
People v. Macabeo

For the Supreme Court of California’s Opinion, click here. For the Appellant’s Opening Brief on the Merits, click here. For the Brief of Amici Curiae California ACLU Affiliates click here. For the Brief of Amicus Curiae Professor Myron Moskovitz click here. For the Appellant’s Supplemental Brief Addressing Rodriguez v. United States click here. For the […]

Angela Aguilar

Reproductive Justice Working Group Co-Facilitator Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice University of California, Berkeley School of Law 2850 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 500 Berkeley, CA 94705-7220 Angela Aguilar is doctoral student in the Ethnic Studies program, a concurrently enrolled Master of Public Health (MPH) candidate at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health, a full-spectrum doula/birth […]

Current Issues in Korean Law Conference

Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015 Warren Room 295, Berkeley Law Click here to RSVP   HOSTED BY Korea Law Center, Berkeley Law School  Korea Legislation Research Institute AGENDA To download the PDF file, click here.   LIST OF PAPER TITLES  Steven Davidoff Solomon (Berkeley Law School):  “How Corporate Governance Is Made: The Case of the Golden […]

LGBTQ Cluster Programming

From Caitlyn Jenner to Rachel Dolezal: The Social Construction of Race and Gender October 9, 2015 4:00pm – 6:00pm Warren room 295Click here to RSVP Over the summer, media coverage of two women, Caitlyn Jenner and Rachel Dolezal, sparked a heated public conversation about identity and change. This panel will engage the discourse concerning the […]

Margaret Harpin

Student Legal ResearcherCenter on Reproductive Rights and Justice University of California, Berkeley School of Law 2850 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 500 Berkeley, CA 94705-7220 Fax: 510-643-7095 Margaret is a student legal researcher at the Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice at U.C. Berkeley School of Law. She is a rising second year law student at Boston […]