Administrative & Regulatory Filings

RFID Technology in the US e-Passport

The Clinic submitted comments to U.S. Department of State on electronic passports on behalf of eight leading computer scientists and engineers, and conducted other related research.

Private Sector Use of the Social Security Number

The Clinic provided comments and testimony to the Federal Trade Commission related to credit grantors' use of social security numbers both as a record locator to identify individuals, and as a password to authenticate them.

Proposed Exemption to Section 1201 Liability for Preserving Video Games

On behalf of the Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment (MADE), the Samuelson Clinic sought an exemption from liability under section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act for circumventing technological protection measures for the purpose of preserving online video games.

Copyright Office Comment on CDs and Create Security Vulnerabilities

The Clinic worked with computer scientists Edward Felten and J. Alex Halderman seeking a DMCA exemption to permit circumvention of technological measures on CDs if the protection measures employed create or exploit security vulnerabilities that threaten users’ computers or the integrity of the network generally.

Smart Grid Advocacy

Memos filed with a working group of the California Public Utilities Commission on issues related to "smart grid" technology.