[CDO] Trusts & Estates Law Career Panel & Lunch

170 Law Building

A panel of practicing attorneys from the California Lawyer Association, Trusts & Estates Section, will provide a discussion of trust and estate planning law and practical advice on how to […]

[CDO] Bridge & Public Interest Fellowship (PIF) Info Session

100 Law Building

This session will provide an overview of Berkeley Law’s post-graduate funding programs for upcoming JD graduates in the Class of 2025: the Bridge and Public Interest Fellowships. Come hear details […]

[CDO] Speed Clerking

Goldberg Room/Warren Room

This event is essentially a rapid-fire networking event where students interested in clerkships can ask questions to 3Ls who have navigated the process and obtained clerkships.  Our hope is that […]

[CDO] 1L Launch: Intro to the 2L PIPS Summer Job Search

100 Law Building

The CDO’s attorney-counselors will overview how 2L summer hiring works for the Public Interest/ Public Sector, including non-profits, government agencies, public defender offices, and public interest firms. We will also discuss […]

[CDO] Tips for success this summer at a law firm

132 Law Building

For students working at a law firm this summer (as 1Ls or 2Ls), we want you to be set up for success from Day 1 at work. Join CDO private […]

These events are open only to UC Berkeley Law students, faculty, and staff, unless otherwise noted.

Events are wheelchair accessible. For disability-related accommodations, contact the organizer of the event. Advance notice is kindly requested..

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