powerful state consumer protection laws on the books, local governments are taking on (and winning) big fights on behalf of Californians.  From suing Trump to suing big corporations, learn how local governments can protect Californians from consumer harm, […]

APALSA Best Practices for 1L Recruiting with Akin Attorneys

140 Law Building

Join APALSA and Akin for a session on November 12, 1-2pm, in Room 140, on Best Practices for 1L Recruiting! Hear directly from Akin attorneys on refining your approach, making a memorable impression, and standing out in interviews. Don’t miss this opportunity to set yourself up for a successful recruiting season! Please RSVP here by […]

These events are open only to UC Berkeley Law students, faculty, and staff, unless otherwise noted.

Events are wheelchair accessible. For disability-related accommodations, contact the organizer of the event. Advance notice is kindly requested..

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