Berkeley Boosts | Skills Lab: Public Speaking and Listening


What role does listening play in convincing legislators to take action? Please join us for a talk on strategies for appealing to legislative audiences. Maiya Zwerling has spent more than […]

Berkeley Boosts | What Do Chief Legal Officers Care About?


Please join us for a special Berkeley Boosts presentation with Veta Richardson, President and CEO of the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC). Veta will be presenting the ACC’s recently released 2023 Chief […]

Berkeley Boosts | Skills Lab: Legislative Drafting


Forget how a bill becomes a law– how does an idea become a bill? Legislative drafting may feel mysterious or intimidating, but it’s an important technical process in which lawyers […]

Berkeley Boosts | Skills Lab: Navigating Bureaucracy


How do litigators and policymakers confront and work within bureaucratic systems to effect change? Please join us for a talk of how to navigate bureaucracy, focusing on FOIA laws and […]

Berkeley Boosts | Predictive Data Analytics and the Law


Experts will discuss the impact of innovations in technology on capital markets, with a focus on rules proposed by the SEC regarding the use of predictive data analytics by broker-dealers […]

Berkeley Boosts | Skills Lab: Deposition Tips


Deposition is arguably one of the most effective discovery devices that can make or break your case. Join Desirée Nguyen Orth, Director of the Consumer Justice Practice at East Bay […]

These events are open only to UC Berkeley Law students, faculty, and staff, unless otherwise noted.

Events are wheelchair accessible. For disability-related accommodations, contact the organizer of the event. Advance notice is kindly requested..

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