Agreement Types in a Nutshell (PDF)
Sponsored projects are externally-funded activities in which a formal written agreement – a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement – is executed between the Regents of the University of California and the sponsor. Sponsored projects typically last from one to five years and may be renewed or continued, but there is always an end date. The terms and conditions for accepting extramural funds typically include a specified time period in which the research is performed and the funds are spent, provisions for financial and technical reporting, and intellectual property assignments. The University only agrees to participate in a sponsored project when the sponsor and the University have the same goals and the project supports one or more of the University’s missions: research, instruction, and public service.
Sponsored projects funded by private industry are negotiated by the Industry Alliances Office.
These agreements are handled as business contracts: agreements that generate revenue, support continuing or professional education, and establish student internships; agreements that DO NOT involve research, professional or scholarly training/instruction, services related to research or professional or scholarly training/instruction, industry funding, human or animal subjects research, effort reporting, cost sharing, travel and entertainment, real estate leases, and purchasing; and agreements that do not include terms and conditions requiring monitoring and reporting by Contracts and Grants Accounting are processed as business contracts.
Berkeley Law uses the Business Contracts Management System to submit contract requests electronically, replacing the hardcopy BCO Request Form. Our CSS RA Liaison prepares and submits all requests in BCMS on behalf of law school faculty and staff.
When a project cannot be readily categorized after review by SPO, IAO and/or BCO, it goes to the Project Analysis and Resolution Committee (PARC) for resolution. A determination is typically provided soon after referral.
Gifts differ from sponsored agreements and business contracts in that they are awarded irrevocably and without contractual obligations. A research gift is given by a donor who wishes to support the research of a Berkeley Law faculty member, clinic, or center and who expects nothing of significant value in return, other than recognition and disposition of the gift in accordance with the donor’s wishes. There is no formal fiscal accountability to the donor beyond periodic progress reports and summary reports of expenditures.
Research gifts are processed by development directors in the Berkeley Law Alumni Center.