Helen Diller Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies
Trust and Co-Production: Local Leaders’ Experiences from an Extreme Military Crisis
297 Goldberg Room 225 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA, United StatesThe study explores the role of trust in public administration organizations and the use of co-production to enhance communities' ability to cope with crises. The paper utilizes Festinger's cognitive dissonance […]
Victoria Hanna at In Plain Sight: Sounds Create Worlds
The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United StatesPublic Event Register: https://victoriahanna.rsvpify.com Monday, September 23, 5:30–7 pm PT, the Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA About this Performance Victoria Hanna is a multi-disciplinary […]
[Campus Only Event] Victoria Hanna Interactive Masterclass: Using Your Voice as a Tool for Self-Empowerment
297 Goldberg Room 225 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA, United StatesStudent Event Register: https://forms.gle/PKYx3h4WggHXf5eF6 Tuesday, September 24, 12–2 pm PT, 297 Goldberg Room, Berkeley Law Building About this Event Victoria Hanna will lead students on the exploration of the connection […]
Countries at a Crossroads: Reporting on Israel and the US in Times of Crisis
Public Event Session 1: Monday, September 30, 11 am–12:15 pm PT, Zoom Webinar Session 2: Thursday, November 14, 11 am–12:15 pm PT, Zoom Webinar Register for Session 1: https://berkeley.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FkVkdxieSaShFpUt7ALj1w […]
Layers of Trauma and Paths to Healing
297 Goldberg Room 225 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA, United StatesWed. Oct. 9, 12:30–2 pm, 297 Goldberg Room, Berkeley Law Building Register: https://layersoftrauma.rsvpify.com Ayelet Gundar Goshen, Israeli author and Clinical Psychologist, will join Yael Segalovitz, Israel Institute Visiting Professor, for […]
Songs for the Brokenhearted: Book Talk with Ayelet Tsabari
Berkeley Law Law Building, 215 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA, United StatesPublic Event Monday, October 21, 5:30–7 pm PT, 297 Goldberg Room, Berkeley Law Building Light Reception: 5–5:30 pm PT, Steinhart Courtyard, Berkeley Law Building Register: https://brokenhearted.rsvpify.com About this Lecture […]
Meaning-Making after Trauma
Public Event Monday, October 28, 11 am–12:15 pm PT, Zoom Webinar Register https://berkeley.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4FRbhdgDQjaFaegSrcsxnw About this Webinar Keren Friedman-Peleg, Israeli psychological anthropologist, will join Rebecca Golbert, Helen Diller Institute Executive […]
Modeling Shared Society in Israel
297 Goldberg Room 225 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA, United StatesFriday, November 1, 12:30–2 pm, 297 Goldberg Room, Berkeley Law Building Register: https://sharedsociety.rsvpify.com Mohammad Darawshe is a leading expert on Jewish-Arab relations in Israel. He has devoted much of […]
Countries at a Crossroads: Reporting on Israel and the US in Times of Crisis
Public Event Session 1: Monday, September 30, 11 am–12:15 pm PT, Zoom Webinar Session 2: Thursday, November 14, 11 am–12:15 pm PT, Zoom Webinar Register for Session 1: https://berkeley.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FkVkdxieSaShFpUt7ALj1w […]
Lunch Talk with Professor Hadar Aviram
110 Law BuildingEnjoy lunch and hear about Professor Aviram’s new book in progress, which is an effort to bridge ancient history, archaeology, theology, and modern penology to discuss the incarceration experience in […]
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