Welcome to the 2020 Berkeley Law Staff Appreciation Resources Page! Please check out these links to resources for personal and professional development, wellness, happiness and fun.
- Way back in the summer of 2017, the Henderson Center produced an awesome series of podcasts, including one with our then-brand new dean, Erwin Chemerinsky. Listen and be inspired: Henderson Center Podcasts “Be the Change”
- Want to be happier? The 10% happier podcast is a free mindfulness mid-day meditation podcast online every Monday through Friday at Noon.
Move Your Body
Want to get moving? UC Berkeley offers a wide variety of free classes including yoga classes. Click on this link WorkFit Class Schedule—to register and to take classes
- Class Descriptions-Click here for descriptions for the different dance, cardio, and yoga classes
- Zoom Video Box–Access recorded live-streamed classes
- Click Here-To learn how to add a WorkFit class to your online calendar
Just for Fun
- Join DJ D-Nice dance parties via Instagram live on Saturday nights to get down
- Or travel the world and take a virtual museum tour.
Get Outside
Want to get out into nature? The UC Natural Reserve System offers outdoor education opportunities for researchers and the UC community at large. While many of the reserve properties are currently closed due to Covid-19, for future recreation plans, it’s worth knowing about these beautiful UC properties located throughout the state of California.
Leadership Training
Search Inside Yourself Leadership Training offers an opportunity to take this award-winning professional development training in July click this link to register or go on the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute website here.
Suggestions for the Resource List?
Send your ideas to esu@law.berkeley.edu. Thanks!