
Nuts & Bolts of Clerkship Applications & Introduction to OSCAR for 2Ls

Curious about the clerkships application process? Wondering what you should be doing now to be ready to apply to federal judges in June? (It’s not too late!) Deciding whether to apply this year or in a later cycle? This program is for you! You will learn about preparing the pieces of an application and maximizing […]

Faculty Spotlight: Itay Fischhendler, Visiting Professor 2014-15, 2018

The 10th Anniversary Spotlight Series highlights alumni, faculty, students and friends of the Helen Diller Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies who are agents of change in their communities and careers and have contributed to the vibrancy of the Institute.   Professor Itay Fishhendler is the Chair of the Department of Geography at the Hebrew […]

Spotlight: Talia Harris, Undergraduate Fellow, Class of ‘22

Talia Harris, Class of ‘22, has been a fellow at the Helen Diller Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies since early 2020. She is a political science major and has held internships at the U.S. House of Representatives, Superior Court of California, and most recently, the U.S. Department of State in the Near East […]

Faculty Director John C. Yoo is appointed to the National Board for Education Sciences.

Public Law and Policy Program’s Faculty Director, John C. Yoo, was appointed by President Donald Trump to the National Board for Education Sciences in December 2020. President Donald Trump appointed Yoo to a four-year term on the National Board for Education Sciences, which advises the Department of Education on scientific research and investments.


Section 101 Breakout – Litigation, moderated by Bijal Vakil   Berkheimer v. HP, Inc. (CAFC 2018)   Athena Diagnostics v. Mayo Collaborative Services (CAFC 2019)   Steve Brachmann and Eileen McDermott, “First Senate Hearing on 101 Underscores That ‘There’s More Work to Be Done,’” IP Watchdog (2019)   Eileen McDermott, “It’s Official: SCOTUS Will Not Unravel Section 101 […]