Berkeley Law and Seoul National University Law School held the inaugural meeting of their joint faculty workshop in May, 2016. This unprecedented annual conference brings together professors from both universities to discuss their latest scholarship and its impact on the law and legal professions of both nations. Professors Dan Farber, Taeku Lee, and Amanda Tyler joined the co-directors of the Korea Law Center, Laurent Mayali and John Yoo, in Seoul for this unprecedented meeting.
They were welcomed by Won-woo Lee, dean of SNU Law School, Moon-hyuck Ho, President of Korea’s Judicial Policy Research Institute (which co-sponsored the conference), and Mayali, co-director of the Korea Law Center and head of Boalt Hall’s Robbins Collection.
Professors Mayali and Yoo began the conference with a paper on “U.S. and European Approaches to Counter-Terrorism,” on a panel with Professor Sang Won Lee (who received his LLM degree from Boalt), on “Search and Seizure of Digital Evidence.” Commentators on the papers included representatives from the Korean Judicial Policy Research Institute and the Seoul Central Prosecutors’ Office. Professor Sang Jo Jong, former Dean of SNU Law and visiting professor at Boalt Hall last year, moderated the panel.
Professor Tyler began the second panel with a paper on “The Authority of Judges to Review national Security Detention (The Writ of Habeas Corpus).” Her Korean counterpart, Hoshin Won, a presiding judge of the Daegu District Court, spoke on “Measures to Realize Sustainable and Efficient Justice from the Perspective of Information and Communications.” Professors Won-Young Rhee and Kye Joung Lee (a Boalt Hall LLM) of SNU Law provided commentary, along with Young-yik Rhim, the CEO of Intellicon Meta Labs in Korea.
Professor Farber led off the final panel with a paper on “The Gap in Environmental Law Between the Written Law and Law as it is Actually Enforced by Regulators.” SNU professor Seong-Wook Heo complemented Farber’s paper with a paper on “Recent Issues and Trends of Environmental Law and Policy in Korea.” Professor Taeku Lee provided commentary, along with Eubong Lee of the Korea Legislation Research Institute and Gina Choi of Kim & Chang.
Both Berkeley and SNU faculty plan to publish the papers in Korean journals and in a book. The workshop will come to Berkeley Law in 2017 and rotate between the SNU and Berkeley Law in the coming years.
Read more about the conference here.
![Laurent Mayali](